CH 52

240 16 12

Author POV:

"You won't get what you want, just make my will never be able to kill hyung" taehyung said

"I'll be able to'll get out of my way" mr.oh pointed his gun straight at Taehyung, whose grip on Jungkook's wrist tightened and made sure that he was behind him and there will be no harm to Jungkook

Taehyung looked at Yoongi and nodded his head lightly and wispered for only jungkook to hear "Run when I tell you to do"

"Huh? W-what about you?" Jk asked with his weak voice

"Don't you dare care about me, you're the reason why I am here in the first place" taehyung said with gritted teeth "Hyung loves you alot, that's the only reason why I am doing this or maybe the time we had spend together is the cause of this excluding our fights..."

Mr.oh smirked and pulled the trigger and the voice echoed, yoongi shouted "You mother f*cker!"

"Jungkook run!" Taehyung said as he released his grip but jungkook didn't even moved a little "I said run, I'll come behind you"

"What about yoongi?" Jk asked

"He'll be fine...he should be, trust me and run" taehyung said and jungkook nodded

He gulped and ran to the side taehyung entered, v covered him

Actually the thing that happened is, two man who was holding Yoongi were so interested in the show in front of them that yoongi had a success in freeing himself from their grip and he throwed a punch to mr.oh that made gun's aim to the left side of Taehyung

Now Yoongi were fighting behind and he knocked down many men's but until how long?

Yoongi nodded his head at taehyung and v hesitantly went behind jungkook in order if something happens to him

"Go and fucking get that both!"

Taehyung was out of breath when he spotted jungkook at the corner "Are you okay?" Jk looked at him and nodded

"What about Yoongi?" Jk asked

"Don't worry about him, we need to get out of here...they must be looking for us" taehyung said but jungkook wasn't convinced, taehyung sighed and held him by both his shoulders "If we sit here and care about Yoongi right now then the three of us of will die, I am not saying to abandon him but during such situations we lose many but don't worry atleast I won't let anyone hurt him...that's the least I can do"

Taehyung looked behind when he heard footsteps, he held jungkook's hand "Don't worry... let's get out of here first...sehun is on its will be alright..."

And they both ran again, "Why the hell is this fucking place so big and dark?" Taehyung groaned "And what's taking sehun so long?"

Taehyung pushed jungkook behind when someone appeared in front of him "Fuck..."

"Did you thought you could get away so easily?"

"No...I knew dorks like you will come in my way for sure" v said and moved his head back "Jk... you have to run..."


"No buts please..." Taehyung said and sighed when many of them was infront of him, he knows there's no way he could get away with this alone "Please run..."

"Get them both..."

Jungkook was hesitanting so much that he didn't even let go of taehyung's hand who was getting annoyed because of him

"Just run please!" V pleaded

When they took a step ahead, it made taehyung let go of his hand immediately and shouted "Just fucking run!!!!"

Jungkook finally looked behind and saw no one, he closed his eyes tightly and ran but stopped when he heard taehyung's voice

He looked behind again and found him on the floor "Run!!!" but jungkook didn't and v closed his eyes in annoyance


"This stupid didn't even bothered to run when I told him to!" Taehyung was beyond annoyed and jungkook didn't even dare to look at taehyung

Mr.oh laughed "Will you please stop fighting on you own?" He looked at jungkook and clapped his hands "Good work!"

He walked to taehyung and smirked "You lost, now do you understand that coming here was a mistake? You're still alive because my daughter loves you or else you would have been a dead meat right now"

Taehyung scoffed "As if you even care for her"

"How come you know me so well? Too is going to be your last day, lover" mr.oh pointed his gun at taehyung again

"I pity you..." Taehyung said

"No, you should pity yourself"

Taehyung closed his eyes "Just shoot already If you can"


All of them looked at the place from where the voice came from and there stood joy with her teary eyes "I don't understand who told everyone about this place?"

"Boss..." Mr.oh looked at his man and gave him a questioning look "He keep getting calls from sir sehun"

Mr.oh laughed a little in disbelief "Like really? That bastard was never of use..."

Taehyung and Joy stared at eachother "Why did you came here, are you crazy? Just go back please..."

Joy shook his head "I can't..."

"Taehyung is right, just go back that will be better for everyone"

"I am so ashamed to even call you my dad..." Joy said

"Than don't, don't call me that"

"Such a jerk you are,"

"Sure, I am glad you know that"

He turned to Taehyung and mouthed 'Bye, bye' the man who was holding him backed away and mr.oh turned his back at taehyung as he tried to look cool and turned back as he pulled the trigger and that had him shock

The one getting hit was joy not taehyung...

V eyes widened as Joy was hugging him "I am sorry..." She mumbled and taehyung's eyes got teary

"Sooyoung..." He placed his hand on where she got shot and his hands got bloody "Why..."

She lost her balance even though she got shot on her shoulder, taehyung helped her with leaning against the wall "Don't worry, you'll be alright" mr.oh didn't said anything

"What a lovely and emotional scene we have here, huh" mr.oh said with a smirk

"Your play is over dad..." Joy said with all the strength she could gather, mr.oh raised his brows

and smirked but it vanished when he saw Sehun and Jin "woah woah! Look who's here... you guys are late it all was about to finish--"

"How come? I thought that...the game just began" Sehun and Jin said at the same time

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