36 | A Retired Blader?

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[Shu eye twitch :D ]

High School is starting next week ('。_。`) And I'm pretty nervous but excited at the same time, apparently, we also have to share lockers with someone else, at least we get to pick who we share with (┬┬﹏┬┬) I'll try to update during school, but please understand I'll probably have homework <3

So we also reached 10k reads :D Thanks

"Y/N!!!!! Shu!!!!" A very energetic voice came from down the stairs

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"Y/N!!!!! Shu!!!!" A very energetic voice came from down the stairs. A couple of seconds later, Valt came running towards them with his arms open, readying to hug the two bladers. Before the blue-haired boy could hug the (h/c) haired girl a certain albino pushed Valt away. (Protective Much?)
"Who said you could hug her?" Shu knitted his eyebrows together, he was pouting. Valt took a couple of seconds to process what he meant, then he remembered the conversation they had yesterday. His mouth made an 'o' shape and snatched the back of his neck. 
"O-Oh yeah, right" Even though (y/n) already knew, she tilted her head like she was curious. 
"Right what?" She asked. Shu and Valt spun around to face her, shaking their head quickly. 
"Nothing!" Valt spoke way too quickly. Pretending not to know, the (e/c) eyed girl just raised a brow, then shrugged. The albino's cheeks seemed to have heated up a little bit, he averted his eyes away from the (h/c) haired girl.
"Ahem" Wakyia coughed, breaking the awkward silence between the group. "We should get going" He rolled his eyes in annoyance. "I don't want you guys to get kicked out of the tournament before I get to beat you, since, you know, you three are the more decent among this group of amateurs" The blonde-haired boy clicked his tongue, stalking away. Honcho looked like he was about to murder Wakyia or something, he had flames of fury surrounding him.   
"Damn that Wakyia!" The blonde-haired blader yelled, soon enough, both Valt and Honcho were chasing after Wakyia, Shu, Y/N, and Daigo sighed. 
"What are we gonna do with them?" The (e/c) eyed blader scratched her head. 

You could hear the crowds cheering and roaring, waiting for the first match to start

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You could hear the crowds cheering and roaring, waiting for the first match to start. (Y/N) was going up against Zac the Sunrise, Valt was up against Xander, Shu against Wakyia, and Lui against Akira. The doors slid open and a (h/c) haired girl walked down the aisle, sure she was nervous, but she was determined to beat Zac. The audience continued to roar and cheer as she became face to face with Zac, his blonde hair was shining under the light of the stadium, he was waving at the crowd, his fangirls screaming his name. The blonde star didn't even pay attention to (y/n), he was busy giving his fans a small show.

"Well then, it's you and me shining star!" Y/N raised a brow in confusion. 
"Shining Star? Whatever happened to Young Star?" She asked. Zac flipped his hair before answering. 
"Well, you've proven yourself to be more powerful, so I promoted you!" He exclaimed, giving his teammate jazz hands. "Isn't this great?? You can thank me later" The blonde boy fanned his hand proudly. Y/N just sweatdropped but shrugged it off. "However," Zac's serious tone came into play. The (h/c) haired girl even shivered at his sudden change of tone. "Me and Zillion Zeutron won't hesitate to beat you, regardless if you were my teammate or not" The (e/c) eyed girl gulped a little bit but nodded in understanding. Who knew Zac could be so scary when he's really in the zone? Both bladers brought out their launchers with sweat tears rolling down their cheeks, they didn't want to admit it, but they were both pretty uncertain they would win against each other. 
"Ready? Set!" The ref yelled, raising his hand. 


"Let it rip!" Both bladers launched their beys into the stadium, Y/N went with counterclockwise attack mode. Tsunami circled the outer part of the stadium with a lot of speed because the (h/c) haired girl did a back-hand launch. Zeutron was holding firm in the center, waiting for Tsunami to swoop in for an attack. Okay, so what if Y/N didn't have a plan for this battle? She'll come up with one, hopefully. 

This match went back and forth

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This match went back and forth. Zac won the first one with a ring-out finish, Y/N won the second one with a survivor finish, and tied three times in a row. This just shows how much work Y/N still has to do. Finally, after the 6th round, Y/N just barely won with a burst finish. The crowds gasped in shock, even Zac's usual smile had faded, his eyes were wide. Y/N too was surprised. Both bladers were panting, obviously tired and relieved that the match was over. 

"Spirit Tsunami with a burst finish! Y/N L/N wins with a score of 3 to 1!" The crowds roared and chanted for the (h/c) haired girl, except Zac's fangirls who were either still shocked, glaring at the girl, or crying their eyes out. 
"Noooooo Zac!!!!!" They screamed. The blonde singer had his back facing Y/N, the blader tilted her head to the side as Zac held a hand up to silence the crowd. The audience went quiet almost immediately. What's going on? Y/N thought. The blonde and red-haired singer turned around, he had his bey in one hand, and he had a smile on his face. 
"What a wonderful battle that was" Zac sighed, still keeping up the positive act. "I have decided!" He raised his voice so the whole stadium could hear. "Today is the day I retire" The crowd gasped along with the (h/c) haired girl standing in front of him. 
"Retire? Why?" Y/N blurted out. He's not even that old... she thought. There was side chatter among the audience. Very shocking indeed. Zac said nothing. He just gently placed his bey in the middle of the stadium, turned around, and walked away. The blonde star left Y/N standing there, frozen in shock. 

Her (e/c) eyes traveled down to where Zac placed his bey, Zeutron was reflecting the light of the stadium. Without hesitation, Y/N knelt and took Zeutron into her hands. Their bond probably shined very brightly together. She thought to herself. I'll keep this, and when I see zac next time, I'll give it back to him. The girl decided. Wait... I beat Zac right...? Does that make me one of the supreme four?? The (h/c) haired girl's head was spinning in confusion. Zac just left without saying anything, so I'm not sure. Maybe it doesn't, who knows. 

The hallways were pretty much empty, except for a couple of bladers here and there. Y/N was deep in thought. I had such a struggle beating Zac. She thought to herself, she was staring at the ground. Even though I beat him, I know I have to keep moving forward. Suddenly, someone bumped the girl on the shoulder while they were walking past and she fell backward. A pair of hands snaked around her waist and caught her before she could hit the ground. 
"I'm so sorry, I wasn't watching where I was-" Y/N reopened her eyes slowly, only to find a familiar face so close to hers. "Shu?!"

[ShOe HeeHee] 

[ShOe HeeHee] 

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