2.17 | Moonlight

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His lips met hers. Was it all a dream? Possibly. But she didn't want to wake up from it. She closes her eyes and she slowly but willingly kissed him back. Her hands unconsciously wrapped around his neck, both of them forgetting about the world around them. The moon above the scene had provided a lighting over them that made this moment even more magical. The moonlit streets were empty and quiet, you could hear a pin drop. It was like nothing else was in this world mattered or even existed. She felt his arms slowly make their way around her waist and pulled her even closer. (y/n) couldn't describe this moment with words, her body felt light, yet electrical.
After what feels like eternity, they finally pull away to catch their breath. Shu's eyes open, before widening slowly in realization of what just happened. It seemed like he too had went in by instinct. (y/n)'s (e/c) eyes stared right into his crimson ones, breathing heavily. She could feel and hear her heart pounding, waiting for him to say something, the intense feeling in the air couldn't be described properly. Finally, after what seems like ages, the albino opens his mouth to speak. "That was... I mean... I'm sorry... I didn't know what made me think that was a go-"

"Don't apologize." (y/n) cut him off with a smile on her face. Her breathing steadied, it had been a long time since she last talked to Shu, it felt... relieving. LIke she was reliving old times, back in Japan. Before regionals and the district tournament ended... and nationals. Thinking about it in that way, they had come a long way, they had spent so much time together, good and bad. And getting upset at Shu over those things made her look foolish now. (y/n) shakes her head at the thought. "I... I missed you too." Shu's eyes looked rather surprised, but it was a good surprise, because he smiled afterwards. The albino takes a step closer and leans forward with a grin.

"I knew you'd come around."

"Oh shut up."
"You know I'm right." Shu pressed with a smile. (y/n) looked at his smile and she couldn't help but feel slight butterflies fluttering in her stomach. She had seen him smile multiple times, but somehow this was different. She couldn't put a finger on it, but she felt differently toward it now. (y/n) shakes herself awake as she playfully rolled her eyes.
"Okay okay fine." She admits. Shu's grin only grew wider as he took yet another step closer. (y/n) then suddenly felt a hand meeting hers. Her eyes widened as she looked down to see Shu's hand brushing against hers, before taking it into his hand. The albino squeezed her hand gently, in a reassuring way.

"You know, (y/n), i never blamed you for being upset. I messed up too on my part. But I would never put my training before my loved ones." He murmured quietly, his crimson eyes sparkled in reassurance, his eyes were quite beautiful under the quiet moonlight. (y/n)'s cheeks burned a bright red at his words. Her (e/c) eyes widened in surprise as thoughts instantly rushed into her brain. Loved ones? Was he saying that I'm a loved one? You're overthinking it, (y/n). Loved ones can refer to as close friends you idiot. She shakes her head and turns back to him. "Same here." She stammered out. They stood there awkwardly facing each other, not knowing what else to say to each other. Maybe it's because they haven't talked in a while? It wouldn't make sense because usually when you haven't spoken with someone in a while there is a lot to say because they will catch up, but no. (y/n) tapped her foot on the ground awkwardly. Finally, the albino spoke up and rubbed the top of her hand with his thumb. 

"It's getting late, I'll walk you back to the hotel." Shu smiles as he speaks to her. (y/n) nods his head, unable to turn down his offer. As they walked through the quiet streets, the cars flying by here and there, the moon shining down on the city around them. "So... you came all the way here to see me? You missed me that much?" Shu sparked yet another conversation, he smirks teasingly. (y/n) huffed as she continued to walk with him, the tall hotel was in view now. 

"Maybe..." She says finally, she feels his arm and hand brush against his. Shu smiles. 
"Don't worry, I missed you as well. I know I said that already but you know." (y/n) chuckles softly as they stand and wait for the crosswalk light to switch. "How's life in BC Sol? Are your new teammates treating you well? Are they strong opponents?" Shu asked curiously. (y/n) nods her head.  

"They are, I couldn't ask for a better team." (y/n) answered honestly. Shu nods his head in approval with a smile. He held his breath. 
"And Free...?" (y/n) frowned slightly. Before she chuckled, amused. 
"He's a great captain, he keeps the team together." She responds as she puts a hand on his shoulder before the crosswalk light switches, and they start to walk across the street. Shu nods slowly and silently. 
"I see, and what about the four? The ones that were originally from DC Ruby?" Shu says curiously. (y/n) smiles widely. 
"Oh, they joined BC Sol! And I think they will really help the team as well. They're really strong, and they make really good rivals." (y/n) nods her head. Shu smiles at her answer, happy that she found other rivals who can actively push her limits and make her stronger. 
"That's amazing," Shu says softly as they walk, they are now on the same street as the hotel. 
"What about you? Do you have rivals? How are your teammates?" (y/n) asked him back, curious. Shu laughs slightly. 
"Oh yeah, there's a lot of competition in our team, but we work together really well." Shu's eyes sparkled with a bit of competition and playfulness. "and we are looking forward to going against your team." (y/n) grinned as she laughed. 
"oh, you're on!"





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