CH 14

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Author POV:

"How's jungkook?" Jin asked running to them

"He is stable now but he is still unconcious" yoongi replied

"V and yoongi come with me" Jin said

V gulped while looking at Yoongi confusingly  they both followed Jin

"Wasn't he in JAPAN?" Rm said

"I heard the same thing" yeonjun said

"Did he came back just for jk?" Rm said

"Ofcourse not! His work must be done" yeonjun said

"I doubt that..." Rm said

"I am still hell curious how did all of this happen?" Yeonjun said trying to change the topic

"Me too...but yoongi said it will be better it we don't know..." Rm said

"That cold ass, Ofcourse he would say that..." Yeonjun Said

"He is so handsome though" rm said

"You want a beating from me?" Yeonjun Said, rm rolled his eyes

In Jin's office:

"Can you explain me?" Jin said

"Actually Hyung...we don't now what actually happened as and Suga was about to leave the house but--" v said

"Leaving jk alone there!?" Jin raised his voice he tried to call himself, he tried to speak in a calm tone "I lefted jk in your safety so how can you let this happen? Are you giving me a hint not to believe you ever again?"

"He was in his room so I thought nothing would happen...sorry Hyung" V said Looking down but he looked up at Jin while Pouting "why did he even came down..." He mumbled but Ofcourse both of them heard it, yoongi glared at him

"Are you now saying it's his fault?" Jin said

"I didn't meant that hyung..." V said

"Ofcourse couldn't you see he saved jisoo's life! If it wasn't for him the bullet would have gone straight in her heart! Jungkook took the Bullet instead of her and he got shot in his chest, jk survived but jisoo could have died you should be Thankful and sorry instead of complaining!" Suga said

Jin sigh

"Why am I feeling this way?" Jin said in the low but in a tone that thy both could hear him clearly
"Fear isn't something I have witnessed Before but I am scared today thinking that what if he won't wake up..."

Suga and v Looked at eachother, then at jin

"Don't worry...think positive he will wake up soon" Suga said patting Jin's shoulder, he sigh again

"Three days..." Jin said Looking at Suga but he just gave him a confused look "you have three days...I want to know who's betraying us because it's impossible that someone can do it easily I am sure someone is betraying us" Jin said

"But isn't 3 days--" Suga said

"I don't care turn the whole Korea upside Down, I.DON'T.CARE!" Jin said he then looked at V  "And you..."

"Yes Hyung?" V replied hesitantly

"I'll forgive you this time because you have a burden of the company too but be careful next time" Jin said in a calm tone

"Ok hyung..." V said

"But how did they even got the chance to enter in the mansion? The's sucks!" Jin said

"We'll take care of it...I'll--" Suga said

"Like you did today" Jin said, Suga rolled his eyes

"Remember I don't want the answer as have only three days, take anyone's help do whatever you can" Jin said, Suga nod

Suga talked with v wth his eyes like 'what do I do now?' v just Cursed him under his breath while giving back a expression like 'how can I know?' they both were annoyed, Jin was still looking at them while they were fighting with eachother through there eyes, Suga and v, both flinched when they heard a voice of glass breaking, they looked at the floor and then noticed Jin throw it on the floor

"Get out" Jin said, Suga sigh and went outside his office

"Hyung is really scary when he is angry" v said as he closed the door of his office

"Don't mind him he is just Angry" Suga said

"I know... I don't mind cuz I know it's actually my fault I should have been more careful" v said

"It's not only your fault but all of us, so stop blaming yourself and especially that bastards" Suga said

"Did he said something ridiculous again to you? Did he scold you again for no reason or is he blaming you for the accident?" His mom said approaching the both males, Suga bows at her while greeting her

"I am going First" Suga said tapping his shoulder and faked a smile at before leaving

"Who is he showing his smile too? It's obvious he was faking it" she said Looking at Suga who was going far

"Now what you need?" V asked

"I told you not to give up but now look he is being a Total jerk" she said

"Mom, Don't speak like this for Hyung! And especially he gave me the company and he took care of that" v said

"But why did he went to Japan for the meeting instead of you? He just came back without even finishing his he just heard his husband died" she said annoydly

"Mom! For god sake will you please stop? Hyung made a good decision to come back, if it was me instead of him, I would have done the same and I am not ready to take care of this things I am grateful to him that he went instead of me" v said

"Yeah...keep taking side with your Hyung but in the end don't come to me if you regret it!" She said mentioning hyung specially and then left, leaving the annoyed v there

"This is just a bad day..." V mumbled before continuing walking
Author POV:

Angry Jinnie is in the field😁
I hope you'll like it 💜💜

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