CH 53

245 16 4

Author POV:

Voices of gunshots was the only thing heard there, it was a war between Jin's men and mr.oh's men

Jin looked through the crowd to find jungkook and he found him in the corner trying to tie a piece of his shirt around joy's shoulders while taehyung was standing in front of them

With the mind of that everything will be alright he moved away...

Meanwhile, "Taehyung...she have lost so much blood already..."

"For now we can't do anything else..." Taehyung said and bend down next to her "I won't let anything happen to you...just hold on a bit, hm?"

" okay...d-don't worry" joy said with her weak voice as her eyes were shutting lightly

"Yes, you're going to be alright..."

"Taehyung...she needs to go to the hospital as soon as possible..." Jungkook said

"It's okay...g-go...and d-do what you are"

Taehyung hesitated but still got up again "Jungkook...please take care of her and I'll be back in some secs..." Jk nodded

Taehyung looked around and everyone was busy competing against eachother while mr.oh was nowhere to be found.

Suddenly a man was spotted walking towards them and jungkook panicked, he looked left and right to see if their is someone but nope

He stayed Infront of Joy with all of his courage suddenly something was thrown Infront of him, he looked at the direction it came from and saw Jin

He looked back at the gun and than at the man, he gulped. He took a glance at Jin again who shouted "Just shot!"

With shaking hands, he held it and looked at the man "Don't come near me...or I'll shot" his voice cracked

"Sure, do that" the man smirked

"I said don't come near me!" Jungkook Shouted

"Jungkook just shot!" Jin shouted from his position

Jk closer his eyes tightly and pulled the trigger, he opened his eyes a little and shouted when he saw the man on the floor covered with blood

"Aish" Jin mumbled and ran to Jungkook who was panicked

He hugged him tightly "It's alright..." Jungkook snuggled closer to him. Taehyung came and furrowed his brows

Jin immediately puller back and looked at taehyung wth the most serious face ever "Just get out of here with Jungkook and..." he looked at Joy "your lover"

"Hyung! This isn't a time to tease me!" Taehyung whined and jin chuckled

"This Is the best time who knows if I'll ever be able to do it or not"

"Stop imagining stupid things that ain't gonna happen" taehyung scolded

"Just get out of here fast, safe and sound" Jin said

"But Hyung..."

"Just do what I said...bring her to the hospital" Jin said and looked at jungkook who's head was down "Atleast do you trust me this much right now?"

Jungkook looked at him with teary eyes but didn't respond, Jin looked again at v "quickly"

Jin gave his gun to taehyung who refused to get it "But Hyung--"

"You need it more, quickly. there's a back door."

Jungkook helped joy in standing up, jin gave a sign to Yoongi to come here

Jungkook stopped and looked back at jin for the last time and then his eyes fell on sehun whose eyes were also in this way, he pointed out something to sehun through his eyes who just looked at him confused but when he followed where he have pointed he saw jimin unconscious, he looked back at jk who mouthed him "Please save him" and continued walking

Sehun was confused as to why Jungkook is telling him to save Jimin after the things Jimin did to him but still nodded his head

"Jungkook, hold Sooyoung. I'll cover you up" taehyung said and Jungkook nodded and did as taehyung said

After they left for the exit, at this moment there were mostly Jin's men around and the majority of mr.oh's men was dead.

When Jin saw them exit successfully, he turned to face Yoongi when he spoke "What about him?" Jin looked at the way Yoongi was pointing, he saw jimin laying unconscious and just when he was to reply, sehun interpreted

"I'll take care of him" sehun said sternly and jin just nodded

"Ok...Then let's go and look for that jerk in different directions. That coward can't hide forever"

Everyone nodded and they'll went in different directions

Meanwhile, Taehyung successfully managed to get Jungkook and joy out of there,

The whole place was full of silence, the voices of the gunshots was the only thing heard. There was no one spotted

When Jungkook was about to get in the car, taehyung stopped him by calling his name. Jungkook turned back and gave him a Confused look

"Take her to hospital...I will go back in" Taehyung said

"No! I'll go in instead and you can  take her to the hospital" jungkook stubbornly said

"Jungkook don't be stupid, protecting you is my first priority right now cause that's what Jin Hyung wants" v said
Jungkook sigh and thought for some time "Don't waste time jungkook, we don't have it much"

Jungkook nodded as an approval and quietly sat in the car as he helped joy to sit in too

Taehyung waited for jungkook to drive off and when he was out of his site, taehyung took out his gun and loaded it. He immediately walked back in

On the other hand, jungkook took joy to the nearest hospital in some time. When the they took joy in, he called jisoo

She picked up after 2 bells and her worried voice rang in jungkook's ears "Hello? Jungkook is it you? Gosh! I was so worried for you when jhope called me--"

She was interpreted when Jungkook started speaking "Jisoo, listen to me carefully please...can you come here, in the xxx hospital?"

"Why? Did something happened to you, are you alright?" Jisoo asked

"I am alright but please don't ask me so many questions and come here, you'll know the rest later"

Jisoo hesitated but Said yes and jungkook hung up immediately and waited for her to arrive

After a while, Jungkook saw jisoo running towards him with a worried Expression on her face

"You said a patient called Sooyoung, Is she the one who taehyung likes?" Jisoo asked

Jungkook nodded his head and he placed his hand on her shoulder before saying "Please, it's a favour. Take care of her, I have to leave"

Before hearing her reply, jungkook started running away while jisoo was crying his name but jungkook didn't stopped

Share your thoughts ❤️

Sorry for the late update guys, I wrote the chapter but wasn't sure if I should publish it this way or not so it took me a while in editing it!

Happy or sad ending?

Thanks to ParkKook8 for helping me out with this chapter 😘

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