CH 56

395 13 6

Author POV:

A while ago, after Jungkook entered the room Where Mr oh was.

On the other hand, Hobi had entered the place. He Wasn't sure Of the location so it took him time to reach here.

He was running around looking for someone but all he could see was blood and dead body's everywhere.

"Taehyung! Seokjin! Yoongi!"

He was unable to find anyone but then he heard a voice which seemed to be Yoongi's to him.

He ran towards the place where the voice came from, it was dark so he was unable to see clearly.



He immediately turned around when he heard Yoongi's voice calling his name, he walked there as he noticed some things falling here and there.

It was dark but not dark enough so he saw yoongi and immediately bend down, he held his hand "what happened? Are you okay?"

Yoongi looked at him, "Just get this thing out of me please"

Hoseok noticed Yoongi's foot which was stuck in something. Yoongi used all his force to get it out but all in vain.

Hobi got up to pull His foot out of it but to his surprise even he was unable to do it, "What the hell Is this thing!?"

After some struggles he successfully pushed it away and it was nothing other than old cylinders.

He helped yoongi in standing up, Yoongi's arm was around Hobi's shoulder for Support while the other was holding onto his arm

Hobi panicked when he noticed blood dripping fron his arm "Your arm is bleeding---"

"Jungkook...he went there, we must go there immediately. He might get in danger..."

"But your arm---"

"My arm is not what matters right now! We better be hurry before something extremely bad happens..."

Hobi didn't insisted about anything anymore and nodded


On the other hand, before Jungkook and Jin got shot, Sehun went to the place where it all started.

The place where Jungkook and yoongi were tied while Jimin was Unconsciously laying on the Ground.

Jimin was still there with his eyes closed, Sehun went to him and shaked him a little and wispered his name.

There was no movements of Jimin, Sehun looked left and right to see if there's something he can receive help from.

With a sigh, he shaked him again. Jimin opened his eyes lightly but all he could see was blurry vision

"Jimin, Are you okay?"

Jimin blinked his eyes multiple times before opening them, he looked at Sehun then at the surroundings


He stopped when he remembered that his head had hit the wall hard which made him unconscious.

"What's happening here? Where's jungkook and yoongi?"

"Don't worry about that right now, tell me are you okay?"

Jimin nodded, "I am..."

"Yoongi and jungkook are alright, jungkook has left from here already. We'll are trying to look for da--" he stopped "For him..."

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