CH 50

246 17 9

Author POV:

Jin is still sitting in his office even though jhope left ages ago, yoongi isn't picking up any of his calls nor is Jungkook doing

He got up as his one hand his phone from the table and the other hold his long coat, he wore it and placed the phone on its Pocket

He wants to know what is it that he don't knows about? Does jungkook not trust him at all to tell him everything on his own?

He thought that if it's something serious than it must be hard and gave jungkook much time but... still the other didn't trusted him

While driving the car, his mind was filled with many questions, he don't even know where he's going but he just speed up the car even more

"Where could jungkook be right now?"..."Why could he not tell me anything?"..."How come yoongi knows everything?"..."Is yoongi hiding it all from him as well, on purpose or did jungkook asked him?"..."Am I not trustable?"..."Is jungkook with Jimin right now or with Yoongi?"..."Does he really love me?"...".....................

Many thoughts like this in his head making him all furious that he wanted to know all the answers right away but can he?

His phone rang but he didn't bothered to pick up but when his mind crossed wth this thought that it might be jk or yoongi he stopped the car at the corner and pulled his phone out

The caller was Jhope, he sighed and picked it up "What is it about Hobi?"

"Can we meet please?"

"But you just---"

"It's something very important I don't think I can tell you this through call"

"Where are you right now?"

"At my own house"

"I am coming there"

Saying this he hung up and started at engine again and drove off to Hobi's place


"So what is it about? You called me in so hurry..." Jin asked as he took his seat on the sofa

Hobi sighs, "I think I already knows need to ask yoongi anything and I think you shouldn't blame yoongi as well cause it's something that even it's hard for me to tell you"

Jin suddenly started getting nervous "What is it?"

Jin noticed how much jhope was hesitating to tell him "I don't know if what I am going to do is even right or not..."

"Please Hobi just tell me"

"The thing is that...7 years ago when Jungkook was 18 years old...he used to live In Italy with his parents...there he met Jimin."

"But jungkook said that he and Jimin were high school friends..."

"They sure were, it's true that they both were friends in high school but in Italy not Korea... soon I don't know how or Ofcourse I don't know the whole thing but jimin and jungkook fell in love with eachother"


"Just after their graduation from high school they both got married with eachother... something happened between them that they ended up divorced...Jungkook's parents knew everything but no body from Jimin's family knew that he have already married...

Jk came to Seoul after some time and got admission in the university and just after some time I don't why but Jimin came back as well. He begged jungkook for his forgiveness so basically Jimin did something that brought jungkook to that decision of divorcing

Jungkook forgave him and they again became so close so eachother in just small matter of time and then you came...

When you proposed Jimin...I think he knew about your true identity and he still had feelings for jungkook that's why he ran away to Russia

And now that he is back, he also wants jungkook back. He threatened him that he will tell you everything and jungkook didn't wanted that

It's not that he don't wanted to tell you he just didn't wanted you to know from someone who's not him and especially not Jimin the biggest part I am leaving behind is that...they both even have a daughter, jiwon...

She always lived with Jungkook's parents in Italy but Jimin insisted on meeting her once so she came back this week, jungkook decided that he'll tell you everything once she go backs to Italy but...

She got into an accident yesterday because of which she died and just so you know the three of them are at his funeral right now..."

Jin was speechless, he was
utterly shocked right now but still managed to let out two words "S-she died?"

"Actually no...she didn't died but jungkook made it look like to Jimin...jk decided to made it look like she dead and moved her into another hospital without Jimin's knowledge with the help of Suga

One thing that I didn't mentioned till now that jiwon's accident was planned, Someone did it on purpose and I think I know who that Person is..."


"Sehun's dad"

Jin gritted his teeths "I knew this sehun jerk is involved--"

"No...he isn't...Jimin is the only one..." Jhope said "Another thing that you don't know about--"

Jin darkly chuckled "How many more things are they hiding from me?" His voice sounded kind of hurt and of disappointment

"Jimin made a plan with Sehun against you but then something happened that Sehun backed away and Jimin got really furious about this...and taehyung was the reason Sehun backed away from all of this...he have a sister, oh Sooyoung who is currently with you brother right now...

Sehun thinks that they both likes eachother, he didn't wanted to harm you as well...he's a nice person but only if he get some love that's all he wants...he loves his sister a lot that's why...

He tried his best to make Jimin understand, that jk can't be his, he told jimin to stop but he didn't...he also knew that, that's why kept his eyes on Jimin's every move and I am sure Jimin made a deal with Sehun's father instead, he's a heartless person

Unlike Sehun, he's also the reason of jiwon's accident. Jimin doesn't know that he's getting betrayed and I also believe that jungkook is in danger right now along with yoongi..."

"What do you mean by that?"

"It's not a time to do something in hurry we must think and do what's best---"

"You just said they are in danger so how can I just sit here and think what to do--"

"I am also doing it! You know how much I care of yoongi and I have also thought of jungkook as a brother! You and I are no different Jin please calm down!"

"But how do you know all of this?" Jin asked

"It wasn't hard...with the help of yoongi, jungkook download the spy app in Jimin's phone but this isn't important right now...we must think something quickly"

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Thinking wether to update another chap or not what do you think?

Finally this story is also coming to an end, are you looking forward to the ending?

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