CH 20

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Author POV:

"Why do you even want to get revenge?" Sehun asked

"I don't want revenge I want my friend" jimin said

"But what if he's happy with Seokjin?" Sehun asked

"He shouldn't...he can't...he won't when he'll know the truth" jimin said but little did he know, jungkook knows everything

"How much time has it been?" Sehun asked

"1 year and some months" jimin replied

"Ah..." Sehun said "So...what's your plan?" Jimin smile-smirk

"That's the question I have been waiting for" jimin said making sehun frown "I have a very nice plan..."

Next day:

"Hey! Where's my watch?" Jin said fixing his hairs

"Are you sure you are not going to a fashion show, right?" Jk said in his sleepy voice "So fucking just go like this you already look like you're going there to prove you're handsome" he said annoyed but curse himself under his breath after realizing what he just said

"Ooh baby you don't need to find this kind of excuse to praise my Handsomness" Jin said with a smirk

"Fucking shut up and let me sleep, you're getting ready for 2 hours now not forgetting to ruin my sleep" jk said as he pull the covers over his head covering his whole body, head to toe

"Don't be so mean! Where's my watch?" Jin said

"Its fucking in the dressing room in the 5th drawer now fucking stop disturbing me" jk said, Jin Smiled and came towards jk and pulled the cover down from his whole body, jk shot him a glare
"What the fucking hell you need now?"

"Woah! You're the best at swearing! You have already maybe more than 20 times in just this 5 mins" Jin said, jk ignore and pull the covers back up but jin pull it back again, jk wines loudly

"You fucking-- what do you need!?" He Shout

"You should get up now, it's 9am" Jin said showing him his watch

"The hell-? You had your watch with you from the start?" Jk said, Jin nod "then why fucking waste my energy!?" He shouted making jin flinch

"You're scary" Jin said

"If you still want to live then fucking get out, you mafia sekeya (bastard)" jk Shout, Jin press his lips together to prevent himself from laughing, he loved this side of jungkook but he loved the kind one too actually he just love everything about him "You want to laugh? Huh? What's so funny?" Seokjin was about to reply when a ringtone disturbed them, jk shot him a glare before speaking "Get me my phone, it's over there" he point at the sofa

"Why would you put your phone there?" Jin said

"Not fucking your problem" jk said, Jin roll his eyes as he take his phone and picked it up himself  "What the fuck--" jk shout

"Shhh! Jk don't shout, it's your aunt" Jin wisper

"Give me my phone" jk wisper shout

"No, no baby, not now" Jin said and sat on the bed in front of jk as he was lying, jk immediately got up and bend on the floor in front of Seokjin to listen to their conversation "you don't need to try so hard baby" he put in on speaker, jk roll his eyes

"Hello? Son? Are you there, why aren't you replying?"

"My apologies aunt, how are you?" Jk said sweetly, Jin look at him in disbelief wondering if he's the same jk

Impossible - Jinminkook Where stories live. Discover now