CH 5

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Author POV:

"How dare that bastard threat me? He is  total insane, what a jerk!" Jk mumbled

Jk is on his way to his home, he lives alone, his dad and mom lives in Italy

"Excuse me? Can you please not drove me home but RM's house?" Jk said to his driver

He do lives alone but his dad and mom are very protective

"Okay, but you need to be home at 8pm" the driver said whose name is chonyeol

"Okay, I will call you once I am done" jk said smiling

"Ok then" he said and turned the car to RM's house way

After some minutes, he reached there, he got out of the car

"Thank you, I will call you" jk said

"Be careful" chanyeol said

"I will" he said and rang the bell

"Ooh jk" rm said as he opened the door

"I am glad that you are home or else I thought you would still be with yeonjun" jk said getting in the house

"He is still here" rm said closing the door and went in

"Ooh yeonjun, you are also here, it's good" jk said

"I didn't knew you were coming too" yeonjun said

"No body knew" jk said sitting on the floor next to yeonjun who was using his phone a while ago, he turned of his phone, his whole attention was now on jk

"I was just bored, so I thought of coming here as Jimin is busy today" jk said

"I am glad that you still remember us" rm said

"Don't worry I will never forget you both, not until I am close to die" jk said

"Woah! People usually say that  'I'll never forget about you not even if I die' but look at you Close to die? Shi" yeonjun said

"I just told you the truth, I shouldn't lie, right?" Jk said

"Ugh! You came to enjoy, right? Then why are you ruining my mood" rm said

"I am not, well, what were you guys doing?" Jk asked

"Nothing important, We both were using phone, you can also do that" yeonjun said, again started to use the phone

"You are boring" jk said pouting

"Don't pout, I will get trap in your plan" rm said

"Really?" jk said pouting even more

"Gosh! I already did, now tell me what should we do to make our little bunny happy?" Yeonjun said

"Let's play some games!" Jk said snatching both of thems phone

They both smiled at the excited bunny

"I hope he keep smiling like this forever" rm said

"Me too" yeonjun said

But...everyone knows happiness doesn't stay forever

Next day:

"Where are you Jimin..." Jin said

"Be patient, he must be on his way" v said totally annoyed by his friends new behaviour

"But he is never late..." Jin said

"Gosh? Are you worried now? I really don't want to see this, I want my fearless seokjin back" v said

"Shut up" jisoo said

"Ooh hear he is" jhope said pointing at the beauty Infront of them

"Go, we will watch from far" Suga said without any emotions

"How can you keep your face so straight all the time?" Jhope said

"None of your concern" suga said

"Yeah, yeah..." Jhope said rolling eyes

"Go, it's you chance" v said

"Ok..." Jin and went towards Jimin but suddenly a little bunny appeared, he stand in front of Jimin and couldn't even see his face anymore

"That punk, why is he always in my way" Jin mumbled and went towards the both males

"Jimin? I want to talk to you" Jin said

"Huh? What is it?" Jimin asked confused, jk rolled his eyes

"I want to talk in private" Jin said

"Um...jk?" Jimin said

"Ok , I will be waiting in the lecture hall" jk said

"Ok" Jimin and jk left, he actually didn't left but he hid behind the wall just to listen what seokjin actually want to tell him

"The thing is that... actually" Jin said

"Just say it" Jimin said smiling

"I...I...i-i...." Jin said

"Is there something else you can say other then 'i'?" Jimin said chuckling

"Actually...I...I like you!" Jin said and Jimin's smile fade away

"What?" Jimin said

"I said I like you, I really like you Jimin, will you accept me?" Jin said

"Jin...I...i...I mean..." Jimin said

"Is there something else you can say other than 'i'?" Jin repeated his words, chuckling

"I don't know yet..." Jimin said

"Don't worry, I will give you some time to think" Jin said

"Huh?" Jimin said

"You can answer me tomorrow, I...I will wait" Jin said and left

Jimin just stood there not knowing what to say...what to do...his mind was totally blank

Jk on the other hand...

'i knew it...I knew his intentions towards Jimin is not good, he can't accept a...mafia, Jimin don't know this, he will probably reject him if he know' jk thought


"What did you do about that Boy?" V asked

"Who?" Jin asked

"The one who heard our conversation" v said

"What else... Ofcourse he is dead" Jin said

"You really killed him? He was such an innocent person" Suga said

"Innocent, my foot! If he was really innocent he shouldn't have listened our conversation, everyone knows that they aren't allowed to listen our conversation but damn that bastard did and he had to pay" Jin said

"You more fearless then your dad, I wonder how it would be like when you'll will be the boss Black rose" jhope said

(Black Rose is the identity of Thier men's and gang, it's not just a gang but many other gangs are under his dad, seokjin's dad is the boss of black rose)

Flashback ended

Author POV:

I hope you'll like it💜

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