CH 6

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Author POV:

"Seokjin?" Jimin called him hesitantly

"Huh? Jimin?" Jin said surprise to see jimin

"I have made up my mind..." Jimin said

"I told you have--" Jin said

"I had the time I wanted, I thought a lot about that and I have made my mind" Jimin said

"We'll leave you two alone" jisoo said telling others to leave with her, they got up and left

"Ok...but what is that?" Jin asked

"Actually..." Jimin said

"Maybe it's hard for you to say like that so I will make it easier" Jin said

"What do you mean?" Jimin said

"Do you accept me?" Jin asked, Jimin sigh

"I...I...I do" Jimin nervously said

"Really!?" Jin said excitedly, he was so happy

"O...I have think about it again and again and I figured out that I...don't have another choice" Jimin mumbled the last words, Jin hugged Jimin, living him surprise

"Thank you so much Jimin" Jin said

"..." Jimin didn't knew what to say


"What!?" Yeonjun shouted

"You are kidding with us, right?" Rm said

They both were shocked as hell but jk seem to be just annoyed by the situation

'just how can he accept that bastard! I need to do something...' jk thought

"Jin really proposed you?" Rm asked

"Yup...and he said he want to...marry me too" Jimin said

"What?" Rm said with wide eyes

"I knew it from the start, the way he act towards you and everything it was obvious he likes you but I didn't imagined that he will propose you to marry him" yeonjun said

" are right, but I am shocked that you actually accepted him? He is a bully, for god sake Jimin" rm said

"That's the reason why I couldn't say no..." Jimin said

"Are you now telling me that you were afraid of him?" Yeonjun asked

"Ofcourse not, he never did something bad to me that will make me feel scared, he is always nice to me..." Jimin said

"I hope it will be like this fovever" yeonjun mumbled

"But are you sure he is not cheating- I mean trapping you or something?" Rm said

"Seeing him, that he wan to marry he I don't think so..." Jimin said

"Why don't you say something, jk?" Rm said

"What should I say?" Jk said coldly, leaving the three males shocked, jk never speaked like this with them

"Seems like he hates Jin way to much...while I am the one who should do that" yeonjun said

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