14 I Showmen's climb to the top

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Thank you for over 1k reads!

I'm also sorry for keeping you waiting, I had a lot of work to do and I was sick so I needed to catch up with my work, but here is chapter 14!


[Y/N's POV] 

[Bey Stadium - Round Two - Match two]

(And yeah, I'm getting used to writing in this kind of format)

I inhaled and opened my eyes, Ben was just staring at me, it was like he was trying to kill me with his gaze, sheesh, I knew it was an important match, but does he really need to be that intense? But I brushed it off, getting into my launch position.

"Ready? Set!" 




"Let it rip!" We both said at the same time as we launched our beys into the stadium. My bey didn't take the middle like it usually does. Instead, it zoomed around near the top, it was on the hunt for Betromoth. 

"Take Betromoth out before it gets the chance to destroy you" 

Easier said than done. Suddenly, Betromoth started picking up speed, leaving Tsunami behind. Of course. I thought as a sweat tear fell down my cheek. He's still not making this easy. He has his ways to survive until he can attack. 

Ben is one of the best in the tournament. 

and someone I need to beat to move up. He might be good, but so am I. I spent no more time. 
"Nexus Boost!" I called. In a split second, Tsunami picked up large amounts of speed and started lapping Betromoth over and over again, hitting it every time it came close. I gave Ben a quick glance, he was struggling. He might have been able to hold the match out for a long time with other people, but not on me. "One more push! Vortex Whip!" I said. In the matter of seconds, Tsunami gave Betromoth the final blow as Ben's bey was sent flying into the air, bursting a couple seconds later. 
"arrrrghhhhh!" Ben screamed/roared. This guy is insane. I had a grin on my face. I won. That was the only thing I cared about. And best of all, we won the whole match. 4-0. I expected more from the Beasts though, maybe we were too much for them. I shrugged it off. The crowd was cheering for both teams, making me smile. I didn't realize Ben was right up in my face with an angry look on his face, growling. I looked taken aback. This guy really doesn't take defeat well.  Ken suddenly appeared along with two people I didn't know, Ken had a hand on Ben's shoulder, trying to calm him down, and keep him from tackling me. I just blinked, looking into Ben's angry eyes, it was almost frightening. I felt a hand on my shoulder as I turned to see Zac. But he didn't have a smile on his face, he wasn't even looking at me. He gaze was on Ben. I've never seen Zac without his smile, he was even scarier than the guy with pink hair. Ben then looked like he was about to cry. 
"ARUGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" He roared. The crowds stopped cheering and just sat there, confused. My eyes were wide, surprised. 
"Good match...?" I spoke up, trying not to be awkward in front of a large crowd. My teammates were standing in front of me like they were trying to protect me. 
"Yeah, good match" Ken agreed nodding his head. "Sorry about him" I nodded in understanding. Was I like that when I lost? Would I ever be like that? 
"Good match" The rest of his team chirped. "But you better not lose from here on out" Zac chuckled, his smile returning onto his face. 
"No promises!" Zac returned into cheerful mode, making the crowd roar and his fangirls squeal. I gave them a thumbs up. 
"We'll try our best!" I assured them. I couldn't help but turn my attention to Shu, who was watching from the stands, a smile plastered on his face, giving me a small wave. I gave him a big smile. 
"Y/N!!!!!!!!!!!" Valt screamed, trying to out-yell the crowd. I sweatdropped, hesitantly waving at him. "You did great!!!!!!!" I gave him a thumbs up in thanks. Then I felt someone pat my head, blinking in surprise. I looked up to see Zac standing behind me, smiling. 

"Well done Young star!" He beamed, giving me one of his weird smiles. 

"Thanks" I replied, we started walking off the stage, so the next two teams could go. "Sorry you didn't get to go Orochi" I sweatdropped. My dark-haired friend just shrugged, chewing his gum.

"It doesn't bother me, as long as we win" I chuckled. Typical Orochi. Everyone here is out to win. I guess I was too, but I was also having a lot of fun blading. We arrived in the locker room where another team was sitting, waiting for their turn to battle. Rideout. Some of them glanced over at us. Their captain, I didn't get him name, looked up and stared at me. His eyes were scary and intimidating. So this was the team with Lui, not like he shows up or anything. Before I could think of anything else Zac clapped his hands together as Rideout got ready to take the stage, hearing their name getting called. 
"Alright Silver Stars!" He called as we gathered around him. He gave us a huge smile. "We're on a roll!" For once, I agreed with him. We were doing really well. No offence to the other teams, but they didn't seem to get a point off us. But I knew when we start losing teams, the best teams would be left, and those teams were going to be harder. I bet they would be able to pick a fight. I needed to train even more if I want to be able to call myself a member of the Silver Stars. 


Author-Chan: *Eats bag of chips* 

???: Hey, Hey, Hey! Mari-Chan!

Author-Chan: *chokes on chips* Wha-? 

???: I said, Hey, Hey, Hey! Mari-Chan! 

Author-Chan: Wait.... Bokuto?! (Any Haikyuu!! Fans out there? :> - If you haven't watched it, I highly recommend it) 

Bokuto: Yep! That's me!!

Author-Chan: Bro, this is the wrong fanfiction! 

???: where are we?

Author-Chan: Wait... Kenma, why are you here too? 



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