30 | He's late...again.

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[ The face I make when I have to wake up and do homework ]

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[ The face I make when I have to wake up and do homework ]

Can someone help me: How do you stay productive? Because my motivation is below zero, all I've been doing is grinding genshin impact, so if you have some tips, please share! 

╰┈➤ "Huh?" Wakyia muttered. "Is that fool really showing up late to his first national match?" the golden-haired boy scoffed, folding his arms across his chest. Toko and Nika had disappointed and worried looks on their faces, they looked at each other with a frown. Y/N scratched the back of her neck, tilting her head. Where is Valt? There were a couple of snickers from the crowd, then silence. Y/N looked over at Naoki, the aqua-haired boy had a suspicious smirk on his face. Could it be that he sabotaged to win? Y/N kept silent, her eyebrows knitted together. Her (e/c) orbs turned to a certain albino. The blader also seemed to be frowning.
"Oh?" The announcer said through the speaker. The referee seemed to be saying something into his earpiece before holding a hand into the air. 
"Valt Aoi has not arrived! So the winner is-"
"Wait!!!!!" A loud familiar voice screamed. The beyclub sighed in relief as they saw their blue-haired friend panting at the entrance, quickly making his way towards the center of the stadium. A frown appeared on Naoki's face. Aha. Y/N thought. So he was trying to get Valt to miss the match. Valt paused before taking out his launcher, trying to catch his breath. 
"What kept him?" Honcho wondered. Shu shrugged as the match was about to begin. 


Thankfully, Valt ended up winning, but that Naoki guy really seemed to know his stuff, that blader seemed to know all of Valt's attack patterns and tactics, what an interesting person. He must have analyzed everything beforehand and thought of a way to make Valt not show up for the match, so he could win. Y/N thought. What a nasty trick. There was no time to think about that now, Y/N's match was up next, and she was up against Quon and his bey, Quetziko. Using her hands to push herself off her seat, she slightly cringed at the small amount of pain from her wrist but decided that it was probably nothing.
"Good luck Y/N" Daigo was the first to speak. The blonde-haired boy next to him gave the (h/c) haired girl a thumbs up in encouragement. Wakyia quickly looked away and huffed. 
"You better not lose, because I'll be the one beating you" Goldilocks muttered. Y/N chuckled before heading off. 

Backstage, it was pretty empty. Just a couple of bladers walking around here and there, but that's about it. Her (e/c) orbs landed on a certain aqua-haired boy with glasses walking down the hall in her direction. It was Naoki, and he was staring at the ground, hands in his coat pocket. Y/N squinted her eyes suspiciously at him but he didn't notice her because he kept on walking. Y/N's gaze followed Naoki until he was all the way down the hall and he disappeared. 
"Hey" A voice made the (h/c) haired girl jump in surprise. She spun around only to come face to face with a certain albino. Their faces were inches apart, Y/N backed away, eyes wide. 
"Oh hey! Didn't see you there!" She let out a light-hearted laugh, snatching the back of her neck. "So, what are you doing back here?" The crimson-eyed blader tilted his head. 

"Um... my match is after yours" He answered rather quickly. The (h/c) haired girl raised a brow. 
"Okay, tell me why you're really here" She put her hands on her hips, looking up at the taller boy. Shu sighed in defeat. 
"I was... worried" He admitted. 
"About what?" 
"About your wrist" He replied. Y/N frowned as she lifted her right hand to her face and examined it, shrugging. 
"I said it's fine" She assured him. "Don't make such a big fuss about it, did I bother you when your shoulder was injured?"
"Yeah" The (e/c) eyed blader deadpanned at the albino's answer. "I remember you were all like-"
"Okay, Okay" She cut him off before he could make an impression of her. "But really, there's nothing to be worried about" Aw jeez, this guy is hard to convince. A sweat tear rolled down the girl's cheek as the boy's red eyes continued to stare and pierce into her soul. She shivered before Shu's gaze softened. He lifted his hand without another word, took his red glove off his hand, and then handed it to the (h/c) haired girl. Her eyes widened and she tilted her head in confusion. Shu gestured it towards her again, after Y/N didn't accept it, he just dropped it into her hands. 
"This can help support your wrist" He explained. "Use it during your match with Quon, he's a strong opponent" She just blinked at the albino, astonished. A slight tint of pink appeared on the snow-heads face as he looked away to hide his embarrassment. Well, there isn't any arguing with Shu, she thought. Y/N then shrugged and pulled the glove over her bandaged hand and flexed it a couple of times. He was right, it hurt less with it, obviously, the pain isn't completely gone, but it isn't bothering her anymore. 
"You know Shu, my wrist isn't broken you know" She chuckled. "But thanks anyway" The albino turned his gaze at her again and gave her a weak smile. Shu held out a fist towards Y/N and they both bumped fists. 
"See you in the finals," They both smirked.

Though the road to finals has just begun

[ This boi is so caring 😊😩]

[ This boi is so caring 😊😩]

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