CH 49

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Author POV:

"Are you sure about doing this jungkook?" Suga asked concerned about the him, jungkook nodded simply

"I trust you" jungkook said and yoongi sighs, he leaned his back on the wall and stared ahead

When the doctor started to get a little visible from Jungkook's view, with all his courage he walked to Jimin and hit his fist on his chest making Jimin to look at him confuse

"It's all because of you..." Jungkook mumbled with tears flowing down his cheeks

"I am sorry jungkook... don't cry..." Jimin said and tried to wipe away his tears but jungkook pushed his hands away

"If something happens to jiwon, I'll never forgive already made me enough miserable...why can't you just leave me? Why do you keep hitting me, huh?" Jungkook shouted as he looked back through the corner of his eyes and saw yoongi talking with the doctor

Well, he shouted on purpose so Jimin wouldn't notice yoongi at all. His plan is to distract him even though his heart was aching to know how she is but he just cant know right now

"Only if you wouldn't have called me there, only if you wouldn't have been standing there then nothing like this would have happened! It's all your fault, you jerk!" Jungkook shouted again

"Jungkook please calm down... get a grip on yourself...don't worry nothing will happen to jiwon, she'll be fine" Jimin tried to make him feel better when Jungkook was feeling even worse because of his words

"I hate you...I fucking hate you Jimin!" Jungkook shouted, he looked back again and saw yoongi gave him the sign to stop so he just moved back and mumbled "I hate you" and walked to yoongi

It would be a lie if I say Jimin didn't got suspicious but he just shrugged it off.

When Jungkook walked to yoongi, he mouthed him "How is she?" and yoongi Smiled making a smile to also form on Jk's face

"Thank god..." He mumbled to himself and hugged yoongi

Jimin saw them from where he was standing and rolled his eyes they look like a Couple, jeez


It was 10mins later when the doctor came again and jungkook got up and walked to him and asked on purpose "How is she doctor?"

The doctor looked at Yoongi who nodded his head and Jimin was also looking "I am so sorry but we couldn't save her"

Jimin's eyes widened while jungkook did his work and acted shocked, he turned to yoongi and Jimin was indeed in shock as well

"Yoongi..." Jungkook mumbled and you know what happened next...


"Everything is in this file...I tried my best to find everything I could" jhope said as he handed Jin a file

"You're early, I thought you said2 hours?" Jin said and Held the file in his hand

"Well am I 10 mins early or 20?" Jhope asked teasingly as he sat on the sofa

"Want coffee?" Jin asked and jhope nodded with Smile after calling a coffee for jhope, Jin sat next to jhope on the sofa of his office and opened the file and a smirk played on his face as he read it a little "Well, that sehun guy is indeed a mafia"

"Nope, he is not" jhope said making jin Confuse

"What do you mean? If he's not then?" Jin asked with raised brows

"He's a son of a mafia, his dad is mafia but from what I have seen and what I know he isn't a bad person, he doesn't want to take over after his dad" jhope explained

"You think he's a nice person? Are you sure about that hobi? You know it very well, some people seems nice when they are not and some seems bad when they are not" Jin said

"I am sure...sehun hated this things from the start, he just wants to be a good business man who I think he is." Jhope said

Jin looked back at the file and raised his brows and looked at jhope "About jimin?"

"Well about jimin, I don't think he works for sehun, I mean that I don't think that he is his real assistant or secretary" jhope said

"Then do you think it's all only a drama? Then doesn't it mean that sehun is involved as well?" Jin asked, jhope shook his head

"Don't get me wrong but I have been looking and observing his moved and I don't think that sehun wants to do what jimin has planned so from my point of view I think that jimin is the only one who is crazy here" jhope said

"Aish! I can't understand--" Jin said but jhope cutter him off and said something Jin couldn't believe

"Jungkook is involved in all of this, I don't know how. If he's on Jimin's side or what" jhope said

"What do you mean by jk is involved?" Jin asked feeling a little nervous

"I am sure you already know that jungkook have been meeting jimin all this time" jhope said and jin Nodded hesitantly "Why didn't you asked him why?"

"Because I thought that in the end he'll tell me everything himself, I didn't wanted to suspect him at all... I didn't waned to even think that jungkook is betraying me...I thought that if he truly loves me than he'll tell me but..." Jin said his voice told it clearly that he's hurt

"But what jin? I don't think you should be even thinking about jungkook betraying you cause I think jimin have something on him...I think that Jimin have been threatening jungkook with something" jhope said

"Threatening him? But with what and why?" Jin asked

"I don't know about that but I think that...jungkook and jimin have some kind of past..." Jhope said

"Like what...?"

"I can't tell you nor do I know in the first place but there's one Person who can tell you everything" jhope said

"Who is it?" Jin asked

"Yoongi, maybe try asking him... you might get your answer than" but only if Yoongi decides to be on your side...

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