CH 16

298 17 2

New offer

Author POV:

"So what is it about Mr.Choi?" Jin asked

"I am already know everything, don't you?" Mr.choi (Choi minseok) Jin furrow his brows

"What are you talking about mr.choi?" Taehyung asked instead of Jin, they are currently in meeting room v sitting next to Jin while minseok in front

"Well, from what I heard your men's are very fast to know everything, right? Especially the guy name...what was his name again...ahh! Jhope" minseok said

"So you already have enough information about us" taehyung said

"You're right," minseok said

"Whats the meaning of this meeting?" Jin asked

"As you know my secret I knows your..." Minseok said

"What you mean?" Taehyung asked

"You know...don't need to play dumb with me I know that you know everything even though you are just suspecting me but in few days you had get to know everything" minseok said

"Don't you think coming here was a stupid idea of yours?" Jin said

"I don't think so..." Minseok said as he put a contract paper in front of Jin, they both furrow his brows, Jin picked the contract and read it...after reading it he furrow his brows even more at the male sitting in front of him

"You want to work with us?" Taehyung said, minseok nod

"You're kidding with us?" Jin said

"We both have same enemies...we both have the most powerful company, mafia gang in Korea think...if we get along isn't-- won't it be just a miracle?" Minseok said, Taehyung stand up from his seat ready to burst out just how can he say it s easily after what he did? That's what Taehyung was thinking but a strong grip on Taehyungs wrist made him stop and look at his Hyung, he sat back annoyedly as he understood that Jin wants him to calm down
"So what you think?" He ask again

"You think I would accept your offer after what you did?" Jin asked

"But you can forget about past and think about future" minseok said

"How can I trust you? You might be a bad character in my story as you have already played a role and that is disgusting" Jin said, minseok clicked his tongue in annoyance

"Look...if you trust me it will be a benefit for both of us and about the past I am sorry for that I hope you won't let your anger control you" minseok said in a calm tone which made Taehyung furrow his brows

"Thank god none of our men died but you know..." Jin said in a calm tone but then his voice turned cold like hell Which made both of the male scared "my husband almost died because of your stupid attack!"

"Wait..what?" Minseok seemed like he don't understand

"One of your men's shot my husband you should thank god that he didn't die or else I would have killed all of you by the time now" Jin spoke in annoyance

"Believe me or not...I didn't knew this..." Minseok said

"You didn't knew this? Literally are you trying to make me dumb? Believe me or not I am not" Jin said in disbelief

"But you know...he didn't die, did he? So if you forget about the past don't you think it's a great offer for you?" Minseok said, Taehyung Wanted to slap the shit out of him but he kept quite because he don't want piss Jin more

"Why you want to work with me? Let's say nothing happened between us before" Jin said

"Because we both know eachothers secrets and addition to that we have same enemies and we both are very powerful if we get along its obvious that we'll always be out of danger we both will have eachother and that's the best thing, don't you think so? If it was me instead of you I would have accepted your offer right away but I can care about your husband a Lot, huh? Or is it just because your pride would hurt that someone broke into your Mansion and killed your property" minseok said

"You have no right to say this nonsense" Taehyung said he know that's what Jin wants to say but he is holding himself back

"Taehyung calm down" Jin said, Taehyung again leaned Against the head of sofa

"I think that's all you have to say, right mr.choi? So let's say... I'll think about your offer once again" Jin said

"I hope you won't disappoint me," minseok said

"That matters on the fate" Jin forced a smile

"So see you soon," Minseok said as he stands up and went out and Ofcourse thy didn't bother to send him off

"Hyung! Why you didn't said anything? You should have bury him alive" Taehyung said as he stand up, Jin sigh

"How many times I need to tell you that never take actions, decisions when you're angry?" Jin said, he sat back annoyingly

"So you're thinking of accepting their offer?" Taehyung asked

"I don't know yet...but it don't just consider our gang but also the company so you have the right to share your opinions but forget about everything before taking a look, Hmm? I hope you'll take a good decision" Jin spoke in a light/kind tone, v nod lightly Jin Smiled before he went out through the door, v sigh

"Maybe...Hyung is right" v said as he pick the contract from the table

Sorry for the late update, I hope you'll like it 💜💜💜

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