CH 30

235 17 9

Author POV:

"Jinnie?" Jk said softly breathing on jin's arm

"Hmm?" Jin hummed in response while caressing his hairs

"Actually..." He stopped for a sec and bit his lips "I have been getting a calls from unknown number..."

Jin looked at him confused "It happens, what about it?"

"'s the same number everytime...but when I pick up no one answers..." Jk said innocently

"Then don't pick up next time? Someone must be doing a prank with you..." Jin said smiling

"Actually...once that person spoke and..." He bit his lips again harshly and nervously, he was about to continue when Jin interepted

"Don't bit your lips" Jin said

He nodded and pouted "His voice was so, you know? Sooo much familiar to my ears and I felt like that it was..." He took a glance at jin's reaction only to find it calm "I felt like it was Jimin's voice"

Ok, so this was it! He properly sat facing Jin with the pillow on his lap, he looked at jin who closed his eyes and let out a Heavy sigh, maybe he was angry that he mentioned jimin? Or maybe he is thinking that he talked with him? He don't know what's going on in his head but he sure is angry

Jin looked at jk before facing him properly, he held his hands in his own trying to control himself from sounding angry "Look jk...if you ever got a call from that number again, don't pick up ok? And especially...don't...ever mention him infront of me"

Jk nodded simply and leaned on jin's chest, resting his head there as he laid again "I am sorry..."

Jin smiled "It's okay, there's nothing to be sorry about"

Jk's phone rang, he looked at jin who nodded as a sign to pick the call. He slowly got up and picked his phone from the side table and a smile formed on his face as he saw the ID making jin curious

"Who is it?" He asked

Jk looked back "Yeonjun" hearing his name Jin rolled his eyes making jk chuckle, the phone stopped ringing and his phone vibrated. He saw yeonjun just text him

Still smiling, he text back


Hi, bunny😁

How did you remember of me today?

Yeonjunnie 💕:

Don't say it like you have been trying to reach me🙄

Don't roll your eyes at me stupid!

Yeonjunnie 💕:

Whatever 🙄 btw, I am back!!😁

Huh? You're back? When did you? Why did you not tell me?

Yeonjunnie 💕:

I just came back today, namjoon went to his own house and we thought of hanging out today, what do you say? I have lots of things to talk with you about!

Sure, I am free not today...but I can still come I know Taehyung won't say anything, so when?

Yeonjunnie 💕:

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