2 I Wakyia And Wyvron

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[Y/N's POV] Location - District Tournament pitch  (brought to you by Ken and his adorable puppets <3 )

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[Y/N's POV] Location - District Tournament pitch  (brought to you by Ken and his adorable puppets <3 )

3:00 pm - Tuesday

            I sat in the pitch, looking at the floor. I was about to battle Wakyia, after Shu battles Orochi. I could hear beys clashing from the TV in the pitch. I looked at the TV. Shu was holding his shoulder, I could see it in his eyes, it was hurting. His shoulder is injured. I held my breath for a second. I was friends with this guy for less than a week and I care for him. I watched as the match ended in a tie. I kept my eyes glued to the TV. How long can Shu go with his injury? Shu picked up his bey and squeezed his shoulder slightly, I was pretty sure Orochi noticed it too, that guy can hear a bey burst before it even happens, which I found crazy but cool. Shu attached his bey to his launcher once again and bend down into his stance. 
"Ready! Set!" The ref yelled. 


"Let it rip!" Both bladers yelled as their beys entered the stadium, and I noticed Shu flinched, again. This isn't good for his shoulder. I was suddenly becoming worried, not because he wasn't going to be able to battle at his best at the finals, but because it must really hurt. 
"Shu Kurenai with a burst finish!" The ref called. "He moves on to the district tournament finals" I sighed in relief. But I was kind of disappointed he didn't lose, that means he needs to battle one more round with that shoulder. Maybe the injury wasn't too bad, I encouraged myself. But yet, by training and battling is probably making it worse. The door slid open and Shu walked into the pitch. 
"Your turn" Shu gave me one of his cute small smiles. 

I didn't have time to ask him about his shoulder, I was about to be called up

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I didn't have time to ask him about his shoulder, I was about to be called up. I'll ask him later. I told myself. I stood up from the bench. 
"Right" I smiled back. We both smiled at each other for a couple seconds. I shook his hand, his left hand. 
"I expect to see you in the finals Y/N" Shu spoke as I walked towards the door he came in. I held up my hand and waved without turning around or stopping. 
"Count on it" I spoke behind walking through the doorway. I saw Shu smile. 
"I'll be watching" Was Shu's last words before the door slid to a close. I took a deep breath in, then out. 

"Please give a round of applause for Y/N L/N!" The commentator called. The door slid up and I saw crowds of people cheering. I stepped out of the door and stopped in front of the stadium. 
"And in corner B, Wakiya Murasaki!" The door slid open on the other side and a boy with purple clothes, and yellow hair stepped out, his gaze was scary. He stalked up to the stadium. 
"let's get this over with" He sighed. I raised an eyebrow. Does he think beating me is easy? 
"Ready? Set!" The ref called as we dropped down into our launch stances. 



"Let it rip!" we both said as our beys launched into the stadium. I went with counterclockwise spin as my bey zoomed in the opposite direction as Wyvron. I saw it in Wakyia's gaze that he wasn't expecting it. Wyvron had taken the middle. 
"Get in there!" I called without thinking. Tsunami slammed into Wyvron, knocking it back, I heard crowds cheering in the background. 
"Alright Wyvron!" Wakyia yelled. "Shield Crash!" Shoot. I forgot what I was doing. How'd I lose my focus? I watched as Wyvron came back down and slammed into Tsunami, and to my surprise, it didn't burst. Tsunami was knocked out of the stadium and it landed next to me. 
"Wild Wyvron with a ring out finish!" The ref called. "One point is awarded to Wakyia!" I knelt down and picked up my bey, then looked up at Wakyia. 
"You're wasting your time" Wakyia gave me a grin. I didn't let him get to me though, ignoring him, I stood up and shook myself out, regaining my focus. 

[Shu's POV] 

Wow, Y/N seems more focused this year than the other times she battled. Something had changed. I thought with a small nod. But this isn't looking too good for her. Hopefully she can stir up a plan for this battle. But why am I worrying? She promised she would meet me in the finals, if only my shoulder would stop hurting. I held my right shoulder, grunting. 

[Y/N's POV] 




"let it rip!" Both of us launched our beys into the stadium once again. Once again, Wyvron took the middle. I can't afford to lose this match, or it's over. I need to think of something, and fast. 

Wakyia smiled. 
"Out of luck I see" He smirked. "typical" I remained calm, that is, until an idea popped into my head, I pictured the stadium and my idea, bingo. Alright, I'll give it a go. I thought. 
"Nexus Boost!" I called. Tsunami broke out with such speed and started zipping around the outside part of the stadium. 

"What's this? Tsunami got the peddle to the metal!" The commentator announced over the loudspeaker. 

"Go for it!" I yelled. Tsunami made a sudden turn and slammed into Wyvron, but it didn't knock it back, Tsunami had so much extra power it was pushing Wyvron outwards, until Wyvron knocked into the wall and it was sent flying into the air, but before it could come back down or land on the floor it burst into three pieces, then landed on the floor. The crowd was silent for a second, then started to roar. 
"Spirit Tsunami with a burst finish, Y/N takes the match 2-1!" The ref announced. I sighed in relief. I'm in the finals again. I picked up my bey, which was still zooming in the stadium, still with a lot of stamina. 
"You did great" I whispered to it. I put it back into my pocket and turned my attention to Wakyia, he was on his knees, his eyes were wide. I didn't know what part of me wanted to, but I walked over to him and held out my hand. He looked up at me. 
"Good match" I said with a smile across my face. He quickly stood up and slapped my hand away. 
"Hmph I went easy on you" He huffed, walking away without another word. Okay...? But the important thing was, I was in the finals with Shu. I turned to the crowd, Valt, Honcho and the others were in the front row, Valt was cheering his head off. 
"Wow! That was awesome!" i would hear him cheering above the rest of the crowd. Kind to think of it, Shu wasn't here anymore. Valt seemed to notice too, he ran away from his friends, probably to find him.  

[Valt's POV] 

I panted as i ran towards the park, where Shu was probably at. Once i got there, I could hear someone training, I realized the voice belonged to Shu. I walked around to the entrance. He was training, launch after launch. Then I caught it. And that was what made me gasp. 

Shu launching...

With his left hand?

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