36.5 | You See Her And Not Me? (One-Shot)

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Thank You So Much for 10k reads! <3 Here is a one-shot to celebrate 

Disclaimer: This has nothing to do with the actual story or plot, please keep that in mind while reading

One-shot Type: Angst-ish? (Please bear with me, I suck at writing this kind of stuff) 

Shu x FEM! Reader x Free 


[ Also this banner/header is gonna be used for the second book :D ] 

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[ Also this banner/header is gonna be used for the second book :D ] 

You were friends with Shu Kurenai, yes, the Shu Kurenai. Many people didn't think you even deserved to be friends with such a strong blader, every time you were walking with the albino there would be whispering and pointing. Shu didn't seem to notice how down you felt, in fact, he could keep training and training for hours with you just sitting there and watching, and not once would he look up at you or talk to you. 


Y/N just sat there and watched a certain albino continuously launch his bey into the stadium. The boy's sweat continued to drip onto the floor as he kept launching and launching, showing no signs of stopping. The girl's (e/c) eyes glanced at his towel, which was resting beside her, then back at Shu. 
"Here" She spoke in a mildly soft tone and tossed the clean towel towards Shu's direction, which he caught. The albino used it and wiped the sweat from his face, then placing the towel over his neck. 

"Thank You" The snow-head smiled, kneeling to pick his bey back up from the stadium. Shu stood up, his crimson eyes looking up at the sky, it was already sunset. "Wow, time really flies fast" He let out a small chuckle. Y/N let an 'mhm' escape from her lips as she also stared up at the sky. 
"Hey Shu, can I come over for dinner tonight? If you're not busy that is" The albino turned his attention to the (h/c) haired girl in front of him and frowned, scratching the back of his neck.
"Sorry, I have someone else coming over, maybe next time?" He answered hesitantly. Y/N's heart sank but she understood. 
"Oh ok," She whispered.  

"Oh I have something to do, next time you can come" 

"Sorry, I gotta run, I'm helping someone with their homework today"

"Me and my partner need to finish this project, sorry"

This was all Y/N heard throughout the course of three weeks. The (h/c) haired girl felt like Shu was slipping from her grasp. It's not just that she's his friend, but also because the girl had a small crush on the albino. They have been hanging out less and less every day. What if, the people Shu keeps meeting up with are the same person? No, Y/N, it's probably just Valt and his friends or something, then again, Shu would have invited me as well if that was the case

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