CH 27

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It's been 2 days since Jin left and i don't even know what is going on there as I didn't even talked with him on the phone cause he didn't picked up so I didn't called again, he must be busy and will call me once he will be free...

It sure feels so lonely without him, Its like I have gotten used to him-- Aish! I want to go back so badly! The last moment flashed in my mind making me blush

Bogo shipda *I miss him* does he feel the same there or he doesn't even think about me? Just get this thought out of your head jungkook!

My phone ran suddenly making me jump out from the covers and slid off the bed, it's still just 10am I woke up an hour ago while everyone is still sleeping peacefully propably

Just the thought that Jin must be the one calling, I excitedly picked the phone only for my hopes to get crush hopelessly

It was an unknown number, thinking about if I should pick up or not and ended up picking up



I only received silence so repeated again "Hello? Who is it?"

But again there was no response, I brought my phone in front of my eyes to read the number and shrugged hanging up

It might be a wrong number or a prank call, whatever it is I don't care

I turned back to go to bed again leaving the phone again there but it rang again and I lazily walked back and saw if it's the same Person again but my mood bright up

I smiled brightly as a picked up and letted out a 'hello' which was bossy before into so cheerful

A chuckle was heard from the other side and I recognize it very well, it's of a person who...I love from the bottom of my hear

Since Jin left, I finally figured out my feelings for him after my father talked with me and told me open up

My thoughts got interepted by the voice I have been craving to hear, I can't believe, I never thought that I would actually be this desperate just to listen this man's, Kim Seokjin's voice, AKA my husband

"How are you?"

I smiled "Good, more than just good"

"Really? So you seen so much happier now that I am not here, were you this desperate to get rid of me?"

I pout, just if he knew how much I missed him and thought that he should know atleast "Look who's saying...I even called you but you didn't picked up and about me being happier...because I finally heard your voice for which I was desperate for actually" I didn't hesitate to say that and didn't regret afterwards as well but was just waiting for Jin's reply but got nothing for 2 mins, i bit his lips nervously before he spoke

"I didn't expect that...did you really missed me and my voice that much or are you just making up?"

"Shut up! Just if you knew how much I miss you"

"That you just want to jump in my arms and cuddle?"

I blushed by his reply "Shameless" I said which I didn't even know when I did though

"What's shameless about it? You're my husband so is it wrong to just cuddle?" He stopped and Continued with a teasing voice I can tell he's smirking "when there is more things that they are supposed to do, like...making love together?"

Like really!? Did I just heard him right????????? Shameless, ok so he's really shameless, no doubt about that!!!!! How much I want to hang up but I just can't!

He chuckled...this Bastard...he just chuckled I can't believe him for god sake!!!!! Aish why am I blushing so hard about!? He's.!!!!!!!

"Calm down"

His teasing voice!! How much annoyed i am by it but I can't deny that I missed it more and why the hell did he just used his first name with mine??? I am not used to it!!

"Are you keep gonna fight with you inner self, Do you want me to hand up and give you some space?'

Again...I can't understand what's there in his voice that make my Heart skip a beat "Who said that?"

" if you really miss me than when are you coming back?"

"I want to be back right now" he chuckled

"Then I guess you are so impatient so book a flight for tomorrow?"

"How about today?"

"Be patient"

"Stop calling me that!!!!"

He chuckled "Sure, sure"

I decided to change the topic, this is the best option "So how's Yoongi?" I asked when I suddenly Remember him, a sigh his lips from the other side of the phone

"He's okay now...wide awake and it was nothing more than accident but I am sure that something is and was disturbing him cause Yoongi isn't a guy to drive the car so I uncarefully and noticed that jhope and Suga aren't doing so fine...I am positive something happened between them that they aren't willing to tell me"

"Don't worry...they'll tell you... sooner or later you'll know...and now that Suga is awake and everything is fine, I am coming back tomorrow for sure!"

"Sure, baby"

He-- ugh!!! What the hell is his problem today!?????

We talked for some time and when I hang up, I saw there was many miss calls from that same unknown number, what the hell is his/her problem?

I dialed the number and that person picked up "So will you mind telling me who you're?"


I was growing irritated "Do you have nothing to say!? So should I just hand up!?"

I was about to bring the phone down until a voice was heard, which was deadly familiar to me, I tried to recall to who this voice belongs to and my eyes widened


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