CH 38

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Author Pov:

"Jin?" Jk called out, stopping Jin from leaving the room, Jin turned around still holding the knob "um...wanna grab dinner...I mean why don't we have dinner together tonight,? It's been a while..."

Jin didn't said anything instead just smiled and nodded his head and left the room feeling a little happy

Jk sighed as he checked the time, it was still early and the fact that it was Sunday didn't help either but suddenly his phone rang. He groaned after he saw the ID but still picked up

"I don't understand what the hell do you need now? I said that jiwon will come here for one week then you can meet her, what else do you need from me now?" He let out in annoyance

"You don't need to overreact jungkook, I just wanted to meet you today..."

"But I don't want to!"

"Um...I still haven't changed my mind of telling Jin everything"

Jk closed his eyes as he took a deep breath "look, ok I am coming there in 10 mins at the cafe we met yesterday" saying this he hung up

Jungkook got up annoyedly and went straight out and promised to himself that he'll be back before 7pm

After he reached the cafe, he saw jimin already sitting there instead of going in, he text jimin

Come outside

He saw when Jimin picked his phone and looked outside, when his eyes met with Jimin, he got up from his seat placing some money on the table and came outside

"Why did you not wanted to come inside?" Jimin asked

"Cause I don't want to deal with you anymore, for god sake just let go of me! You know...I can never be yours again" jk said

Jimin didn't took him serious at all "That's something future will tell"

"You're right...but you know, I can't meet you in private anymore" jk said

"Will you still think the same if Jin leaves you?" Jimin asked

Jk clenched his fist "Do you think I'll come to you if Jin lefts me which is something that ain't gonna happen but still even if he left me I won't ever come back at you"

"I sincerely want to tell Jin everything-" jimin said

"Ok! Go ahead and tell Jin everything for the fuck I care! I just know that I can't deal with you anymore! The last time we'll meet like this will be when jiwon comes here and after she lefts, I won't even pick up your calls or anything so don't even bother" jk said as he was shaking with anger

"Well, I'll also keep quite until jiwon left cause I don't want her to witness all of this" jimin said

Jk rolled his eyes "As if you care for her Sincerely" he checked the time through his watch and looked at Jimin wth a uninterested look "do you have something else to say? If not than excuse me cause I have somewhere to be"

"Yeah...I don't have much to say right now but I have thousand of things to talk about but too bad... I'll keep it for another time" Jimin said acting sad

"I am so sick of you" jk said and was about to leave when Jimin held his wrist and came closer to him "What the hell are you doing?"

"Don't be scared, I ain't gonna eat you" Jimin said with smirk

"I am not scared of you," jk said as he stare at Jimin with a look of disbelief, when Jimin hand touched his bare skin he immediately let out: "don't touch me"

But Jimin didn't listen and moved closer, he slid the shirt off his shoulder slowly and jk didn't knew what to do or to say right now but still tried to "What do you think you're doing? Are you out of your mind?"

"You still have this mark" Jimin's voice was calm, jk froze as he understood what Jimin is talking about, he gulped

Bunch of memory's rushed back into his mind making his head to ache, unclear words echoed in his mind

"Yo-r craz- Jimin!"

Screaming's was the only thing he could hear, jk opened his eyes and closed it again, repeating it again and again as he put his hands on his ear. Trying to stop those voices but nothing changed

Not until his eyes met with Jimin's, who was looking at him with a worried face while speaking something jungkook could not hear

"Jungkook, are you alright? Hey!" Jimin kept calling for him but jk was unable to hear anything

"Stop..." He mumbled, his eyes felt heavy and without him knowing anything he faint in Jimin's Arm who catched his immediately

"Jungkook? Jungkook?" The others eyes were closed which scared Jimin

He picked jungkook in a bridal style with a difficulty and went to his car and placed him on the back seat, he checked his nerves and he was breathing


Jimin didn't know how it all turned out this way, he didn't wanted his to happen, he didn't wanted jungkook to be in a hospital because of him, he didn't wanted it...

Jimin stared at jk silently until his phone rang, he looked at jk before picking up the call and he went out

"Where are you Jimin?"

"I am at a hospital, jungkook suddenly fainted so I bought him to a hospital, I can't come"

"Ok, I understand but make sure he's back before 7. He and Jin needed to go somewhere, ok? Don't forget it"

Jimin just hummed and Sehun ended the call. Jimin just stared at the phone with a blank face while there was many things going on in his head

'i don't understand why do he know about their plans as if he care about them? I could even see he was hesitating to say that, he doesn't look like a bad person. I just hope he wont betray me' Jimin thought, with that he went back in

So what are your thoughts about Sehun and jimin? 

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