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For Those Of You Who Don't Remember What Ren Looks Like (Credits to the owner!)

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For Those Of You Who Don't Remember What Ren Looks Like (Credits to the owner!)

For Those Of You Who Don't Remember What Ren Looks Like (Credits to the owner!)

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Theodore's limbo was so clean and fancy

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Theodore's limbo was so clean and fancy. His driver drove him and the group of BC Sol bladers through and across the city, passing hundreds of buildings and street lamps. Spain and Japan's busy streets were nothing compared to America's. There were cars just about everywhere. 

"So, first time in America?" The owner asked us from the seats in front of us. He turned his head so he could see the group. The Ruby four looked thoughtful. "I know some of the DC Ruby members have, during their match with the raging bulls last year. Speaking of which, what's been happening to that team?" He asks, curious. The former members stared at the ground and awkward silence filled the back of the limbo for a couple of seconds. 
"We were forced to leave. DC Ruby got recruits with big ass egos, and they're strong." Ryu spoke for all four of them. "The owner seemed blinded by the power and forgot about his best members, so we left." He explains. "Then we traveled searching for a new team, ended up in Spain, and met Y/N, Ren, and Free." Ryu finishes. The rest of them nodded silently. Theodore thought for a moment, putting his hand on his chin. 
"I see. Then we have to look out for BC Sol and DC Ruby this year" The owner chuckles in amusement. "May the best team win." 

"Yeah!" All of them (except Free) agreed cheerfully. 

The limbo finally stopped in front of some significant buildings. This was it, The Raging Bulls Center. And where Shu has been training. The group got off as Theodore led them inside. The person who was the least excited about this, is obviously, Free De La Hoya. He looked like he was about to murder someone. 
"It's okay Free, I mean you have new opponents, while we stay, you can probably battle with their members, right, Mr.Glass?" Ren noticed his best friend's very expressionless face, looking up to Theodore. The owner stopped in front of the entrance and turned around, nodding slowly. 
"Yes, you may train with us while you are here, maybe then we will convince you to join our team" He added quickly, before going through the entrance. "Welcome to the Raging Bulls!" Free groaned and looked like he was about to just lay flat on the floor, in public. 
"Come on Free" Y/N chuckled. "It can't be that bad, you can get some battles in, isn't that great?" 
"Fine, Fine, but I swear if I hear another thing about joining the raging bulls I am going to smack someone." The group sweatdropped as they watched Free walk unwillingly toward the front door, stopping in front of the entrance and turning around to stare at the group. "well? Let's go already." The other six exchanged blank looks before following Free. The door automatically opened and a gust of cold air conditioning greeted her, causing Y/N to pull her hood over her head and shiver. Inside, there were two floors, full of stadiums and busy bladers battling one another. They even had the equipment to work out. It was, astonishing. Theodore Glass clapped his hands and every blader in the room stopped what they were doing and turn their attentions to him. It was silent. You could hear a pin drop. 
"May I have your attention, please? We have guests today!" He announced, earning whispers from his team as they exchanged curious looks. "They are from a rival team, and it is an honor to be training with such talented bladers!" He continued. Oh, God. 

"the way he introduces us is embarrassing, look at all the people who are staring"  Y/N grabbed the hood that was over her head and pulled it more as she whispered to Ren next to her. The black and white-haired blader lightly chuckled in amusement. 
"Classic Y/N" Free murmured from her other side. 

"These are no ordinary bladers" Theodore Glass continued. "We are talking bladers with big titles!" Ren frowned.
"Except for me, not yet" He whispered. The (h/c) haired girl nudged him gently. 
"Nah, you have plenty of titles" She reassured him. The boy sighed. Theodore's announcement caused some excitement in his blader's voices and curiosity. 
"As you can see, for example, we have the members of The Ruby Four here with us!" There were gasps of surprise and excitement. "And we have Japan's power duo! The girl who stood her own against Lui himself! The runner-up in Japan's national tournament, and her partner in crime!"
Y/N sighed and clenched onto her hood. I hate fancy intros.
"again with the partner In crime!" Ren whispered angrily. Ryu chuckled.
"And..." Theodore held up his hand to get his team to quiet down. "We have the one and the only, number one blader in the world here today!"
"Really???" The team gasps, excited. Free groaned and hid behind Y/N and Ren. 
"Free De La Hoya!" Theodore Glass finishes. "Please treat them with respect, treat them like if they were our teammates." He turns and winks at us. 
"We aren't looking to join," Ren muttered under his breath, so Theodore couldn't hear. 
"Dismissed!" The owner clapped his hands again. Without another word, he left. A couple of the team members walked up to the group and stared excitedly with their bey in their hands. 
"Can you battle me?" One asked Ryu and Allistor. 
"Me too!"
"And me!" 
"I wanna battle Free!" Someone beamed. Free muttered under his breath again and shrank farther and farther behind Y/N and Ren. Before anything else happened her (e/c) eyes caught a flash of white hair, as white as snow, it was him, his hair was unmistakable. It was Shu, and was upstairs, walking across the hall and into a room. 
"I saw him" She whispered to her friend. Ren looked bewildered and caught on a second later. 
"Well come on, we don't have all day!" He took her hand and politely pushed past the small crowd of Raging Bulls members.  "Excuse us, we can battle later" The rest of the group followed behind them. They hurried up the stairs and soon arrived at Shu's room or the one where he went in. The door was closed, so they did what was polite, and knocked. 

Here we go... Y/N held her breath as she took her hood off. They waited for a couple of seconds, Ren was massaging Y/N's shoulders to comfort her, since she seemed kind of tense. 
"It's going to be fine, Y/N, chill" Allistor let out a small laugh, amused at how nervous the girl was. Free nodded in agreement, his face showing no emotion, like usual. Soon enough, the door opened, and there, he was. The albino in the flesh. 

Shu Kurenai. 

In his gym uniform. 

"May I help Yo- Y/N ?! 

 "May I help Yo- Y/N ?! " 

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