CH 29

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Author POV:

Seokjin looked at his left side to see jungkook sleeping peacefully

He smiled gently as he caressed his hairs softly, jungkook moved a little in his sleep making jin to chuckle. He brought his hand back so jk won't be disturb anymore.

He sigh, and get up from the bed and went straight to the washroom.


Jungkook stretched a little with his eyes still closed, "um..." He opened his eyes fully to see that Jin wasn't next to him, he frowned and checked the time and his eyes widened

"It's fucking 12pm?! Why did he not wake me up?" Jk said as he quickly got up

After freshening up, he went downstairs to the kitchen to see Jin there. He raised his brows again and noticed Jin was cooking, with wide eyes he went to him and stand behind him looking infront from seokjin's Shoulder

"Why are you cooking, today?" Jk asked

"To make up for yesterday" Jin said

Hearing this, jungkook automatically backed away a little and sat on the chair with a pout "where were you last night?"

Jin didn't answered and jungkook sigh, he thought not to make a big deal out of it 'he must have a good reason' thinking this he shrugged it off

Suddenly Jin came to him and sat infront of him and held his hands making jungkook to look at him confused "Jungkook...I know it's only been 1 or more than 1 year I have known you but...just know one thing...that... you're special, hm? Nothing... importance to me more than you..."

Jk just stared at his eyes trying to know if it's true or not but he found sincerity in the way he spoke, he looked down

"There's a thing...I never said to you but...sometimes you don't need to say something to make other's realise what you feel so... you know that...that I love you, right?" Jin said in the same way but with a small smile, JK's eyes widened

'he just confessed...' jk thought

To state a fact, jungkook feels like he is on cloud nine right now, he can't believe it! What's stopping him to tell Jin his true feelings right now? No one but why is he not doing it?

He took a deep breath as he shyly look up at Jin who was looking at him with hopeful eyes like he is expecting jungkook to say something "um...actually...I..." He brushed off the nervousness "I love you too, to be exact"

This was the only thing Jin wanted to listen, he smiled brightly and hugged jungkook "I love you so much..."

Jk giggled as he hugged him back and rest his head in his shoulder feeling his warmth and calming scent


"Well...I am...sorry for fighting with you that day but I am still sure that I was right!" Jhope said making yoongi to roll his eyes

"Ofcourse, whatever you say is right even if it's wrong..." Yoongi said as he sat on the bed

Yoongi got discharged yesterday and now he's in Hobi's house because he insisted a lot and yoongi wasn't in a state to say no or Jin might get suspicious of them

"You know what Hobi? You are really annoy me so much..." Yoongi said making jhope to smile brightly

"I just love how you now always call me Hobi now" jhope said sarcastically, yoongi rolled his eyes

"Do you want me to not do that?" Yoongi asked

"No, no I didn't mean that..." Jhope said with a cute pout which made yoongi smile for no reason but only Jhope's cuteness but looked away so he won't notice his smiling face,jhope pouted even more "I look cute, right?"

Yes... "Not at all" yoongi said as he finally faced him with a bored expression, jhope made a face acting like he's angry and looking like a kid Whose favourite toy just got called ugly

Yoongi couldn't help but to smile, it didn't let unnoticed by jhope this time, he stopped Pouting and smile widely and spoke excitedly "You just smiled!"

Yoongi clear his throat as he hide his smile "I didn't, you are imagining things"

"Nope...I am sure I saw you smile..." Jhope said in a teasing voice, yoongi rolled his eyes. this made the grin on Jhope's face to grow even bigger

"Btw, why are you happy?" Yoongi asked trying to change the subject

"Because you just smiled...?" Jhope answered still with the same expression

"I didn't-- even if I did so why does it make you so happy?" Yoongi asked

"Because you smiled because of me and it's enough to make me happy..." Jhope said, they both stared at eachother

"And why is that?" Yoongi ask

"Isn't It obvious?" Jhope ask back with his eyes shining, looking straight into Yoongi's eyes

Yoongi felt uneasy with Jhope's gaze so he clearly looked away first "I..." He cleared his throat as his voice cracked "I don't understand what you are trying to say--"

"I like you" jhope said straightly making Yoongi's eyes go wide than ever! "I like you that's why... I have liked for a long time..."

Yoongi didn't said anything, he opened his mouth to say something but nothing came so he Closed it again, jhope chuckled

"I didn't told you to get a reply from you...I just thought that it might be better if you know about my feelings and you don't need to be awkward wth me..." Jhope said "I'll bring some water for you" saying this jhope left the room leaving yoongi shocked

He blinked his eyes multiple times and noticed jhope wasn't with him anymore, he looked towards the door from where jhope had just left

"What am I supposed to do?" Yoongi mumble Still looking there "Does my heart...beat for him?"

Meanwhile, jhope in the kitchen pouring some water in the glass while cursing himself

"You shouldn't have told him this sooner, stupid! Maybe you did good but..." He sigh and walked towards the room with the glass

He stopped when he heard yoongi from inside "Does my for him?"

He leaned against the wall with the glass still in his hand, he tightened his grip on it "Maybe I am over thinking...whatever I said can't can't be undone now so there's no point of regretting it, I just have to believe my decision wasn't bad..." He mumbled to himself

He looked at Yoongi who was still in the same position, from the window. He decided to give him water and left

He walked in the room and placed the glass on the side table and took a glance at Yoongi who was looking at him, before leaving and not forgetting to close the door behind him

Impossible - Jinminkook Where stories live. Discover now