CH 3

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He likes him?


"Well, if he did he will have to face the consequences" Jin said looking at the way jk just left

Author POV:

"Are you sure about?" Suga said

"Hyung, you need to keep your words now, don't you dare keep quiet knowing he is Jimin's best friend" V Said coldly

"What are you all talking about?" Jisoo said suddenly appearing from God knows where

"Nothing important" Jin said

"Yeah, yeah, hide it again from her" Suga said

"Shut up" Jin said

"Why? Did you did that again?" Jisoo asked

"I didn't I swear" Jin said

"I don't believe you" jisoo said pouting

"Don't pout you look like a duck" Suga said

"Ooh! Jin Look he is insulting me now" jisoo said

"Ugh, what's your guys problem? Can't you shut up? Let's go, I am hungry" v said standing up

"Yeah, He is right" Jin said trying to change the topic

"Ok, I am also hungry" Hobi said

"I know you guys are something from me but I am letting it go this time" jisoo said, Jin sigh


"Did I heard it wrong? I can't believe it... Seokjin is a- I feel...I mean..." Jk said talking to himself

"Ugh!!" Jk shouted

Suddenly his phone rang

"What is it Jimin?" Jk said as soon as he picked up

"Aren't you coming?" Jimin asked

"I am, In some time- I am coming" jk said before jimin could say anything else he cut the call

"I think it's better to go there instead of facing Jin" jk said and went out to leave, he told RM and yeonjun and left quickly

After some time he reached jimin's home, he rang the bell

"Ooh jk you are here, come in" Mrs.park said as she opened the door

"Thank you aunt" jk said and went in

"Jimin and Baekyun are up" mrs.park said

"Ok" jk said and went upstairs

"Ooh jk! Here" jimin said to jk from a far, jk went towards them

"Hyung!" Jk said

"You have a grown up" Baekyun said as he hugged jk

"I know, I am a grown man now, not the little kookie you used to know" jk said

"You are still a little Bunny looking kookie for me" baekyun said

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