26 I Just One Day

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╰┈➤ Y/N anxiously rang the doorbell, her other hand clutching onto her phone. She was on the 10th floor of a building of apartments. Lucky her, the elevator wasn't working today so she had to walk 10 flights of stairs. The sun was already down and the stars were visible. Shu had texted the (h/c) haired girl earlier and asked her, instead of just hanging out for the night, he asked the girl if she wanted to spend the night. He explained that his parents didn't live with him and it was pretty lonely, of course, not wanting her friend to be lonely, she agreed. So there she was, standing at the door with an average-sized bag around her right shoulder. Y/N also brought her bey with her as well, just in case. The (e/c) eyed girl wasn't worried about dinner at all as well, according to Valt, Shu's cooking is top-notch, and she trusts her friend's judgment. There was no answer. There was a sweat tear that ran down her cheek. Was he not home? Then she heard a girl giggling from inside as the door opened, the light from inside the apartment shown onto the (h/c) haired girl. To her surprise and disgust, it was Akari, she was blushing and giggling in front of an expressionless albino. His red eyes then laid on her, which made the boy smile and wave. The albino quickly grabbed your arm and pulled you inside, using his other hand to shove Akari out. The queen of mean gave you a death glare before the white-haired slammed the door in her face. (Bahahahahaha)
"What was she doing here?" Y/N couldn't help but wonder. The albino sighed and scratched the back of his head, a sweat tear rolled down his cheek.

"She paid me a visit and started flirting with me" he wrinkled his nose in disgust. Y/N decided to not question it anymore because Shu changed the subject, a smile returned to his face. "What about you settle in and I cook dinner?" The girl nodded at her friend. 
"Sounds good" The (h/c) haired girl replied, swinging her bag over her shoulder again. The albino led her down the small hall to a door on the right. It was a quiet couple of seconds, the girl was admiring how modern and clean his apartment was. The walls were marble-like with nice light wood up to halfway up the wall. The albino tapped her shoulder lightly to bring Y/N back to reality. Her (e/c) orbs turned their attention to the crimson-eyed blader, who twisted the doorknob and pushed open the door, cocking his head inside the room. 
"Here is where you can sleep tonight, it's kind of small for a guestroom though..." His voice trailed off and snatched the back of his neck in embarrassment. Y/N just shook her head and smiled at the boy. 
"No, it's perfect" She assured him, admiring the small amount of lighting in the room. There was a nicely made bed and a nightstand next to it with a lamp. It truly looked like a hotel room. Y/N hadn't been in one in a while. Shu didn't look too convinced but decided to drop it. 
"Alright, you get settled and I'll cook dinner" Shu suggested, dropping her bags next to the bed. The albino had helped the (h/c) haired girl carry her stuff to the guest room. "feel free to stay as long as you like, your parents aren't home anyway, right? Might as well keep each other company" Y/N nodded and smiled at the blader's kind offer. As so, the boy left the girl to settle in as he walked into the kitchen, taking out the pan from the drawers under the sink. Meanwhile, Y/N was just settling in as she spotted a framed picture on the table towards the end of the room. The desk was just in the corner, with a small lamp and a pencil holder containing two pens and a single pencil. This caught the girl's attention. The angle of the moonlight shining into the room made it so Y/N couldn't see the picture itself, so she walked closer. The (h/c) haired girl tilted the frame at an angle, allowing the moonlight to shine onto the picture. Her (e/c) orbs widened. It was a picture of a familiar albino boy with crimson eyes. He was a small little boy sitting in a sandbox playing with a shovel. The boy had a happy and adorable smile on his face. Oh my gosh, is this baby Shu? The girl covered her mouth, preventing herself from squealing like a little girl. He looks so adorable! She had to show it to the albino. Y/N was all finished and settled already, so she walked out to the hallway and towards the kitchen where Shu was finishing up dinner. The crimson-eyed blader heard the female blader's footsteps and turned to face her with a curious look in his eyes. Shu turned down the stove, he was wearing a white apron with a pink outline. The snow-head noticed the picture frame in the girl's hand and tilted his head to the side. 
"What's that?" The albino wondered, pointing to the object in the (h/c) haired girl's hand. Y/N smirked and turned the frame around, presenting it to Shu. Y/N couldn't help but giggle at the boy's reaction. His eyes widened. "W-Where did you get that?!" The crimson-eyed boy studdered as he tried to snatch the picture away from Y/N, but the girl was quick enough to hold it up high. Shu was blushing out of embarrassment, obviously not liking one of his friends to find baby pictures of him. Y/N chuckled and stared at the picture. 
"Why are you so embarrassed? You look so cute in this picture!" The (h/c) haired girl exclaimed. Mr.albino blushed at her comment and suddenly stopped trying to retrieve the photo. Shu scratched the back of his neck. 

"You think so?" Realizing what she had said, Y/N clapped a hand over her mouth, her face slowly becoming red and her cheeks started to show a tint of pink. She shook her head violently. 
"Not in that way!" She denied quickly. Maybe in that way... She thought to herself. Shu frowned but brushed it off. The albino shrugged before taking the pan off the stove. 
"We should eat, before the food gets cold" He let out a small light-hearted laugh. Y/N continued to blush but nodded in agreement. 


I'm slow at updating phf



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