CH 42

218 14 8

Author POV:

"You don't have to worry, I'll pick
her up from airport"

"I am so much sorry but I can't let you do that, I'll come with you"

"As you wish, btw who did you said will be with her?"

"You'll see"

Saying this jungkook hung up and cursed under his breath looking at the phone

He walked to the mirror and stand in front of it looking at the mark on his shoulder, he didn't notice jin's presence behind him

"What happened, what are you looking at?" Jin said as he walk towards jungkook

Jungkook immediately fix his shirt and turn back with a fake smile "Nothing"

Jin pressed his lips together cutely now he was infront of him, he slowly and gently slid the his shirt down from his shoulder and raised his brows at the mark as he touch it lightly

"What is this mark?" Jin asked

"Um...i-it's...I have it from childhood..." Jk shuttered cause he lied,

"Oh I see..." Jin said

'What a mess my life husband is touching a mark my ex-husband gave me, life literally sucks' jk thought

Jin Noticed that jk was uncomfortable so he slid the shirt up again and sat on the bed "Are you going somewhere today?" Jk looked at jin with a confuse look but still shake his head as a 'no' "then do you want to go outside?"

"Where?" Jk asked as he tilt his head a little cutely

Jin smiled "Just anywhere?"

"Don't you have anything to do? I thought you were busy" jk teased

"I have enough time for my love and even if I don't, I can still ignore other things cause you matter more" Jin said proudly

Jk's face turned into a guilty one but he didn't let Seokjin to notice how his expressions changed "If you want to then, I don't have any problem just tell me"

"Go and change, we're going now" Jin said

"Right now? It's still just 5pm" jk said not agreeing

"You just told me to tell you when I want, so I want to go now and 5pm is not early! Go" Jin said

Jk pouted but nodded


Taehyung stood infront of a cafe and smiled when he was the person he's looking for

Jisoo was also wth him but a little far with a cap, he asked her for a favor as he have no experience in any of these

Ofcourse jisoo didn't refused and tagged along happily. it took 2 hours for jisoo to make taehyung understand what he should do and how she should react to everything but Taehyung doubt if he remember anything

Nervously v went in the cafe, his eyes caught jisoo who was sitting a little far with a cap Hiding herself, v shake his head while smiling

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