CH 45

220 15 7

Author POV:

He put a dark Chuckle "I am literally a coward"

He Flinched when two arms locked around his waist, hugging him from behind "Nope, you're not. You are just Hiding yourself from this cruel words, you just not trying to get brave"

"W-what do you mean?" Jk shuttered

"Don't you have something to tell me? Jin asked as took a step behind and put his hands on jk's shoulder and made him turn around

Jk just simply gave him a confuse look as he didn't understood what Jin is trying to get or maybe he don't want to understand, Jin chuckled "Look, I...I know you're hiding something from me...I am not suspecting you right now but Instead...I mean...I don't care what that thing is, I am going to found out later or sooner or maybe I already do *he mumbled these two words, so jk was unable to hear it*

You know I am not a man of great patience but I'll wait for you to come and tell can atleast do that, right? No matter whatever it is, Please...believe me if you tell me what it is then I'll try my best to understand you. You just need to know one thing, I love you and will always do, past can't make me leave you.

I love you sincerely and you mean the world to me. I just want to me once but still of you're not comfortable with it then don't, I'll wait...I can atleast do that? If you really love me then don't hide anything from me, we are supposed to go through hard times together.

You need me and I need you. Please... don't disappoint me, I am Believing you, trusting you for now so please tell me when you're comfortable enough. The last thing I want is that I don't want to know it from someone else, I want to hear it from you so I can believe it fully cause I love you, ok?"

Jk was speechless because of jin's long speech " you know s-something?"

"It doesn't matter, if you didn't tell me anything it means that I don't believe it fully but if you don't want to tell me and wants to keep hiding things from me than you give me no choice but to doubt if you even love me"

When this words left jin's lips, jungkook wanted to just release it...release the burden he has been carrying on his shoulders. He hasn't tell Jin anything just because he don't trust him enough? He can't trust him when Jin is willing to wait for him, trust him, not to leave him

When Jin was about to leave, jk held his wrist. Jin turned around "I..." Jk bit his lower lips nervously "Actually...the t-thing is..."

Jin out his Index Finger on his lips, stopping him from speaking ahead "You don't have to...there's still many time can do it later when the times right and more importantly when you're comfortable" he smiled genuinely but there was something in his smile that seemed sad. Jin left jungkook in the balcony

Jk just stood there thinking about everything jin said, 'does he know everything already?'


"You startled me!"

V Burst into his cute boxy smile and waved his hand, looking so much cute! Joy already admitted it that Taehyung is Handsome when she met him for the first time but he is also cute? She just got to know it

"What are you even doing here?" She asked taehyung

"I was just passing by" taehyung said still with a wide grin

"Again?" Joy asked

V nodded cutely "Again"

Joy rolled her eyes and continued drinking his coffee, v sat infront of her happily "If you was just passing by and thought of having coffee than you may have some"

"This time, I thought that I should say hello to you" taehyung lied shamelessly with boxy smile

Joy looked at him weirdly and then burst into a smile seeing his cute face "Still, you should have some coffee"

"Um...nope, thank you but I wouldn't want to" v said nervously

Joy smirked lightly with her raised brows she asked:"Don't tell me that you don't drink coffee am just lied to me"

"No! I do drink it! I love Coffee! It's so delicious, isn't it?" Taehyung said and forced a laugh cause he didn't wanted her to notice his nervousness

After 2 mins, the coffee was infront of him. Standing proudly as if it knows that taehyung isn't gonna drink it. V was looking at the cup of coffee as he'll break it as soon as he gets the chance to do, it was like they are having a fight with eachother mentally and Sooyoung was waiting for him to drink it

"What are you looking at? Just drink it or else, it will get cold"

"Sure..." V held the cup of coffee nervously and brought it near his mouth and as he took a sip

The reaction v gave was something else, Sooyoung couldn't help and burst out laughing so hard while v had a disgusted expression on his face

"Who the hell made this bitter thing! Aish! Angels help me" v said coughing

Sooyoung laughed so hard and suddenly v stopped coughing and laughed along her. He was literally embarrassed right now.

"You should have just said that you don't drink it" Sooyoung said as she tried to catch her breath but couldn't stop laughing seeing V's cure pout, he had a big pout on his face

"You just wasted it" joy said as she finally stopped laughing but smile never left his face

V can't be more happy for now, just thinking that a reason which make Sooyoung happy, made her laugh is none other than him. He just want to continue making her life brighter and happier that's his goal

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