CH 41

224 16 5

Author POV:

Jin was walking down the road with Jungkook in his arms, one hand behind his husband's shoulder while jungkook resting his head on jin's shoulder

"Jungkook-ah...can you promise something to me?" Jin asked,.jk just hummed "If...if one-day...I turn my back at you so...will you wait for me?"

Jk slid away from jin a little with a confuse look, to see jin's expression if he's serious or just kidding but jin's face told him that something Is wrong "What made you say that?" Jin didn't anything but continued walking and Jungkook did the same but waiting for an answer "Tell me, is there something wrong?"

"Nothing...just said it randomly" Jin said without even looking at him

Jk didn't Questioned any further and kept walking with lots of questions in his mind

Jin turned his gaze to jungkook who was zoned out and chuckled, he shaked jungkook a little making him come back to reality "Back to earth, Mr?"

Jungkook didn't said anything but just nodded wth a smile

The night went away with the jinkook lovers in eachother's arms feeling warm in the cold night but day is supposed to be come soon as well, this night will pass and a new day will come which can brought things with itself that they have no idea about


"Tell me sehun, are you wth me or them?" Jimin said with anger

Sehun sighed for the 100th time as he tried to make jimin believe that he's no trying to betray him "jimin, you know...I am not a mafia but a son of a mafia! I am not heartless or something! I have a heart and I can feel bad, sad, happy and I want to feel how it feels to be loved..."

"How does this thing of you create sense in our plan?" Jimin asked now a little calmly

"You want to kill Jin, just right? Just killing him won't change anything Jimin! Why don't you understand?" Sehun said with a desperate voice

"Because I don't want to understand it! I.don'" jimin said

"Look want jungkook that's all, right?" Sehun asked and jimin nodded "But what will you get by killing Jin? It won't be of any help until jungkook wants to be with you...why don't you just let him go and live happily? Do you really love him's just obsession?"

"It's not obsession!" Jimin shouted immediately, sehun rolled his eyes but didn't said anything knowing jimin Is very stubborn at least he knows this much after staying with him for 2 months


Taehyung was walking In the mall quietly while on the other hand jisoo kept talking while holding his arm, saying things v didn't even reacted to

A few moments before, jisoo called taehyung and told him to come wth her cause there's no one else who wants go with her

First, Taehyung refused but because of so much whines of jisoo. He's here...

"You talk a lot, you know that right?" Taehyung finally said, first sentence since they came here. When he looked at jisoo, she was Pouting as she let go of his arm

Taehyung rolled his eyes and when he was about to continue walking, a girl bumped into him making the coffee in her hand to spill all over taehyung's white shirt

His anger was one thing jisoo didn't wanted right now, all in vain. Anyone could tell just by looking at Taehyung that he's so much Angry "Who the fuck--" He stopped when he saw the girls face

She was wearing a apologetic expression on her face "I am soo much sorry, I didn't saw you...I didn't did it on purpose I swear!"

"As if" Taehyung mumbled to himself and jisoo was eyeing them both suspiciously with a smirk "Yah, jisoo! What are you doing standing there? Go and buy a new shirt for me!" He whined like a spoilt brat

Jisoo rolled her eyes but still walked away to get his shirt "You're gonna give me the money of your shirt later!"

"As if the things you mostly buy for yourself isn't from my money!" V shouted so she could hear him, jisoo rolled her eyes and continue walking

"Um...I am sorry but you can tell me, I'll pay for your's my fault afterall..." The girl said again, taehyung looked at her

"It's doesn't matter, it was just a shirt" taehyung said

"But it looks hella expensive" the file mumble which taehyung was unable to hear

"but the thing is that your coffee was hella hot, you should have been drinking cold coffee" v said with a little whiny voice making the girl chuckle

"Sorry for that as well, I was looking at my phone and didn't noticed you"

"How many more time, are you going to say sorry? I said it's alright..." Taehyung said not with his usual cold voice but with a sweet voice

"So I'll go now, I am so much sorry..." The girl said and taehyung nodded with a smile smile and jisoo came and handed him the shirt she brought

"Here, Have it brat" she said and taehyung glared at her, she looked at the girl "Don't worry, I am only his friend"

This made the girl to look away, who is she kidding with? Ofcourse she was also thinking about them being in a relationship

"I'll go now, sorry..." The girl said, jisoo nodded and she walked away

'He was so handsome,like so much handsome and even with the deep voice of his, he sound so much sweet...' the girl thought and smiled to herself while walking away

"Hey Taehyung! This is how most of love stories Begin!" Jisoo stated excitedly

Taehyung rolled his eyes "I doubt if I'll even see her again in my life, it's just stupid things"

"Nope it's not, I think you guys are perfect for eachother...didn't you see how beautiful she was? Just like me! If fate wants than you can meet again it's doesn't matter how" Jisoo said

Taehyung didn't Said anything about what she said and changed the topic "I'll go and change the shirt..." He was about to walk away when his eyes caught something

He picked it up which seemed to be the ID of that girl, taehyung looked at jisoo who looked proud

"Look, she forgot her ID here for you can give her back soon! ID is very important, you know?" Jisoo said happily, already first shipper of their

Taehyung smiled and mumbled her name "Oh Sooyoung"

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