2.3 | I'm Dreaming.. right?

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Okay so i am painfully typing this lol

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Okay so i am painfully typing this lol. I injured my wrist and fingers so im slowly typing this, thank you for your patience!  - UPDATE (3/17/22) So i decided to just not hurt myself more and wait till my wrist was better, and now it is so here is your chapter :3




I'm dreaming.. right? 

She rubbed her eyes and blinked a couple of times. It was the blonde boy from her childhood. It really was him. He didn't look much different from when he was younger. The same, old expressionless boy. The blonde tilted his head like he was confused. 
"Hello, Y/N, Ren, it's been a while, hasn't it?" He spoke in his normal, familiar voice. "Are you guys still blading?" He asked with a shrug. The two best friends were speechless. 
"Y-Yeah" Ren replied, snatching the back of his neck. 
"Are you guys still the same as before then?" The question caught them off guard. Free had a straight face on, one hand in his pocket. He walked closer to the two bladers, pushing the members of DC Ruby aside. He met gazes with the (e/c) eyed girl. "Because I've gotten stronger" He lifted his chin. Y/N said nothing. She was speechless, the first thing that Free said to her after a long time away from each other, is that? 
"That's Free. you know him? The number one blader in the world?" Allistor whispered into Y/N's ear. #1 blader.. That rang in her head. He became that strong huh? I knew the #1 blader went by the name Free, but I thought he just called himself that, I didn't think it was actually Free.. 
"Well?" Free's voice cut off her thoughts. He had an expressionless face and his voice was monotone. "I'm guessing your the same as ever" Free started to pat her shoulder. Confusion. Literally confusion. Y/N raised a brow, clearly confused. He walked past them, down the hall without another word. The (h/c) haired girl spun around. 
"Free-!" She paused. He was already gone. Out of sight. There was silence that followed. Ren walked up to his friend and stood next to her, shoulder to shoulder. 
"wow, he's changed a lot, huh?" Ren muttered. It must be hard. Y/N thought to herself, her eyes landed on Ren. He was your best friend after all. You knew him longer than I have, this must be hard for you. Ren didnt meet her gaze, he continued to stare down the hall, the same direction Free disappeared in. 
"Hey" Ryu stopped on the other side of Y/N. "Did you guys know him personally or something?" There was a moment of silence
"Yeah" Y/N exhaled. "We were childhood friends, he seemed to have changed a lot though.." Her friend continued staring down the hall, no words came out of his mouth. Allistor decided to speak up and put an end to the silence. 
"We'll figure it out later, we are his teammates now afterall, we will work a lot with him" A wide smile appeared on his face, pointing to the door next to him. "We should look into our dorms and settle in" He suggested. The bladers exchanged looks and nodded, smiles also appearing on their face. 

"To a new beginning!" 





The girls looked around their new dorm in amazement

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The girls looked around their new dorm in amazement. 
"It's so fancy and clean in here!" Haru exclaimed. Alexis jumped on the bed with a wide smile across her face. 
"I'm calling this bed!" She announced proudly. Y/N stared at the two in amusement, she couldn't help but chuckle. 
It's not even a day yet, and I already like these two. She thought. Such childish behavior. just like Valt. Speaking of which. She had a thoughtful expression. Where is he? She stared out the window into the night sky. It's already dark, shouldn't he be here by now? 
"Y/N!" The sound of her name caught her off guard. She blinked in surprise to see Haru right up in her face. "You can take the bed over there" She pointed to the nice-looking bed beside the window, where the beautiful blue night sky was shining through. 
"Alright!" She nodded in agreement, jumping onto her bed. Wow.. this is really comfy. She thought to herself, her eyes were shining in amazement. Alexis flopped on her back in the bed and sighed happily. 
"These beds are so nice!! Even better than the ones back in DC Ruby" She commented, rolling from side to side. Y/N sat up and turned to the two girls. 
"How were the dorms like back in DC Ruby?" She wondered. Haru sat in a cross-legged position and replied. 
"They were nice and all, but we had a lot of members and not a lot of dorms, so everyone was kind of squished together, we had 8 to 10 people in a small room" She sighed, frowning. Wow.. the (h/c) haired girl thought. "But the food there was soooo good!" She added on, Alexis nodded in agreement violently. 
"But the dorms are much more spacious here, and this place overall is huge!" Alexis exclaimed. "I'm actually glad we came here to join this team" 
"Also.." Both the DC Ruby members turned their heads to face Y/N in question. "Did the owner of your team know you left?" Alexis and Haru exchanged looks. 
"Kind of, he didn't really care or pay attention though, probably thought we quit blading altogether" Haru frowned. "But if we see them in the world league, or any kind of battle, we'll make sure to crush them!" The (h/c) haired girl nodded in agreement. "I'm also very excited to work with you" She continued. "I hope my tips can be useful for you, and I hope you can give me a few tips as well" haru clapped her hands together happily. "I've heard so much about you and Ren, but never have I seen you battle" 

Kind to think of it, I've never seen them battle as well, so this will be interesting 

"mhm!" Y/N agreed. Before anyone else can say anything, they heard a knock on the door, followed by a voice that sounded like Ren's. 
"Hey! We are going to explore the training area before we have to eat! Wanna come with us?" He called from the hallway. The girls hopped out of bed and walked towards the door. 





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