CH 17

283 21 18

Tom and Jerry

Author POV:

"How are you now?" Jin asked as he sit next to jk on the corner of the bed

"I am okay" jk replied

"I see...the doctor said you can discharge in 3 days..." Jin said

"Still 3days? Ugh! I hate it" jk said, Jin chuckled and jk pout
"What's funny?"

"Nothing" Jin said as he pinch his cheeks softly

"That's not fair" jk said pouting

"Okay, okay so let me tell you never ever do this thing again, ok?" Jin said, jk nod " the way, did you find anywhere to---"

"I didn't yet I was founding any good place but then I heard voices so I went downstairs" jk said

"Ignore it next time..." Jin said, jk pout again "stop acting cute and I am- You can work at the company"

"Which?" Jk said

"Ofcourse our" Jin said

"No! Thank you!" Jk said

"Why? What's the problem? And especially you can work as Taehyungs assistant and he will be able to protect you too" Jin said

"I said no!" Jk said

"I said so!" Jin said

"Why?" Jk wines

"Stop being cute I said and what's wrong with working with him? He might be clumsy at times but it's the best you know him very well and it will be a little easy for you" Jin said

"If we think that way...than its a benefit..." Jk said

"And after all you are not just a 'Jeon' but a 'kim' too so you have rights on our company too" Jin said

"That was Cheezy" jk said, Jin chuckled

"So what do you say?" Jin said

"I'll think about it or maybe yes...?" Jk said

"Ok" Jin said

After 2 days:

"After thinking a lot I came with a decision" Jin said

"What's it hyung?" V asked

"I think...that working with them might be a benefit for us" Jin said

"What can I say? Ofcourse I'll just do as you say" v said

"Don't be so childish" Jin said smiling

"Ok,ok" v said

"I am here because you are the CEO not me, remember that deongsaeng" Jin said

"Ooh...I totally forgot that" v said and got a smack on head "Hyung!" He wines

"So have any problem?" Jin ask, v shook his head "Good"

1 years later:

"Uuf! What the hell!" Jk shout under his office "ugh!!!"

"What happened?" Jin said as he come in his office

"I SWEAR! I am gonna kill this namjoon!" Jk shout, Jin chuckle

"What he did this time?" Jin said as he back hug him

"He came yesterday and broke my favourite vase I shouldn't Have letted him enter" jk said
"Huh~" he wines

"You know He's a god of destruction, so it's your fault" Jin said

"How?" Jk said still angry

"Because you let him enter that's all" Jin said as he burry his head in jk's neck

"Hey back off" jk said

"No" Jin said

"Its ticklish!" Jk said

"What is?" Jin ask

"Just fucking back off!" Jk Shout

"Ok, ok don't swear!" Jin said as he lightly take some steps back and look at jk confused "it was just a vase why are you so... angry?"

"You better keep your mouth shut!" Jk said as he glare at him, Jin kept his mouth shut jk is very scary when he's angry

"I am going---" Jin said

"Quickly!" Jk shout

"Hey! I am your husband not your friend!" Jin said

"" jk said poking his chest "it's not like we are lovers or something!" He shout speedly

"Then why didn't you divorced me when they asked if you want to or not!?" Jin shout back

"Its my fault, I know! I was just having Strange feelings and that was the worst decision I ever made! But now I am sure it was nothing more than strange feeling" jk said

"Yeah, yeah my bad!" Jin Shout

V sigh as he enter

Its not first time they both fight like this almost everyday and everyone in this mansion call them 'tom and jerry' Jin is Tom and jungkook is Jerry because it's always jk to start everything sometimes they are running everywhere like child's, fighting throwing things at eachother it all started after 4 months of their marriage

"Guys please keep quite, will you?" V said

"No!" Both Jin and jk shout at the same time and then glare at eachother

"Minseok came down with---" v said

"Did his brother came too?" Jk said excitedly, v nod "bye I am going down!" He rush downstairs like a baby, Jin curse under his breath

"That fucking Choi minho..." Jin said loud this time

"You're really jealous of him..." V said and jin glare, he look away ignoring his glare


"Omo! Minho!" Jk said as he run towards him and hug him "Where are you?"

"It was you who was busy all this time" minho said, jk break the hug and look at him with a smile

"Guys, am I invisible?" Minseok asked

"No hyung" minho said

"Hi!" Jk greet him

After their contract with eachother, jk and Minho have become best friends and they both companies are like family now

"Ooh minseok, hru?" Jin said as he come down

"Oh Imma good" minseok said

Jin curse under his breath looking at Minho and jk, Minseok and v chuckle, jk and Minho was talking happily

"Your husband is quite flirty" Minseok wisper and started laughing when Jin glared at him, Jin roll his eyes

"So...what is it about....




"I came to make a deal with you" jimin said

"What kind of deal?" The other person asked


"Kim SeokJin..."


Jiminie is back!!
I hope you'll like it 💜💜

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