17 I A Certain Return

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-Two Days Later- 

[No one's POV]

Y/N thrashed around wildly as her alarm clock started to ring right next to her ear. Her blanket was on her face so she couldn't see anything, which was even better for her. After a couple more seconds of struggling, the (h/c) hair girl finally sat up, and the blanket that was once on her face fell onto her lap. She blinked twice and started to yawn. After a long yawn, she rubbed her eyes and checked the clock next to her. The same one which disturbed her beauty sleep a couple seconds earlier. She could have probably threw it out the window, but her parents probably wouldn't be too pleased to come back and see a broken window in Y/N's room, that would mean they had to pay for it. On top of that, the neighbors wouldn't be too thrilled to have a broken alarm clock found in their backyard. Y/N squinted to see the time. 9:45. She kind of overslept. But a lot of things happened yesterday so she had a hard time sleeping. Ren returned, Shu and Ren had a bey battle, and Ren actually gave Shu a hard time, even though Shu ended up winning, as well as many other things. Wonder if Ren would go to our school now. Y/N thought to herself as she leaped down from the bed, the carpet on the floor giving her feet a warm welcome. After one more stretch, the (e/c) eye girl realized it was Sunday, so she didn't know why the alarm clock woke her up so early. Might has well do some training I guess. Since I had a lot of time before the semi-finals of the national team battles. Y/n thought. They were up against {Insert weird team name], which she barely knew about. But they must be good if they made it to the semi finals. Beigoma was up against Rideout 

( I know they were up against them in the finals but bare with me, this is how the story would be)

Rideout. It was the team with Lui, the Lui, the number one blader in Japan. I wonder if Lui would actually show up. I highly doubt it. The (h/c) hair girl frowned. Typical if he didn't, and surprising if he did. But it didn't matter to Y/N, they weren't her opponents after all, but yet... if Beigoma loses, then they would become her opponents. She shook her head, snapping out of her thoughts. There was no way Beigoma would lose, unless Lui shows up. Before the (h/c) hair girl could continue to convince herself that Lui wasn't going to show up, she heard her phone ring. Y/N looked around for her phone. She had forgotten where she had put it last night. She was so tired, Y/N just threw it somewhere in the room and flopped onto the bed. She searched for her phone until she saw a little bit of light coming from under the bed. Smiling to herself, Y/N crouched down under her bed and reached inside to grab her phone. She answered the phone right before it could go to voicemail. Which was a relief.  
"Hello?" Y/N spoke through the phone. A familiar cheerful voice came from the other end of the line.

"Hey!!!" Came Ren's voice. He seemed excited and cheerful, considering how early in the morning it was. Maybe he was up for a while now, who knows. "I was wondering if I could watch your training today, since I have nothing else to do" Y/N blinked for a couple seconds, processing what's happening. Y/N wasn't exactly, functional in the morning. 
"Pra....ctice...?" She repeated. She thought for a second before leaping at least two feet off the ground, starting to panic. "Oh no! I forgot my team had training this morning!!!" The (h/c) hair girl yelped, completely forgetting practice. Zac even told her to make sure to wake up early. Y/N mentally facepalmed. How could I forget? She scolded herself, she remembered that Ren was still on the phone with her, when Ren coughed through the phone to get her attention. 
"Oh, sorry, I freaked out for a second" Y/N apologized. "Sure, I'll meet you there!" 
"Can you at least send me the address?" Ren spoke in a monotone voice, knowing that Y/N was about to hang up on him without sending him the address to Zac's facility/studio. 
"Whoopsie, I'll just text it to you, I have to get ready" The girl sweatdropped. She was forgetting a lot of things this morning. How would Ren know where to go without the address, Y/N, you dumb girl! She thought to herself before texting her friend the address. 

-Time Skip-

After about 15 minutes, Y/N found herself running down the streets, panting as she continued to run through the busy and lively streets, her breath as visible. It was pretty chilly today. Her phone rang again. Something told her it was going to be Ren again, maybe he got lost or something. But after she looked at the caller ID, her heart twisted in a weird way. 'Kurenai'. She clicked accept and held the phone up to her ear. Wonder what Shu wants at this time of day, it's the weekend, wouldn't everyone want to sleep in today?

"Hey Shu, what's up?" Y/N spoke to him through the phone. She heard shuffling in the background on Shu's side of the call. 

"I was wondering what you were doing today? We can hang out or something" He replied. The (h/c) hair girl scratched the back of her head and frowned. She wanted to hang out with him, but she had training this morning. 

"Sorry, I'm busy with training this morning, maybe later...?" Her voice trailed off at the end. 
"Oh. alright" And then he just hung up. Y/N suddenly felt bad for what she said. Maybe Shu really wanted to hang out. She heard the disappointment in the albino's voice before he hung up. Before she could even think about that anymore, she realized if she didn't start running again, Zac would scold her for being late. I'll worry about it later. Y/N told herself. Right now, I have to get to training. Y/N started picking up the pace again, she was about three blocks away from Zac's studio.


Training, wasn't all that easy. Ren even joined in with some of the drills. He was still a talented blader, for someone who quit a while back. Y/N wrapped a towel around her neck to clean up the sweat, using another towel to wipe the sweat off her face, letting out a small sigh in the process. 
"Zac isn't making this easy, is he?" Orochi appeared next to Y/N, Ren on her other side using a towel to wipe the sweat off his face.  Y/n shook her head at Orochi's comment. 

"Even before a match" She sighed, setting her towel down by her side. Ren's head popped up from behind her right shoulder. 
"Maybe he just wants you guys to be on tip top shape for your match against [random weird team name]" The black and white haired boy suggested, trying to lighten up the mood. Y/N didn't hear what else Ren was saying, because something else caught her eye. Walking past the studio, was Shu. And some girl was holding onto one of his arms. Y/N's heart dropped. They seem to be laughing and having fun, but something about that girl also seemed familiar. The (h/c) hair girl's heart dropped even further. 


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