CH 25

227 17 8

Author POV:

In Russia:

" mom and Dad coming today?" Jk asked

Eun byeol sighed as she shrug "I don't know...maybe they will or maybe not..."

Soobin came to them "Omma? How do I look?" Soobin ask and they both looked at him

"You look very handsome, my son" she said smiling

"Omo! You look so handsome soobin-ah" jk said jumping happily

"Right Hyung? Well, I was born Handsome so there wasn't any doubt that I'll look damn Handsome" soobin said looking in the mirror

"Well, that's true too...I like your confident little one" Jin said, soobin looked at him

"Excuse me, FIY I am taller than you!" Soobin said, Jin rolled his eyes

"But who cares? You're still younger than me" Jin said teasingly

"I---" soobin's words got interepted by a loud voice of door opening as someone slammed the door open

All of them got surprised and confused to see the bride Standing there with teary eyes "You traitor!" She yelled

Soobin went to her and carefully asked "What's wrong?"

"How dare you do something like this!? You invite your first in our marriage so she could ruin it? Did you do this on purpose? If you didn't wanted to marry me you should have told me sooner why did you have to embarrass me like this!?" She shouted and now it made some sense to soobin

"Who?" He ask

"Your first love, that brat! Do you still love her? Then why don't you go and Marry her!?" She yelled with tears

"Soobin what's happening?" Jk asked

"I don't know either..." Soobin mumbled

"I am going, go and do whatever you scum bag!" She shouted and ran out of them room

"ARIN-AH wait!!!" soobin shouted but his request or more like order stayed unlistened

Soobin was about to run after her but her mother stopped her "I told you make things clear with that look she came and caused trouble"

"How could I have possibly know that she'll go this far?" Soobin said


Shit! Whatever happened is not Right...I must do something to save the marriage...maybe I should go and talk with her but will she even listen to me? Ofcourse she won't...

But at least I should try once, I taped on soobin's Shoulder "I'll go and try to talk with her, don't worry"

He nod silently and turned back and saw Jin wasn't there anymore but right now I don't have time to care about that. I worriedly hurried outside, hoping to find her but she was nowhere to be found

I sighed in irritation and suddenly I heard a voice, very familiar one. I followed the voice and saw Jin siting between one of the stairs along with Arin

What is he doing right now!? I wanted to Shout but stopped when I overheard there conversation a little. I got a little closer but stayed hidden so they won't see me and Tried listening to what they were talking about and when Arin spoke I just couldn't believe my ears. How did she know everything? way...Jin can't be behind this mess, right?

"If that's the case...than do you still love that Jimin?" Arin ask

Jin stayed quite for a moment and Arin Questioned again

I didn't wanted to hear the answer what if he still loved Jimin but not me? No...

Even though I wanted not to listen but a part of me wanted to know... wanted to know if Jin loves me or not

"Well, it's not easy to forget Someone right? It's true...I still loves Jimin..." Jin said that made my heart broke...

I was crazy to think he loved me!

I felt something hot on my cheek, why the hell am I crying for!?

It's my own fault to begin with---

What I heard next made my heart beat fast then ever against my chest

"But...I love jungkook more, Jimin...he was just a past...and past doesn't matter more than the Future now the one and only for me is Jungkook, only him and I would suggest you to go talk with him and sort things out, don't just leave him without hearing him properly, you listened to what she said so can't you listen to soobin once too?" Jin said

He loves me...that Is the only part I can focus on...he really do love me! should I confess to him first...?

"Thank you for understanding" soobin said

"You are not suppose to thank me but your brother-in-law he's the one who convinced me or I would have been gone" Arin said smiling

Soobin looked at Jin and Smile and mouthed a 'thank you'

The ceremony was almost done, everyone was having dinner and JK's parents were here too and they would look at Jin after every 10 secs and thankfully his phone rang and he managed to excuse himself from the tension filled atmosphere

It was Taehyung, who had called

"What is it Tae?" Jin ask

"Hyung...there...there is a big problem here..."

"Like what?" Jin got worried hearing Taehyung's little sob

"Hobi and jisoo told me not to tell you but I thought that it won't to be good to hide it from you..."

"What exactly Is it?"

"Suga hyung...he..."

"What happened to him? Is he alright?"

"No...he's not...he's currently in the hospital..."


Jk looked at Jin hearing his voice and the seeing Jin's worry face, he got curious

"We don't know what happened Hyung...we got a call from the hospital...he's in the emergency room currently, we can only know when Suga hyungs wakes up but his condition keep worsening..."

"D-don't worry...I'll be coming back...I'll be back ASAP"


He didn't hear any further and hung up

Impossible - Jinminkook Where stories live. Discover now