2.6 | Genesis Valtryek

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after a long delay here it is! I think I'm feeling much better now

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after a long delay here it is! I think I'm feeling much better now. So I can write again!


"Welcome bladers from around the world to BC Sol!" Kris announced. Bc Sol members have taken a seat in the bleachers, watching as the owner addresses all the bladers that have arrived for tryouts. Trad stepped in holding a clipboard. 
"You will be competing against other bladers who are hoping to also make the team, and we will also be assessing you on your blading skills during the tournament. The winner of the tournament will automatically be offered a spot on the team, good luck everyone!" He announced, brushing his brown hair away from his eyes. Y/N noticed a familiar, not one, but two faces among the bladers trying out. 

"It's Valt!" Ren pointed to the familiar blue-haired boy standing in line. "Wasn't he recruited? What is he doing down there?" Ryu folded his arms and squinted his eyes. 
"Well even if you are recruited, if you're late to your first day, they will make you try out with the others, that's how it works." The former DC Ruby member explained. Alexis nodded in agreement while scanning the other bladers. 
"Who do you think will get into the team?" Her voice was quiet as she whispered to Haru. 
"So that's Valt Aoi." Allistor frowned, putting his leg on top of his other leg, folding his arms. He squinted his eyes to the short blader talking excitedly to a familiar blonde boy. 
"He doesn't look like much, but his bey can work wonders" Y/N commented. "I'm sure he will have no problem with getting in the team." 
"That's Honcho!" Ren's sudden voice made her jump. She looked around wildly for the blonde blader. She couldn't believe her eyes. 
"It's actually Honcho!" She blinked a couple times to make sure she wasn't imagining it. "Is he trying out for the team too??" 
"Uh" Ryu joined in, clearing his throat. "who's Honcho? that kid over there with the weird hair and lollipop?" the black and white-haired boy nodded yes. 
"Oh how the tables have turned" He continued. 
"Honcho was one of Valt's friends back in Japan" the (h/c) haired girl explained to the four Ruby members. "You didn't see him in nationals all that much, but his bey is a stamina type" 
"ah" Ryu replied. "got it" They luckily got front row seats, because kris had already made them special members given their current titles. 
"They don't look like much" A bored and emotionless voice came from their right. They all turned their heads to see Free yawning while sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall. The blonde-haired boy scratched his head and shrugged. 
"Free! Get up, these people can well be your future teammates! And you're the team captain for gods sake! Pay attention!" Trad scolded. Kris turned her head and just smiled. 
"Let him be, that's how he is" she sighed. "If he sees some beyblade that interests him, then he'll pay attention" Trad sighed and gave up, returning his attention to the bladers trying out. 
"Alright, we will now assign who you will battle in the first round, please go to your assigned stadiums!" Y/N continued to keep her gaze on Free and frowned. Ren noticed and sighed, shaking his head. 
"He hasn't changed.. though I guess we aren't best buds anymore" Ren sounded sad. Poor guy, Y/N thought as she put a hand on his shoulder. She turned her head to the now sleeping champion. Maybe he thinks no one can rival him, we'll see about that. 
"Hey, you six" They looked up to see Trad looking at them. Every blader's attention turned to them as the gym went silent, except for Valt and Honcho, who were still talking in out, sharing exciting words with each other. "Would you mind being the referees in the battles? Since you are just watching, and you are more than fit for the job" The group exchanged looks then cracked grins. 
"As long as we get close ups on these battles, we're down" Ryu nodded. The maroon-haired owner clapped her hands together and her eyes sparkled. 
"Wonderful! Thank you!" 

"Isn't that, Allistor?" 
"Alexis too!" 
"What is Ryu doing here??" 
"And Haru, I heard they were part of DC Ruby! Real legends!" 

Y/N cringed. Oh here we go 
"It's Y/N too! She went up against Lui!"
"And her partner in crime, Ren!" 

"So I'm the partner in crime now, haha" Ren whispered, he chuckled at the whispers and stares they had as they made their way over to their assigned stadiums. 

"Alright, we're ready?" Trad yelled from the other side of the gym. 
"Y/n! You're here!" Valt exclaimed. "Looks like you will be judging our match!" The (e/c) eyed girl nodded. The blue-haired boy's opponent wasn't any taller than him, blonde, blue shirt, and glasses. Valt brought out his bey and to Y/N's surprise, he also upgraded it. 
"Meet Genesis Valtryek!" Valt announced proudly. Y/N stared in awe. It looked beautiful, and brand new. She grinned and squinted her eyes. I can't wait to see the new things this bey can do. The (h/c) haired blader lifted her hand into the sky. 
"Ready? Set!" 

"Let it rip!"


"Valt that was amazing!" The boy ended up winning his first match against his opponent, allowing him to continue moving on. The vibe from Valtryek, it was different, stronger, it was much stronger. The blue-haired blader only smiled excitedly. 
"When can I battle you?" He jumped excitedly. Y/N laughed and snatched the back of her neck.
"Slow down there, you have to win the rest of the tournament first, okay?" And plus. She looked over at the sleeping blonde boy in the distance. There is someone who I wanted to battle first. 
"I will win against everyone, you, honcho, Ren, and those four whoever they are, also Free!" The girl chuckled, quite surprised. 
"You already want to go after Free's title? Good luck with that." Valt tilted his head and pointed to the four Ruby members who were still overlooking a match. 
"Who are they anyway?" She followed his gaze.
"Those are former members of a strong team called DC Ruby, they have quite a title for themselves in this world, they're really strong, they are called the Ruby four." Valt's mouth made an 'o' and his eyes started to sparkle. 
"Woww!!! i WANT TO BATTLE THEM SOON!" He exclaimed excitedly. Y/N sighed. He really needs to slow down, doesn't he know how scary they are?




"Alright!!" Trad clapped his hands together. "The final battle has been decided! It will be between Honcho and Valt Aoi!" There were whispers among the BC Sol members on the bleachers. "Y/N will you do the honors?" She nodded, raising her hand.

"Let it rip!"

the battle left everyone speechless. Valt had won, but Honcho also earned a spot on the team.

"Congratulations, Valt and Honcho f-"
"What are you doing??" Valt screamed. Y/N jerked her head over to see Free sitting in a squat on the floor, holding Valt's bey up to the light. 
"What an interesting bey you have, your battle woke me up, good morning" Valt was angry, he snatched his bey from Free's hand to the blonde boy's surprise. 
"Don't touch my bey!" Valt growled. "I dont care if you are the world's number one, I will still beat you, I challenge you to a battle!" 



the crowd gasped a couple of seconds after. Ren's eyes went wide, Ryu raised a brow, and Allistor sighed. Free didnt move an inch, he also didn't blink.
"I deny" The blue-haired boy staggered back in shock. 
"What?" He exclaimed.  "I challenge you!" 
"And I deny." Free calmly refused. His gaze turned to Y/N. "And you, I've been thinking about what you said earlier" Ren leaned closer to Y/N and whispered. 
"What did you say earlier?" The girl just shrugged. 
"Maybe you're right. And I've seen you before on TV, you almost beat Lui." Y/N, disappointed that she lost to the flame-haired boy, stared at the ground.

 "Let's have a battle, right now."




Cliff-Hanger LOL 

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Cliff-Hanger LOL 

I'll try and update at least once a day 

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