CH 26

232 18 11

Author POV:

Jin can't towards all of them and gave a smile of sorry as he told jk to come with him

"I'll be back" jungkook said as he stands up and went behind Jin

Once they were away from everyone, the worry on Jin's face made him worry too but Jin wasn't saying anything as he was just standing wth his arms crossed

What could possibly happen? Everything was fine 2 mins ago... Is this how all your happiness get vanished?

"What happened Jinnie?" Jk ask, Jin drifted his attention to jk wth a apologetic look

"I need to go back to Korea, soon as possible" Jin said, jk raised his brows with a Disappointed look

"Why, is there something wrong? Who called you?" Jk ask

Jin sigh and he take Jungkook's hand in his own and squeeze them gently and lightly

"I am jungkook...but there's a huge problem-- actually the thing is something happened to yoongi and he's in hospital, I hope you understand?" Jin said, JK's eyes widened

"What happened to yoongi? Is he alright now?" Jk ask

"I don't know...taehyung called and said that we can't know until he walks up but yoongi is still between the surgery so...nobody knows if he'll even be able to wake up or not..." Jin said

"Don't...think that-- think positive he'll be alright, he'll will be awake the time you'll in Korea" jk said

"I hope so..." Jin said there was sadness in his voice "I am sorry I have to leave you like this..."

"It's okay...and I can come with you if---" jk couldn't proceed any longer as Jin put his palm on his mouth

" stay will be more better, it might get dangerous there and you'll be safe here..." Jin said

"What are you trying to actually say?" Jk ask

"If things get bad there then...stay here for some the time being..." Jin said

"And how much would that be if you guess?" Jk ask

"Until the things get better..." Jin said

"You're overthinking, nothing bad will will be alright, yoongi will be alright and I'll be back too..." Jk said as he gave him a supporting smile

"Thank you jungkook...b---" Jin said

"I'll tell them own my own, you don't need to worry and do you need help in packing?" Jk said

"Nope, I'll do it on my enjoy here, hm?" Jin said, jk nod pouting

"Go now..." Jk said still Pouting

Jin wanted wanted to do anything other than to kiss that pout away but he kept himself in control and tried his best not to lose them but he eventually failed as he slowly and gently brought his palm to JK's left cheek and caressed it, he leaned closer until their nose touched

JK's heart was running...beating like crazy, he could feel seokjin's hot breath on his lips. His mind wasn't working properly anymore...not anymore...his eyes widened when he felt those plump lips in his own lips gently

Seokjin kissed him like it was the most precious thing was passionate, full of love

Jk gave in, Ofcourse how could he not? He closed his eyes and shared a precious moment with his----- husband

Seokjin pulled back as he didn't wanted the kiss to turn become needy, he needs to go and he remembers that

His thumb still caressing that soft skin, jk opened his eyes slowly only to a pink tint covering his cheeks seeing seokjin's face so close to his

Seokjin took two steps behind as he said "Go back in now...and I'll go too...bye"

"B-bye" jk said as he rushed back in, Seokjin smile sweetly only for it to vanish as he remembered that he needs to leave his jungkook, his husband, his love here but he have to go...he don't have any other choice, right?

"Where's your husband?" Jk's mom asked as he stepped in

He was about to speak when his dad interepted "I need to talk with him about something"

Jk sat nervously but didn't reply

"Um...why won't you tell us son? Where is Seokjin, is everything alright?" His aunt asked

And the others gave him a suspicious look "Ooh tell me jungkook Hyung...I wanted to meet him..." Soobin whined

"Um actually the thing is left" jk said

"What do you mean that he left?" His mom asked with a hint of disapproval

"He left for Korea..." Jk said without looking at any of them

"Morago issoyeo *what does this mean*?" Everyone said

Damn! He could only regret now...saying that he'll handle

"What you heard is right...he has left for Korea and I am gonna stay here for the some days then I'll return too as I planned before" jk said with a shrug

"But why all of a sudden and especially on my wedding day?" Soobin said

"Don't be so dramatic, he attended our marriage that's why I am here" arin said making soobin pout

"Something caught up at work that's why..." Jk said nervously at his lie

Why is he lying though? Thy won't ask him anymore questions and will understand if he tell him the real reason but what If thy ask how?

There's nothing to worry about but still he lied, how much more stupid can he be?

" work is more important for him than his own husband that he leave you here and went back to Korea without even meeting or saying anything to us is this what our value is in his eyes?" His mom said, trying to start up a fire in everyone's brain

Why does his mom need to be like this?

"Aish!!! Like I don't know? I am already worried as now, why do you need shrink salt on my wounds!?" Jk shouted letting out his frustration

"Don't shout at your mom, she's right...he should have atleast met us before leaving...he shouldn't have left just like this---" his dad says,

"He has already did so there's no need to repeat the same thing again and again" jk said

His aunt tap his shoulder "You dad is clearly right jungkook...If he love you then he shouldn't--"

"Right? Your aunt is totally right! Why did you had to choose/decide not to divorce him when you had the chance to do so?" His mom said

"He didn't left me because he wanted to its because...his brother-- I mean something happened to his brother...he don't know what actually but he's in hospital so Ofcourse he didn't to go, he can't just let him die there, right? The surgery is still going on, he's very precious to Jin and he was very worried wouldn't you have done the same if you was him?"

"Aigoo...I knew Seokjin wasn't someone bad...he wouldn't just left for no reason...I hope his brother get well soon, is it the one he talk with that day?" His aunt said and hir mom kept her mouth shut

"No it's not him..." Jk said

But she can't keep his mouth shut really, "But from what I know he only have a little brother, which is also step one"

Jk literally had enough, why does she have so many questions? Why can't she keep quite!?


Everyone was speechless because of jungkook sudden burst out which is not sudden as all but her mom---


"Honey please keep quite...he had a good reason stop throwing tantrums..." His dad said softly as he caress his wife's Shoulder, who scoff

Thank god she won't continue anymore

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