2.9 | Reunion, SunBat United

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----------------------------- [ Next Day ]

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----------------------------- [ Next Day ]

"WAKYIA???" Valt screamed as a familiar blonde walked into BC Sol, with his team trailing behind him. The boy held a big grin on his face. His ego is probably the same as ever. 

"YOU AGAIN!" Valt also yelled, pointing at an unfamiliar green-haired boy. The boy had sharp teeth, just like...Lui. He also had glasses. He smirked at the sight of Valt. 

"So we meet again, I remember crushing your bey into pieces. This should be a walk in the park." Y/N was so lost and confused. Wakyia turned and stared at Free dead in the eyes. 
"We are here to show you which team is truly superior." Goldielocks knitted his eyebrows together. "So watch out, I'm here to beat you." 

"says the one who can't even beat Valt" Y/N murmured, making Ren chuckle. 
"My bey went through an upgrade too, me and Wyvern are stronger than ever!"
"ok." Free deadpanned. Wakyia sweatdropped, and a irk mark appeared on his head. 
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN OK? BE MORE AFRAID WOULD YA?" The emotionless blonde just shrugged and walked toward Y/N and the group. 

"K" He muttered, making the group giggle at the extremely irritated Wakyia. "Let's just get this over with. We have a vacation to go to" 

------------- BC Sol ended up winning 3-2 

"Well, that wraps it up, Wakyia." Trad clapped his hands together. "Thanks for coming." The blonde owner still seemed so angry at their loss. 
"We could've won if you let me go up against Free! You decided to take that match for yourself!" Silas barked, pointing at his leader. 
"WHAT? How would you go any better?!" Wakyia snarled back. The whole room went quiet as the two argued. 
"This team sucks. I'm leaving." Silas growled back. "I'm joining BC Sol instead." 




"HUh?!!" Valt looked taken aback. "Is that allowed???" Y/N and the group (except Free) looked somewhat bewildered and shocked. 
"..." Trad sighed, finally giving in. "You have to pass a tryout first." He spoke. Sila frowned, looked around at the BC Sol members and examined them, and then shrugged. 

"Fine by me." 


Silas ended up beating all the bladers trad put him up against without breaking a sweat. Y/N and the group were too busy to watch though, they were in their dorms packing to travel to the US. 
"I wonder what kind of shops and bladers are going to be there!" Alexis clapped her hands together. "And we are visiting the Raging Bulls, one of the best teams in the world!" Y/N had to admit that was a bit overwhelming. But she was spaced out. She was going to see Shu again. Finally. She felt herself slightly heating up at the thought of the albino. Wonder if he's gotten stronger, probably, it's Shu after all. And I also wonder if he changed. 

"Y/N?" The (h/c) haired girl snapped out of her thoughts at the sound of her name. She looked over to Haru, who tilted her head. "What's on your mind?" Silence filled the room, but the two Ruby members exchanged smirks, knowing exactly what was happening. 
"You're excited to see Shu again, am I right?" Alexis cooed. Y/N's face became a little pink and almost fell off her bed. 
"NO" She yelled. "Whattt" Alexis and Haru just giggled. 

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