31 | Serpent Quetziko

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[ THIS MAN (┬┬﹏┬┬) is so fine ]

╰┈➤The second match of the nationals was about to begin, though Shu's glove helped quite a lot, the (h/c) haired blader could still feel some pain

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╰┈➤The second match of the nationals was about to begin, though Shu's glove helped quite a lot, the (h/c) haired blader could still feel some pain. There she was, standing before her opponent, Quon. She continued to roll her wrist to make sure the pain wouldn't get in the way of her battle. So Quon and Quetziko. She thought, making eye contact with her lime-haired opponent, he looked like a skater, neon-ish green hair with a single black streak. He seems to know what he's doing, I saw how he destroyed Valt during the team battles. From what I have seen, Quon's bey unlocks its full potential if it's knocked into the air, then it comes back down towards its opponent. She noted as she took out her bey from her back pocket. 
"I've seen you battle, and I have to say" Quon stirred up a conversation, a competitive smirk on his face. "It's quite something else, though don't think you're going to win" Y/N returned his smirk with her own before shrugging. 
"I don't know..." She frowned teasingly. "I'm feeling pretty confident right now" The green-haired boy raised a brow. 
"Oh? Then I guess I'll just have to crush that confidence of yours" The referee brought his hand up. 
"Ready? Set!"


"Let it rip!" Both bladers sent their beys into the stadium. Y/N went with the normal counter-clockwise spin as it kept its distance from Quetziko by circling the outer part of the stadium, waiting to see Quon's plan. I don't have too much insight on him, so I'll have to rely on guessing to find his plan. She thought. Quetziko was zooming around the stadium at a faster pace than Y/N had expected. Now that she thinks about it, she was pretty sure Quon used a back-hand launch. An idea soon popped into her head. 
"Nexus boost!" Y/N called out. Tsunami quickly and suddenly gained speed as it rushed around the stadium, it was now faster than Quetziko. Tsunami then changed courses and clashed head-on with Quon. Knowing that it would be best not to knock Quetziko into the air, Tsunami was tilting slightly downwards, so if it were to hit a bey, it would apply downwards force rather than upwards force. This obviously took Quon by surprise, his eyes were wide. Due to having much power and speed, it stopped Quetziko from spinning just like that. Tsunami continued to push Quetziko against the wall. 
"Spirit Tsunami with a survivor finish! One point is awarded to Y/N!" The referee yelled over the mini microphone he had. The (e/c) eyed girl frowned, upset that Quetziko didn't burst, but shrugged it off. Not everything can go your way, right? But she knew she left a lasting mark on Quon, given the face he was making. The lime-haired boy was still staring in shock at what just happened. Yeah, I'd be surprised too, I just came up with the plan at the last minute. Y/N thought to herself. And now... about the next plan... Yeah, I don't have one. She deadpanned to herself. I guess we'll have to go with the flow for now. 

The rest of the battle quite the show. Quon could really put up a fight because he knocked Tsunami out of the stadium in the second match, but failed to hold on in match three. Y/N's bey ended up winning the match altogether, though this battle was a real nail-bitter. As expected, her wrist was affecting the way she was battling, though nothing she can do about it now. The (h/c) haired girl shook hands with Quon as he smiled. 

"Well, I guess I have work to do" He commented. 

The two large doors slid open as Y/N walked from the stadium. Phew. She thought. Glad that's over. I wonder who my next opponent is. The (e/c) eyed blader was so deep in thought, she didn't notice someone walking towards her, and rammed right into the person. Y/N didn't fall on the floor, she just stumbled back, scratching the back of her neck. 
"O-Oh! Sorry I wasn't watching where I was goi- Shu?" (SHOE 🥿(¬‿¬) Ok I'll stop now lol) Her eyes went wide at the sight of a familiar albino. He gave the (h/c) haired girl a small nod of approval.
"Nice battle out there," He said as he ran his hand through his hair. Y/N couldn't help but blush at the compliment. 
"It was nothing-oh! Here's your glove back by the way" She pulled the glove off her hand, revealing the bandaged wrist as she handed the boy his red glove back, which he gladly took. Shu pulled it over his right hand. "A-And um" She studdered, the albino raised a brow. "Good luck out there" She managed to squeak. Shu's mouth formed an 'o' before smiling. He simply nodded as he was off. Who was his opponent again? Oh yeah, Hugo. That weird dude with the mohawk. She thought as she walked down the hall to meet back up with the beyclub members. 

"Nice battle out there!" Honcho cheered as Y/N arrived back at where the beyclub was seated. The (h/c) haired girl scratched the back of her neck in embarrassment. 
"Nah, it was nothing" She assured them. Without another word, she sat down next to Wakyia, because the next match was about to begin. A familiar snow-head was standing before a boy wearing green with a mohawk. Both bladers bent down into their launching positions, Shu was launching with his regular hand. 


Seemed like everyone within the beyclub had won their matches for the day, some struggled more than others, but in the end, it was all worth it. One day very soon though, the beyclub members will have to end up battling each other, a good thing they took time apart so they couldn't learn each other's tactics. So Shu's next opponent is Jin and his bey Jormuntor, quite the mysterious and creepy blader, he was very strong though. The beyclub was walking down the stairs, the sun was already setting and everyone was going home for the day. Valt was chatting away about the match he had, then suddenly someone bumped Y/N and Shu, pushing in between the two. The bump was way too hard to be on accident. The (h/c) haired girl almost fell over, but luckily the albino was there to catch her before she hit the ground, quite the good reflexes. Valt stopped chatting and noticed an emo-looking boy with a blue hood over his head. 
"Hey! Watch where you're going!" Honcho scolded. The black-haired mysterious boy just turned around, then it all became clear. It was Jin, he was the one that bumped into the two. He was smiling, his sharp teeth were showing, he had black hair and a blue hat on his head. He reminded Y/N of those vampires or zombies. 
"Heh, the great Shu Kurenai" The boy smirked, his voice was kind of raspy as he ignored Honcho. The black-haired boy made his way towards the crimson-eyed blader, who was frowning, he looked pretty serious. "It'll be an honor to beat you" He continued, but Shu didn't say anything. Without another word, he walked off, but he tried bumping into Shu again, though Shu probably saw this coming, he took a step back. He completely avoided Jin, his hands folded across his chest. Jin just turned his head and smirked, then walking off. 

"Rude! He tried bumping into us again!" Wakyia exclaimed, shaking his head in disgust. Y/N looked from Shu, then to where Jin was walking. Oh boy, the next match will be something else.

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