CH 34

229 14 7

Double update


My eyes widened when Jimin's lips made contact with mine. It feels like a nightmare

Park Jimin is kissing me!!

My mind went blank, I just cant believe whatever is happening right now until I felt pain on my lower and I realised jimin had bit me to open my mouth but the hell was I going to do that

I used all of my strength to push him away and yelled "Are you out of your mind!?"

Jimin just smiled seeing the mark he gave me, my lower lips was bleeding I shot Jimin a glare to which Smirked but he still didn't moved back "I think I have to go now but I'll not come back for you Jungkook but you'll come for me instead" he winked and finally moved back and started walking away ignoring my angry shouts

"This bastard...he's such a jerk. How foolish of me that I believed him after what he did to me in the past, it was stupid of me to make him my best friend" i mumbled and touched my Lower lip from where it was bleeding and wiped the blood

I fucking feel so disgusting right now, how dare him!?

I Know taehyung must be going crazy right now, he probably is angry right now so I decided to go his office

Within Knocking or anything I burst in and he looked back from the window at me with a angry look and I know I messed up this time even though I didn't do anything so much bad

He came to me with big steps and stand in front me with a veryyy angry look and he sure looks scary, I cleared my throat "I am sorry"

He raised his brows and chuckled darkly as he moved more closer to me but I didn't moved back at all, Taehyung's eyes stopped at my lips

"Why is your lips bleeding?" V asked and I tensed up immediately as i wiped it but Ofcourse it was shown that it had bleed

"N-nothing...I just bit it out of anger...", I nervously said

"Anger? What was you so angry about? I understand that seeing Jimin after so much time sure affect you but I didn't imagined to act this unprofessional" taehyung said still angry

"I didn't do anything wrong, it was your fault to begin with" I said Bruntly

"Jeon Jungkook!" Taehyung yelled and this time i didn't spoke at all and just stare at v blankly "Why do you always seem to forget that I am not just your brother-in-law but also your boss! I am still the same Kim Taehyung, you knew 1 year ago! If it wasn't me then would you have acted the same way?"

"I am sure, I would have done the same" i answered honestly making Taehyung even more Angry

"If it wasn't me then what would that person have done?" V ask

"What else? He would have just talked Nonsense and scold me like you're doing right now" i said with a bored expression not affected by how much angry taehyung is right now

Taehyung clenched his fists "You better keep your personal feelings out of my office, mr.jeon" he spoke every word clearly hoping for me to understand

I just stared at him before chuckling "whatever"

"Jeon Jungkook!! You know there is limits to everything!" taehyung yelled again at my face

"Ofcourse I know that too" i said standing in front of taehyung as if nothing happened

"So you might also know that you're crossing your limits here... don't make me more anger than I already am..." Taehyung said it looked like he can punch me directly right now

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