CH 21

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Author POV:

"May I ask, why are you here?" The bodyguard ask as he stop the boy from going inside

"Ah...sorry for my bad manners but I am here to meet Seokjin and his husband, Jeon jungkook...I am thier friend" the boy said

The bodyguards look at eachother before speaking "I am sorry sir but they are not in the country right now...and I can't tell the reason or where exactly thy are, I apologize"

"'s okay..." The boy said

"But young master is here... would you like to meet him?" The bodyguard ask

"Young master? Who are you referring to?" The boy asked

"Kim SeokJin's younger brother...?" The bodyguard reply

"He have a younger brother, who?" The bodyguard furrow hearing the boy

"Don't you know? You said that you're his friend"

"Ah...I used to study with him but he never talked about his brother and it's my first time coming here..." The boy said

"Kim Taehyung, it's his younger Brothers name"

"Taehyung? He is his brother? Ooh...I didn't knew he was always with him so I thought that he is his best friend only...and what about Yoongi is he his brother too?" The boy said nervously yet surprised by the news, the bodyguard shook his head as a 'no'

"So would you like to meet him?"

The boy shook his head and give him a paper "Please call me when they come back, I'll come again then..."

"And why would I do that?" The bodyguard said

"Please do me this favor? I am his really good friends you'll know once I meet him" the boy said

"Okay...I'll do that" he said making the boy smile at his victory "But you name?" Ofcourse the boy heard him clearly but decided to ignore his question

"So I'll go now, have a good day"

The bodyguard ignored him and the boy left

"What are you looking/founding in the window?" V ask as he take a sip of his drink

"Nothing..." Suga said as he give his attention back to the work he was doing from the window

"Did you saw a ghost or something? Why do you look so shocked?" V said

"I said there's nothing" this time Suga's voice wasn't calm or nervous like before but it was bitter

"Ok, ok I won't question anymore..." V said

"I am going out for some time" Suga said and went outside not listening to the younger who was calling him

"Gosh! He always just do what he likes to do...he don't listen to anyone other than Hyung" v said.

Suga went down "Hey?" He said as he take his steps towards the bodyguard

"Yes sir?"

"Who was the boy who you were talking with?" Suga ask

"Um...I don't know sir"

"You were taking him so freely without even knowing his name?" Suga said

"I am sorry sir but...he said that he Is sir jungkook and Seokjin's friend from university..." The bodyguard said, Suga frown "And he gave me his number so that I can inform him when they'll be back from Italy"

"What's the number?" Suga said

"Here" the bodyguard gave him the paper

"Ok but did he said something else?" Suga ask

"Um...No he didn't but he knows you too...and he didn't knew that sir Taehyung is his brother and asked me if you're his brother too...but I just shook my head but...there's something...he knew that sir jungkook is sir seokjin's husband and from what I know...not many people know who sir seokjin actually married"

"I understand but don't tell anyone about that boy, ok?" Suga said, he nod

Suga sat in his car...

"I swear I was...him" Suga mumbled "and it seemed like him after listening to him as well...but was it really him...?"

"I am so excited to meet your aunt, you know?" Jin said

"Ooh my gosh! For god sake, will you please shut up for once? Ah!!! My poor ears!" Jk said annoyed

"What? I didn't even speak the much..." Jin said

"You clearly didn't!" Jk scoff

"I know right, you're just over reacting" Jin said and soon he started taping his foot on the ground impatiently

"Calm down all you?" Jk said

"I'll not!" Jin said sarcastically, jk roll his eyes

"Ah! There she is, ooh Soobin is with her too!" Jk said and ran to where he was pointing leaving Jin behind, Jin stared in disbelief and then sigh

"That--" he control himself from cursing and slowly Followed jk

"Ah! My baby bunny! Its been so long since we met" aunt said

"Right?" Jk said still hugging her

"Hey! I am here too, you can feel my presence right Hyung?" Soobin said with a pout making jk giggle as he hug him next

"Didn't Seokjin came too?" His aunt asked

"Here I am" a voice got their attention, there someone was standing with his hands on his pocket, looking Handsome than ever!

"Omo! Are you real?" Soobin said

"I guess I am" Jin said with a smile

"Omo, Omo, omo! You're so handsome! Are you even real?" Soobin said once again, jk hit his head playfully "ouch! That hurts Hyung!"

"Well, you deserve it...stop lying" jk said

"Lying? When did I lie?" Soobin ask

"Maybe he's jealous because you state the fact of me being Handsome" Jin said

"You're right but there's no doubt you're really Handsome" his aunt said giggling, Jin showed jk his tongue. Jk glared at him "So should we go now son?"

"Sure, au-- I mean emonie" Jin said with a smile while jk was boiling with jealousy making soobin laugh

"Stop laughing you dickhead" jk said annoyed

"Just believe the truth Hyung" soobin said still laughing

"Pabo" jk said


I guess you already know who was that boy? But still share your thoughts with me❤️ I hope you enjoyed reading this Chapter 💜

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