CH 33

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Author POV:

The door opened and both sehun and jimin got up

Jk's eyes widened when he saw jimin infront of his eyes, he looked at Taehyung them at Jimin and let out a unbelievable chuckle

"Ji...min?" Jk said

"Do you both know eachother?" Sehun asked eyeing both of them, acgin like he knows nothing

Jimin look at him "um...we both went to the same University..."

"Oh I see..." Sehun nodded and smiled "It will be more good then"

Jungkook looked at Taehyung and shot him a very harsh glare which taehyung tried not to react to as he didn't even looked at him

Jungkook chuckled dryly, feeling Betrayed out of the sudden. He took his seat. It's true, he's really shocked to see Jimin after so much time but what can he do? He can't possibly just get out of the room, it will only make him look are a stupid

After 10 mins, jungkook was having enough. His patient was only this much. He just couldn't sit and say nothing when jimin kept bringing their pasts days during every kind of conversation

He stood up earning a Confuse look from Sehun but not Taehyung and Jimin. V glared at him and sign him to sit back

Jungkook just wanted to ignore him but he can't forget the fact that Taehyung is his boss! Why the fuck does he forgets it everytime? But he just just listen to what he said even when he remembers clearly

"I would like to excuse myself for a moment..." Jk said with a fake smile and taehyung scoffed as jk ignored him

"Sure" Sehun replied and faced taehyung with a sincere smile and it was actually sincere and Jimin looked at him confused but brushed of that thought thinking it must be just a acting but who knows? "I think the deal we had was quite good so we should also go now" and looked back at jk "it was nice meeting you, mr.j- or should I say"

Jk bit inside of his cheeks out of annoyance, why is this Sehun named person getting so free with him but he still faked a smile "Same foes to me," he looked at Jimin before bowing just a little "I hope to you have good day ahead" and left the room, he didn't stopped even when Taehyung screamed his name

Taehyung looked at Sehun with a apologetic look "I am sorry, I don't know why he acted like that" Ofcourse it was obvious that JK's smile was faked

Sehun just shook his head while smiling "It's totally okay, people have problems other than work as well...I understand"

'hes such a nice person...' v thought and smiled "so, I'll see you out instead?"

Sehun Chuckled but Jimin had a expressionless face as he walked out casually

"We'll, take out leave then" saying this sehun and Jimin turned back to leave

Taehyung closed his eyes as he took a deep breath 'i just can't fucking bear with jungkook anymore...'

Meanwhile, Jimin looked at Sehun and gave him a sign that he's doing somewhere and Sehun understood where so he nod his head and continued walking while saying "I'll wait for you in the car then"

And Jimin left, he tried his best to find jungkook looking suspicious and asked one of the employee "Um...excuse me...did you saw jeon Jungkook?'s secretary?"

She nodded "who are you though?"

"I am park Jimin, mr.oh's secretary. I had something to tell him" Jimin said

She nodded and told him that she saw jungkook over there and Jimin thanked her before going there, a smirk formed on his face as he saw jungkook standing there looking so much angry

"You have changed a lot" Jimin said loudly as he took steps towards him, jungkook looked at him before hurrying to him

"What the hell do you need? Why are you back?" Jk asked with clenched fists

"I am just here as Sehun's secretary, don't forget that" Jimin said with a smirk "Didn't you missed me?"

"I didn't, I fucking didn't!" Jungkook said almost yelled

Jimin chuckled "Oh don't lie to me baby...I know because I left that day, you had to get tied to that bastard Kim Seokjin--"

He couldn't complete his sentence as jk raised his index finger at him "Don't you dare say anything to him!"

"Oh, oh calm down" Jimin said as he raised his both hands in the air and laughed "Don't you love your husband way too much?"

"What do you need?" Jk asked with full of anger

"I said calm down Jungkook... anger is not good for your health" Jimin said as he looked at jk from head and to toe, he came closer to him making jk to take a step behind

He never thought in his life that this day would come "W-what are you doing?"

"Why do you look so scared Jungkook-ah? Are you this insecure about your Marriage that you're afraid I might take your Jinnie away?" Jimin said as he taking a step ahead

Now jk was trapped between Jimin and the wall, his breath hitched when Jimin put his both hands on either of side of jungkook. Jimin was still shorter than him "what do you think you're doing?"

"Why don't you answer me, huh? Are you not sure about your love?" Jimin asked Again

"You better stay away from Jin..." Jk said

"I came to remind you something...don't forget that you were just a replacement of me" when he heard this words come out of Jimin's lips, the Confident he had vanished and Jimin chuckled "Why am I wrong?"

Jk gulped as Jimin came more closer and wispered in his ear "But don't worry...I have to intentions of taking Jin away from you...but I have another plan"

He moved his head a little back to see Jungkook's face and without thinking much he kissed him directly making Jungkook's eyes do wider than ever


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