CH 23

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'is he still outside?'

I peek a little outside but damn! Jin was still sitting on the bed using his phone

'What will I do now? Ugh! I shouldn't have run straight like this!'

"Jungkook? Are you done changing?" I heard Jin from outside

But little did that fool knows that I didn't bring my's still outside on the sofa but this stupid persons eyes don't even lay on them, I didn't replied


Gosh what the hell is his problem?! Can't he just get out?

"Are you okay? You're in there for more than 10 minutes now..."

I could hear his footsteps coming closer, I lean against the door and heard a knock on the door

"Jungkook? Are you in there or not?"

Ofcourse I am! You didn't saw me going out, did you!?

Why am I answering him in my mind? It's not like he can hear me after all


I hear him sigh and the footsteps going far, I peek Again and saw him standing there with arms crossed over his chest

"You still aren't dressed?" He ask in disbelief. I shook my head "Then what were you doing there for 10 mins?"

"I forgot my clothes..."

he Chuckle "Then you should have picked it after" when I didn't reply, he pinch my cheeks "You're so cute"

Pouting angrily, I took my steps out to the sofa and picked my clothes and glared at jin who was trying to hold his laugh, taking every step with force I closed the door of the Washroom and heard him laughing

Gosh! I am so embarrassed

After dressing up, I went outside and he was still there

"Ah jungkook...I wanted to ask you something" Jin said

I turned my eyes to him and raised a brow "About what?"

"Nothing much...just wanted to ask you that what did you told soobin about me? I far did you go in gossiping about me--or should I say bad-mouthing and insulting me?"

"W-what?" I shuttered

"Oh do you think I don't know anything? Soobin Said that you talked bad about me" Jin said with a pout

I remembered:

"He's a total jerk! It would be better if you'll never meet him in your life"

"Why? Is he that bad? AW...I wonder how you spend your days with him..."

"Right? It's really hard but what can I do? It's all fate"

"I want to change the fate so bad I wish I could do that...if it was in my power I would do it only for you Hyung"

"That's why you can't" I mumble



"Ah...I never insulted you?" I said

"Woah! You yourself isn't sure about that? Do you really think I am that bad?"

I thought for a I think he's bad? Nope, not at I think he's a jerk? Nope, doesn't even stand a chance. He's so I hate him? Not even in my nightmares...then do I love him? Unanswered...

"Hey, back to earth jungkook?" Jin said and I looked at him

"Nope...I don't think you're that bad so don't worry I guess you're mistaken I never talked bad about you"

"Okay" he simply said but Ofcourse I know he's not buying my lie Completely

Author POV:

'Well, it must be when we first married...but I never treated him why would he talk bad about me? Even if he do...if he hated me...does he still do? Maybe...yes...or maybe no...I desperately need an answer but I don't want to ask him cause I don't want to be rejected I want him to confess himself cause I am sure about Myself that...I love him' Jin thought and smiled

After two days,
In Korea,

"Did you found anything hoseok?" Yoongi asked as he took a seat beside jhope in a restaurant

"Why are you in so much hurry you didn't even greet me when we met after almost 2 months!" Jhope said

"I don't have time for that" Yoongi said

"Are you for real yoongi-ah? You're literally hurting my feelings right now! I am your friend---" jhope said

"Okay, okay, hi! Is it okay now? Now tell me" Yoongi said

Jhope pout "I won't tell you cause I know you'll just left after that so you just have dinner first than I'll tell you everything"

"And for what? You're acting like you're on a date" Yoongi said and jhope smiled

"Think whatever you want~" he sang in his own tune, Yoongi Rolled his eyes "Well, I ordered already and everything that you like"

"I doubt that you know what I like" Yoongi said

"I am not like you! I know it" jhope said and the Waiter came with their order and placed it on the table nicely

"Enjoy your meal" bowed, jhope gave him a tip, he thanked and went back to his work

"Oh I never knew you had this big heart to give a tip" Yoongi said sarcastically, jhope rolled his eyes

"Says who, barely spended time wth don't even know anything about me properly expect what I can do and my name is doubt if you even know how old I am" jhope said

"Okay, sorry" Yoongi said

"Why would you be sorry for?" Jhope ask

"Because I was always rude--" Yoongi stopped but continued "Rude to you even though I wasn't to much it's just that I was born like this"

"But you were never mean to Jin though" jhope said

"Why would you compare yourself to him?" Yoongi ask

"Ooh so now I don't even deserve to be compare with him?" Jhope said and there was a little pain in his voice

"I didn't mean it that way, it's just that you are you and he is why compare...I mean you're good enough" Yoongi said

"Really, are you sincere?" Jhope ask

"I am, hobi" Yoongi said and Jhope's eyes widened

"What did you just said?" Jhope said

"I am?" Yoongi said confused

"No, after just called me hobi for the first time in my life" jhope said

"I did? Maybe..." Yoongi said

'i don't know but it just feel perfect and nice hearing it from Yoongi' jhope thought "Can you repeat?"  Yoongi blink his eyes

"Hobi?" Yoongi said, jhope smiled widely and told him to repeat again and that Continued for 10 more times and jhope kept smiling like crazy

Author:'s a you want yoonmin or sope in this story? Share your thoughts and I hope you're enjoying this story💜

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