12 I Beigoma's Victory

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[Wakyia's POV] 

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[Wakyia's POV] 

"what is up with his eyes?" 

[Y/N'S POV] 

"Let it rip!" And then the beys were off. Both of them seem to be at a good start. My eyes were glued on the game as the beys continued to clash with each other, but at least none of their beys weren't dropping speed. Xander then shouted something and slammed in Wyvron. But something in his eyes told me he wasn't expecting Wakyia to use that power against him, with his shield crash. 

But something went wrong. Xander's eyes glowed for a split second as Wyvron's shield crash wasn't enough. And Xcalius slammed into Wyvron, bursting it. Even though I wasn't on the team, I could feel Wakyia's shock and fustration, not just in his aura, but in me. Wakyia... He didn't seem to take the win well. 
"I'm guessing he was expecting to win" I muttered out loud. Orochi next to me only nodded slowly, eyes wide. Poor Wakyia. He was balling up his fists, staring at the ground, a dark aura was oozing out of him. Suddenly he ran off, not wanting to take the embarrassment anymore. I stood up as the ref called after him. 
"Hey where are you going?!" The ref yelled. 
"wakyia!" Both Honcho and Valt yelled. I felt a hand on my shoulder. Wanting to run after Wakyia, I turned to see who's hand was on my shoulder. It was Zac, he still had a smile. Zac shook his head, my gaze softened. 
"Let their team deal with that" Zac's smile widened, his grip on my shoulder tightened slightly. I hesitated for a second, then sat back down, defeated. The show must go on. I thought. Valt and Honcho seemed to have wondered off. At least they aren't in today. I thought as Daigo walked up. It was his turn. He might not have a spot in the nationals, but he can at least do this. He was up against Ukyo, who seemed so cool. I haven't seen him last year, maybe he didn't bother to battle last year, who knows. But I do know he's not in the nationals this year. Daigo and Ukyo seemed to be sharing a small conversation before crouching down into their launch positions. 




"Let it rip!" They both yelled and launched their beys with a grunt. My eyes widened. Daigo...

[Flashback] -Couple seconds earlier- 

Ukyo's launcher seems to be pointing downwards. He's expecting Daigo's regular launch from the matches earlier in the month. 

"Let it-" ukyo changed his launch. 

But Daigo seemed to have noticed because he reacted quickly, tilting his launcher upwards before launching. Good eye, Daigo

[End of Flashback] 

I smile came across my face. Daigo seems to be growing and expanding his blading style. I could tell from the look on Ukyo's face that he wasn't expecting it, I mixture of shock and anger. Daigo took that match. So the score was 2-2. I sighed in relief. If Daigo hadn't pulled through the team would be done battling until the nationals. I looked to the other side to see familiar yellow and blue-haired people. Wakyia seemed to have cooled off. 
"See?" Zac whispered behind me. I nodded slowly. I guess Zac was right. Wakyia just needed time and the words of his teamates. Beigoma might be the favorite to win this time. The ability to look out for each other, to encourage each other, help each other, it's what makes a team, a team. But they won't get the top spot without a fight from me, because my team is just as amazing. I clapped my hands together happily as Shu took the match for them, like always. That was pretty quick. I guess Shu has gotten stronger since the district finals. But so have I. Zac stood up. 
"Come on my stars" He gave us happy jazz hands. "It's almost our time to shine!" I sweatdropped. He means his time to shine. But I didn't argue. Our match was the third one today, and the second matchup was already onstage. Rideout vs some team I didn't know. They seemed scary, their captain was terrifying. And they had him on the team. It was him that made everyone fear Rideout. He was the one and only Lui. Although he never shows up for the matches. But he is the number one blader in Japan. He has a habit to make people angry before a match. I balled up my fists. I will not let him beat me. 
"Y/N?" I jumped at the sound of my voice. 
"Huh?" I looked around, confused. Orochi was the only one there, the rest of them probably left for the pitch. He had worry in his eyes. Didn't know this guy cared about anyone really. 
"Come on, Zac is waiting for us" The brown-haired boy spoke in his monotone voice. I blinked and a sweat tear came down my face. 
"o-oh right, sorry I spaced out for a second" I apologized. Orochi gave a nod in response as I followed him through the audience. I had two things on my mind, Lui and victory

"there you are! Come watch the match!" Bowie called, patting on the empty two seats next to him. I gave him a thankful smile and sat down, Orochi sitting down next to me. I stared at the TV. Rideout had their victory in a matter of seconds. This team... 
"Goodluck Y/N! Everyone!" Valt smiled. Seems to me they were in the same pitch, recovering from their match. Shu was by the locker, putting his bey into his duffle bag. I gave Valt a silent nod. 
"Thanks Valt" I managed to make out, my eyes continued to stare at Shu. When he finally turned around I quickly looked away, my cheeks turning a little red. But it just got better from there. He came towards me and squatted in front of me so his face was at my level. I managed to control my blush. Why was I blushing?! Shu gave me a small smile. 
"come on all of you!" Zac called, posing. "Lets put on a show!" Orochi, Bowie and Mick got up and followed Zac. Shu took my hand and my face started to heat up again. 
"I'll see you in the finals, again" He gave me a smile. All I could do is nod. Not wanting to become more awkward, I quickly stood up and marched awkwardly in the direction Zac and the others walked. What the hell was wrong with me?! I mentally facepalmed. 



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