CH 28

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Author POV:

"Can you do me a little favor taehyung?" Jin asked v while checking some files

"If it's something I can do easily" taehyung said

Jin rolled his eyes at him "Whatever, I want you to pick jungkook from airport"

"Isn't it you who is supposed to do that?" V asked sarcastically, Jin glared making him shut his mouth immediately

Jin looked back at the files in his hands and taehyung pouted but it ran away when Jin again looked up "I am meeting minseok's important"

"Ah...I see..." Taehyung said as a sign that he understood but decided to tease his brother just a little "Then why don't you tell Minho to come with to airport--"

"Keep that idea out of your head" Jin said immediately cutting off v

Taehyung Chuckled to himself and nodded but still spoke again "But jungkook might get a little sad after not seeing you, don't you think so?"

"Then what are you trying to full say?" Jin ask with a rough but it didn't made taehyung scare,not today

"I mean maybe after seeing Minho he'll he Happy--" v stopped himself when Jin gave him a death glare. He pressed his lips together so he won't burst out laughing

"Do you want him to replace me?" Jin ask, taehyung nod only to flinch when Jin showed him his fists in the air as dramatic yet scary "Do you have death wish?" Taehyung shook his head as a 'no'  "then keep that mouth of yours Shut"

Taehyung chuckle when Jin looked at him hesitantly, he knows where exactly this is going and he's more than happy at his Future victory "if...I can call Minho and if he's free then he can come with you..."

Taehyung smiled and mocked "Sure, HYUNG!"

Jin rolled his eyes "make sure he don't flirt with him or I'll kill you?"

Taehyung chuckled "sure!" Jin Again rolled his eyes "Don't roll your eyes so much hyung it might actually turn to your back" Jin glared darkly


"You know, you didn't even bother to call me once..." Minho said as he pouted, the both buddies was sitting behind while Taehyung was driving and totally annoyed, they have been taking for the past half an hour like he don't even exist

"Ooh~ I have said sorry already... just forgot now, hm?" Jk said with cute voice that made Minho smile and taehyung to roll his eyes

"By the way...I am quite Shocked that...Seokjin let me come" Minho said changing the topic finally

"Who knows why...well" jk said and turned to face Minho properly and again there cute conversation made Taehyung sigh for the 109th time for the 30 mins...


"So do you think it's okay?"

"Yeah...hope so..."

"Well, I think if was crazy if you to call Jungkook like that" sehun said as he crossed his legs

"I don't know why I even did that least he didn't know it's me..."


Jimin didn't said anything further but just Smiled thinking that jungkook still remembers his voice, he hung up instead of saying anything

"Yeah, yeah..." Sehun scoff

"Whatever...I think it's time for me to come infront of them..." Jimin said

"Are you sure about that?" Sehun asked to which jimin nodded

"But you need to guarantee that you'll give me your back" jimin said with a suspicious look, sehun rolled his eyes but nodded

"Don't worry the least I can do is that you won't get hurt..."sehun said and jimin smirked

"Ikr" jimin said and leaned comfortably on the sofa "I'll go tomorrow..." He smirked


It was 9pm but there was no sign of Jin at all. Minho had left an hour ago and taehyung was busy with his own work, jungkook sigh that's when his bedroom's door knocked, he happily looked at it Hoping for it to be Jin but...

Nope...jisoo came in with a sweet smile that immediately made jungkook smile too as he got up and hugged her after all they are good friends

"Don't you think it's been a long time since we met?" Jisoo said as she broke the hug, jk nodded as agreement

They both sat on the bed with their legs still touching the ground, they talked, talked and talked and also had fun together. Time ran to fast that they both didn't notice it was 11pm already

"Time fly so fast..." Jisoo said as her eyes time finally caught the time, jk's face turned into a sad one after seeing the time "Jin still hasn't came right?" She asked after noticing jk's Expression, jungkook nodded without thinking "That's so bad of him..."

"Right? I am not gonna talk with him once he'll be back, not at all..." Jk said, jisoo smiled

"Why don't you confess to him that you love him? Things might change than..." Jisoo said

Jk pouted "I might do am waiting for him...but he always is late..."

Jisoo sighed "It's late now so I should go now...bye jungkook..."

Jk nodded with a smile and hugged her again "Bye"


Jk moved in his sleep because of the sudden noise, his eyes opened a little. He saw the time it was 3pm. He looked at the other side of the bed and jin still wasn't there...

"Is he alright..." Jk mumbled and the door of the Washroom opened, jk looked there to see Jin standing there a little shocked

"You're still awake? I thought you were asleep..." Jin said

Jk sat up rubbing his she's cutely "I just woke up..."

"Sorry if I disturbed you..." Jin said

Even in the dark jk noticed that Jin was in a little pain, his eyes widened when he saw blood on his shirt, he quickly got up

"You should sleep back--" Jin stopped when jk was infront of him already "Aren't you too fast--"

"What happened to your arm?" Jk asked making jin look at his arm and then back to jk

"'s nothing serious just a small cut..."Jin said

"Seriously? You're bleeding for god sake! Stay here, hm? I'll be back" saying this jk ran to the washroom 

He came back with a aid box and sat next to Jin "Take of your shirt" Jin looked at him confused "What? Don't get any wrong idea, you pervert..." Jin chuckled and he took of his shit with the help of jk, "Tell me if it's hurt..."

Jin didn't replied but just stared at jk who was giving him lecture about taking care of yourself while putting medicine on the cut, Jin Smiled lost in jk fully

"You better take care next--" Jk finally looked up after he was done, his eyes met with jin's. There face was so much...

Jin held jk's chin softly and leaned closer, jk's Closed his eyes as well and jin smiled as he connected there lips

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