CH 55

279 19 12

Author POV:

Jin was walking careful looking around. He was feeling annoyed cause mr.oh is no where to be found but is he the one to give up? Not at all, never.

Suddenly he heard someone shouting, he turned to that direction immediately.

He thought that it's Jungkook's voice but he shrugged it off knowing that jungkook has left a long time ago.

But as at that place, the silence was taking over, he could still hear some voices from that One particular room so he decided to go in and check once.

He slowly and carefully walked to the room but when he heard Jungkook's voice again, he opened the door wth a loud thud

When he saw jungkook there, he was in internally shock. He thought that he left so what is he doing here and with...that jerk?

He was staring at him and Jungkook was also staring back at him with teary eyes.

Mr.oh pulled jungkook towards him and pointed his gun at Jungkook but jk didn't seem to care about that right now.

His eyes were glued to Jin and he smiled lightly "See? I told you...I am not alone..."

Only Mr.oh heard it and he gritted his teeth as he looked back at Jin who was still looking at Jungkook with wide eyes

"Jungkook...? What are you doing here?"

Jungkook didn't said anything and just looked down, now he didn't knew what to do.

Jin looked at mr.oh whose left arm was around his neck holding him while the other was with a gun in his hand pointing at jk

Jin took a step ahead, "Don't you dare try to do anything or else I'll shot him." Jin stopped as he looked back at Jungkook who was looking down

Jungkook smirked lightly as he looked up, "The least you can do is to shot me, right? Go ahead and do it. I am not afraid like you coward. Kill me if you can just don't forget you'll never be able to get out of here alive"

Mr.oh clenched his fist "Shut up and just pray for you life"

Jungkook shook his head lightly cause he was unable to move it freely because of the force on his neck "I am not afraid to die at this moment, just shot if you want to or else you might regret it later. You're not going to survive either way"

Mr.oh chucked even though he's not feeling confident "Let's see if your Jin loves you enough to save you or if he feels the urge to kill me more"

Jungkook looked at Jin who was probably thinking of a way.

"Let go of him" Jin let out in a demanding and cold voice

Mr.oh chuckled and smirked "As if I'll do that if you'll tell me to"

"What do you even want from him, huh? I don't think he have anything to do with whatever is happening here so just fucking let go of him!"

Mr.oh titled his head a little to the left "He doesn't have anything to do with all of this?" He laughed "As if, he's the one behind everything. He's the reason why this is even happening! Seems like you know nothing"

Jin's hold on his gun tightened as he glared at mr.oh, jungkook doesn't know that Jin knows everything and he doesn't want jungkook to know it either.

"Just shut up you fucking disgusting jerk!"

Mr.oh took a step to the left side dragging jungkook with himself, he slowly took his steps to the door making sure that he's still pointing at him and that Jin is not trying to do anything.

Impossible - Jinminkook Where stories live. Discover now