CH 19

271 16 9

The reason

Author POV:

Jin went to thier share room, jungkook was sitting on the bed a pillow on his lap and top of it, a laptop typing something

"Hey, jungkook?" He called but no reply..."hello mister?"

"The person you're calling is not available please, try again later" jungkook said

"Woah!" Jin said "you really imitate the phone caller very well!"

"Fucking go away" jk said

"What a bad habit you have! You shouldn't swear at your own husband" Jin said

"Who cares" jk said still lost in his laptop

"What are you doing?" Jin asked

"None of your business" jk said

" are not fair" Jin said with a pout

'he changed again...' jk thought

"I told you I am busy, go and do something else I know and maybe I guess you're not so free either" jk said, Jin rolled his eyes and went in the washroom

Jimin pov:

"Ah...seems like my plan gonna work very well" I said while scratching my arms in the air

"You Choosed a good trigger" the person sitting next to me said

"You're right after all it was you who gave me that suggestion" I said

"I know I am the best" he said, my friend...Hwang Seyeon

A/n: you can hate him as much as you want, he is made up character 🤷, lol

"I guess he will a great of help" I said

"He wants to destroy Jin and you want jungkook, you can help him and he can help you the deal is simple and easy" Seyeon said

"Yeah2" I said, my cellphone rang I turned the screen side to Seyeon

"Why is he calling you now?" He asked

"How can I know? I haven't picked it up" I said

"Pick it and put it on speaker" he said, I nod

I picked up the call from oh sehun ad put it on speaker

"Can we meet?" He said as soon as I picked up

"Aren't you too much straight forward, mr.oh?" I said

"First I would like to tell you not to call me like that I hate people calling me by my surname so I would like it if you'll like me only sehun?" He said

"Ok2 now come to the point" I said

"I already said can we meet? I want it to be done as soon as possible" he said

"And why is that? You should be patient---" I said

"I need it to be done before my father know anything" he said,I raise my brows in confusion

"Okay...let's do that I am at *** restaurant come here" I said, heard a 'hum' before he hang up

"He doesn't want his father to know..." I said still thinking of a reason

"I guess he don't want harm jin" Seyeon said

"What do you mean?" I asked

"I think-- he Is not like his father, not at all...he's not a bad person...he might be cold but he is kind and warm hearted person I am sure he doesn't want to kill or harm Jin he's not a type to do these things and his father's goal is only one, to kill Jin so he wants to end things before his father knows" Seyeon said

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