CH 1

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Author pov:

Jk,RM and jimin sitting in the cafeteria with the new student 'yeonjun' it was his first in this university

Jk:"So tell us more about yourself yeonjun"

Yeonjun:"Well, there's nothing to tell about"

Jimin:"What does your dad do?" He asked curious

Yeonjun:"He is a artist"

Jimin:"Artist? Ooh godi really love artist"

Yeonjun:"Thank u , what about you guys?"

Jk:"My dad runs a company"

Yeonjun:"Ooh I didn't knew company's run too"

Jimin and yeonjun laughed but jk and RM was just looking at them blankly

RM:"My dad ru- I mean is a owner of a restaurant he is a chef"

Jimin:"My also is a CEO of a company"

Yeonjun:"I see..." Suddenly they heard a man screaming and it became damn silence in the cafeteria as everyone was just looking there. Yeonjun looked behind and his blood was boiling at the scene. There was 4 boy standing and one on the floor kneeling down

Boy:"I am sorry I won't do it ever again"

Seokjin:"Ofcourse you won't ever do it again but I still need to teach you a lesson"

Boy:"I am sorry- Ahh" he shout in pain as Seokjin punched him
Yeonjun who is watching everything

Yeonjun:"What the hell is happening here? Why nobody stoping them?"

Jk:"You better don't either" jungkook said annoyed

Yeonjun:"What? How can I sit here and watch everything?"

Jk:"Just sit back if u don't want to die yet!" He raised his voice a little

Yeonjun:"I can't just sit here and watch that biches!"
He was about to go towards them but jk held his wrist

Jk:"Just sit back! Don't put your life in danger as well ours! And don't call them bitch"

Yeonjun:"and why is that? Thy are more than biches!"

Jk:"Do you know the reason why thy are doing this to that boy?"

Yeonjun:"Why would I care"

Jk:"Then why are caring for him? If you don't care about that?"

Yeonjun:"I can just tell he mustn't have done something bad"

Jk:"He just called his friend a bitch and that's the only reason why they are doing this"

Yeonjun:"Mwo? He or she, whatever-"


Yeonjun:"She must have done something bad-"

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