CH 47

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Author POV:

"Um...okay! What does my princess want?" Jungkook asked with a smile

"You" jiwon said making jungkook confuse

"What do you mean by that you want me?" Jungkook asked

"I want your love, care," jiwon said, just so you know she is soon to be 6 years old

"But you know it...I love you" jungkook said

"Especially I want to stay with you forever...I know that we can't be a happy family like my friends have it that hard for me to stay with you?" Jiwon explained

"You know..." Jk didn't know what to say at all but he brought all of his courage together "Aren't you happy in Italy?"

"I am know it have spend so much time without your parents by your side so can't you tell how I feel?" When this words left her lips, jk's eyes got teary but he kept a smile on his face and hugged her

"When did my princess grow up so much, hm" jk said and she just giggled

"I love you daddy" jiwon said

"Me too..."


Sehun POV:

I am still thinking whether my decision was good, I don't even know it myself why I changed my mind

I know the reason why jimin is doing all of this, I know his every secret...I could go and reveal him but I don't want to

Jimin might have never but I thought of him as a friend, I know he's good person but getting Jungkook back has changed him

I don't understand why he's ruining both his and Jungkook's life, jk is not a thing that he wants to get back after letting it go

He want to be replaced with jin but it can never happen, jk only loves Jin and jimin knows it as well but his brain is a little damaged I guess

I also know that he won't give up yet, he'll do anything that is positioned but he might also do something impossible

Ugh no matter what i do or what I say nothing goes in that stupid brain of his, from what I know about Jin...

He's a nice person, I never wanted to be a bad person at all. I have always dreamed of receiving love and care that my father, my mother never gave me

But is unlike my sister, she's so lovely...she loves me a lot and I can do anything for her so half of the reason is her...

She seems to like taehyung...


Author POV:

Yoongi was deep lost in his thoughts than he didn't notice jhope sitting next to him

Jhope looked at Yoongi with a confused look and sighed but he decided to cheer up the other a little by annoying him, yup! That's the best way he found

He pinch his cheek and Yoongi flinched, jhope started laughing while Yoongi rolled his eyes "When the hell did you came?"

"That's not a nice way to talk to someone..." Jhope pouted

"You really love annoying me, don't you?" Yoongi asked and jhope nodded with playful smile on his face

"What were you thinking about?" Jhope asked

"Do I have to tell you that?"

"'s not necessary but still tell me" jhope said

"What else can I think a about? I don't know what to do right now...jimin have my mind on the edge" Yoongi said

Jhope didn't said anything, he don't understand why is Yoongi still thinking about jimin? He should Just forget about him but why can't he do that? He and jimin doubtfully ever talked to eachother then how can Yoongi even like him?

Jhope has been by his side, so why can't he like him instead? Stupid Yoongi!

"The only thing you can do is to forget about jimin...I am not saying this because I like you instead...I am saying this for Jin...for thing is sure that you and him can never be together...even if you like him a lot...sincerely, Jimin doesn't...he doesn't care about true love're just wasting your time and also breaking the trust Jin haves on you" he placed his hand on his shoulder "Please... don't ruin your life for someone who don't even deserve to be loved by you...please..."

Yoongi didn't thought about anything and hugged the other. Jhope was shocked by his sudden action but then smiled and tapped his back "You know it as well right? You need to protect him..."

Yoongi nodded still hugging him like his life depends on it, when he moved back "Thank you so much hobi..." Jhope smacked him "Ouch! What was that for?"

"Stop calling me that, you keep making my heart flutter" jhope said, Yoongi just rolled his eyes but laughed

Please...just forget jimin...


"Um...jungkook-ah" Jin called, jungkook just hummed as response that he's listening "Why do I feel like you and taehyung have some kind of problem?"

Jk looked up at him "Why you think so?"

"I don't know...I just feel like that" Jin said "through, Taehyung looks a lot happy these days"

"Because that brother of yours is busy out there making a girl fall for him" jungkook explained

Jin raised his brows "What do you mean?"

"Is it that hard to understand? Your brother has fallen in love with mr.oh's sister" jk said like it's nothing but a simple love story of two stupids

"Mr.oh? Are you referring to oh sehun?" Jin asked and jk nodded his head "literally..." He just shook his head

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