CH 9

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Author POV:

They both went in the mansion

"What the--" jk said lightly

It was Hella' big

'why bother having such a big place when you can't even fill up the space" jk mumbled

"I don't have any answer to that lame question" Jin said

'goah! Did he heard me?' jk thought

"We are sharing a room..." Jin said

"Waoh!" Jk laughed unbelievably "no way!" He said serious

"Ooh son, you are here..." said, she then looked at jk who didn't even bothered to look at her

" is jungkook" Jin said

"Hello..." Jk said

"Hi, son" said

'son? Fucking kidding with me' jk thought annoyingly

" let's talk tomorrow, I am tired" Jin said

'what did he do to get tired? Fucking nothing, that's the answer' jk thought

"Come with me..." Jin said and jk just followed him, they both went in a room

Its wall was painted dark grey with a light shade of black and White, the room was neat and clean

'gosh! It really seems like a place where they murder someone...he is such a neat freak...' jk thought

"You can wear my clothes for now..." Jin said

'ugh!!' jk shouted in his brain

I told you not to say yes, you should have letted yeonjun die 👹

That's not right! Your choice was good jk, pull yourself together 👼

I am telling you just kill this Jin tonight and run away to your parents, they will save you from going to jail👹

That's also not right! You can't kill anyone--- 👼

But he threatened him that he'll kill yeonjun, he even killed that innocent boy, shouldn't a person like him, who is so cruel should die?👹

No! That's not right---👼

Stop just saying those three words👹

You fucking---👼

I didn't knew Angel curse too👹

Shut up! You should not do anything against the law jk, you are a nice, kind person and you should stay as one👼

Don't you know, that innocent person can't survive in this world? He'll probably die like that innocent boy at the wedding if he'll stay with Seokjin👹


'Shut up you both!!!' jk shouted at his both inners self

"Are you listening to me? What's wrong with you?" Jin said

He has been calling him but jk is busy, lol🤣

"Ugh...hey! You!!!" Jin shouted

Jk came back to his senses

"Ooh sorry..." Jk said

'should I just kill him...?' jk thought

No you shouldn't!👼

You'll not survive, jk! Remember innocent person like you can't survive with this Devil👹

'you're right...' jk said to his inner devil self

No jk! Don't listen to him...👼

'shut up!" Jk said to his angelic inner self

A/n: gosh! The devil self is smirking right now,😹😂

"Something's wrong with your brain..." Jin said "you're not planning to kill me at night, right?"

'wait--- how did he know? Did I said it aloud or is he a mind reader...?' jk thought

"Again...get out of your thoughts!" Jin said slapping his head

"Aish!" Jk said

"Now, let's just sleep" Jin said

"I am not fucking sleeping in the same bed as you" jk said

"Who said you are sleeping next to me? There's a sofa there..." Jin said pointing at sofa, couch

"I am not sleeping there, either!" Jk said

After some time...after arguing for some minutes thy both ended up in the same bed

"Don't you dare cling on me on night" jk said glaring at him, Jin just ignored him and changed his site, no his back was facing jk

"Fucking rude ass! Where did you get Such a rude ass?" Jk said

"Will you please stop? Someone is trying to sleep here..." Jin said

"Yea! Why would care about that someone?" Jk said being stubborn

"You-- just fucking keep quiet if you want to live" Jin said

"Ooh hello? Are you threatning m?" Jk said furrowing his brows

"You can take it as that..." Jin said

"You bastard!" Jk said

I told you just kill him👹

Stop giving him bad ideas you are always no help for him👼

Like you are...👹 (Rolling eyes)

'i prefer to ignore you both...' jk said to his both inner selfs

Go ahead...👹

"Hey?" Jk said

"..." No reply

"He already slept? Gosh! He is a fast sleeper..." Jk said

Suddenly Jin turned around

Jk stared at his angel like, beautiful, handsome face

"He look so peaceful while sleeping..." Jk mumbled before falling asleep

One is Devil and the other is angel, you understand right? Lol🤣🤣I hope you'll like it💜

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