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I should really get a self-care day lol but no, I also need to take the time to update my Spotify playlists (┬┬﹏┬┬) Enough babbling Here's chapter 35  \( ̄︶ ̄*\))

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I should really get a self-care day lol but no, I also need to take the time to update my Spotify playlists (┬┬﹏┬┬) Enough babbling Here's chapter 35  \( ̄︶ ̄*\))

So there they were, walking downtown side by side. It was a pretty busy day in town today, many people were rushing from place to place, and there was a lot of chatter. 
"Shu~" Y/N frowned at the familiar voice. It was none other than the queen of mean herself. She was skipping over towards the two bladers with a fake innocent smile on her face. She looked like Goldilocks while skipping, though the only big difference was that Goldilocks was actually pretty. (HA GOT EM)
"If I knew the witch would be here I would have brought my holy water" The (h/c) haired girl grumbled under her breath, earning a small chuckle from the albino next to her. Akari stopped in front of the two and linked arms with the crimson-eyed blader. She battered her eyes innocently at him before giving the (e/c) eyed girl next to him a disgusted look. 
"What are you doing with her?" Y/N just folded her arms and raised a brow. 
"We are going to eat lunch together" Shu replied, trying to take his arm back, but the girl's grip was too tight and she wouldn't let go. Akari obviously frowned at this. She started tugging the boy's arm. 
"How about you leave her here and eat lunch with me?" Finally, Y/N stepped forward and unlinked Shu's arm from Akari's, without noticing she was holding the albino's other arm. The (e/c) eyed girl squinted her eyes at the other girl, Shu was staring at the (h/c) haired girl in shock, a tint of pink appeared on his cheeks. 
"We have to go, or we won't have time to eat lunch before the nationals" That was half true.
"Yeah, let's go" Shu smiled and pulled Y/N towards the restaurant down the street, leaving a very angry Akari behind. Was I jealous just now? The (h/c) haired girl was deep in thought, she didn't even hear shu calling her name until the albino's face was only a couple of inches away from hers. 
"Y/N!" The red-eyed blader finally caught her attention. Y/N snapped back into reality, she stumbled back, surprised at how close Shu's face was to hers. 
"S-Sorry, what was that?" The (h/c) haired girl let out a small light-hearted laugh, snatching the back of her neck in embarrassment. The albino sighed, a sweat tear rolled down his cheek as he put his hands on his hips, obviously tired of repeating himself multiple times. 
"Is something bothering you?" The blader asked. 
"Whatttt? Noooo" Wow, that was convincing, I'm the master of convincing people, Y/N mentally slapped herself across the face. "I'm just a little nervous for later, that's all" Shu stared at her, blinking for a second before deciding to let it slide. 
"Alright, let's get inside" The albino pulled the door open, gesturing Y/N to go in first. "Ladies first" He murmured. The (h/c) haired girl couldn't help but blush walking into the restaurant. It was pretty lively inside, almost all the tables were filled with people. 
"Table for two?" The waitress approached the two bladers with menus in her hand. Both of them nodded and followed the woman to the table near the back of the restaurant. Shu, being the gentleman he was, pulled out Y/N's chair for her to sit on. 
"Thanks" Y/N murmured as Shu sat down in front of her. 


Lunch went better than Y/N expected, it was too awkward, sure there were a couple of times where they sat there in silence, not knowing what to talk about, but other than that, everything went smoothly. The two bladers got to spend this time laughing and catching up with each other, outside of Beyblade, in fact, they never mentioned blading once. They felt like that's all they ever talk to each other about, so this time, they were talking about school life, growing up, their family, things like that. Y/N learned that Shu's parents were never usually home, pretty much the same situation with her own parents. 

The albino seemed quite surprised to learn that Ukyo was Y/N older brother, and how Ren and Y/N's friendship went all the way back to elementary school. The (h/c) haired girl found out that Shu was actually an only child, even so, they were still very busy with work.
"Wait Wait Wait" Shu cut Y/N off before she could say anything. "You're saying you are Akari were best friends back in elementary?"  His crimson eyes were wide with shock, obviously not expecting that. The (h/c) haired girl groaned and nodded, Shu has asked the same question five times in a row. 
"Anyway, yeah it was me, Akari, Ren, and..." Her voice trailed off. Free. She was closer to that blonde-haired boy than with Akari or Ren at the time. He was quite an interesting kid. Free moved away to Spain without giving her a proper goodbye, and here she thought they were the best of friends. Shu tilted his head in confusion. 
"And who?" He asked, raising a brow. Y/N just let out a small chuckle and shook her head.

"No one" She replied. The albino looked unsure for a couple of seconds, before deciding to let it go. He probably thinks I don't trust him. Y/N thought, worried. "Sorry, Shu" The (h/c) haired girl spoke up awkwardly. "Maybe I'll tell you some other time?" She checked her watch. "We should be heading back now" The albino sighed. 
"Alright, let's go"

 "Alright, let's go"

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