CH 44

208 20 9

Author POV:

"Here!!" Jungkook shouted in the crowd while waving his hand in the air with a smile on his face

Jimin looked at jungkook who seemed so much Happy seeing jiwon who knows after how much time

Jiwon came running to jungkook  and hugged him "Appa!"

"How have been my princess?" Jungkook as he hugged her small body

"I am good!" She said with a loud voice

Jungkook looked at ms.hong who was looking at them with a smile on her face, "Hello ms.hong" She greeted back

Jungkook looked at his left side, jimin Who's eyes were just stuck at jiwon. Jungkook smiled as he saw jiwon also looking at Jimin with her doe eyes

"Appa...?" She called out and jimin nodded with a smile

She ran do him next and hugged him tightly "I missed you!"

'our family was supposed to be like this...a happy would have been only if it wasn't for Jimin but what can I do? It's only stupid thoughts' jungkook thought as he looked at the both

He came back to reality when jiwon called his name with a small pout on her pretty face, he shaked all of those thoughts away and smiled at her "Should we go?" She nodded


It was night when Jungkook came back to the mansion but jin
wasn't in their shared room. He knocked the door of the washroom just in case if he's there but he wasn't. He opened the door towards the balcony but jin wasn't there as well

He placed his phone on the bed and with a confuse look, he went out of the bedroom and went downstairs. The lights of jin's office was on, a sigh of relief left his lips as he walked there

He opened the door and found Jin sleeping while resting his head on a book which was placed on the table. All of the files and other things were placed open in front

He walked to the chair and tilted his head to left side to see Jin's face but it was covered wth his hair.jk bend down on the floor with a smile on his face

He removed the hair from his face and stared at his face. He looks so cute and peaceful while sleeping

Suddenly a wave of guilt filled me as I suddenly remembered what I did today and who I was with the whole day.

"I'll tell you everything soon...I promise..." Jk mumbled as he caressed his hair "I am so sorry jinnie...I am"

Just as he was still busy looking at jin, he brought his hand to pick the files and put them on their right place and just when he was about to pick another thing, his wrist was caught by a strong grip

He turned to look at jin who was looking at him with a small pout on his face while running his eyes cutely with the other hand

An automatic smile appeared on his face "You're awake?"

Jin nodded and released jk's drip as he sat properly "When did you came?" His voice told it that he's still half asleep

Jk answered, "Just some minutes ago"

"I see...I don't know when I slept" Jin said

"It happens with me many times, now let's go up and sleep" jk said

Jin got up from the chair and walked to the door with sleepy steps making jungkook chuckle cutely as he shake his head


The next day came, it was 5, 40 in the morning and jungkook was wide awake it's not that he didn't sleep but he woke up ten minutes ago and couldn't sleep afterwards. He sighed and pulled the covers off his body and slid off the bed and went straight to the balcony

Many people downstairs must be awake but he don't want to go down. Jin will be awake soon as well but he don't have any will of going downstairs and start the day as always

He took a deep breath in the fresh air while closing his eyes. His mind was filled with all of those thoughts that he's trying to get rid of from a long time

He just want jimin to disappear like before but never come back again, he want him to just go somewhere where jk will never see him again

Or jk want to go somewhere,  place where no one will ever be able to find him but then Jin comes in his thoughts. He can't leave him, he just can't

He's almost betraying him by meeting jimin everyday without him knowing cause he don't trust him enough? He's Scared at jin might leave him

No matter what others say, a truth that he loves Jin with all his heart can't change, a truth that the heart that once loved jimin is gone, jimin crushed it but jin gave him a new one

Jin gave him love, care, everything he ever wanted from the person he loves. Good Memories are a blessing in one's life but why does he have this thought when he can make new ones? Which might be filled with even more happiness?

That's not impossible, he can only if he want, only if he tells Jin everything. Everyone tells him to just tell Jin and everything will be better, will be good like before

But he knows it's easier said than done, it's just so hard for him. He don't know what is going to be the reaction Jin will give him?

Some months ago,

"Yah Jin! Stop chasing me already, I am tired for god sake" jk said more like rapping his words as he ran down the stairs with a heavy breath while Jin was chasing him

He quickly ran to Yoongi who just came out of jin's office and hide behind him as Jin turns left, he also turns left while dragging Yoongi. If he's turns right. He also does the same

The innocent victim between them, Yoongi who was unaware of the situation, looking at the both Confused well he can't see jungkook but he can see Jin

He could tell how badly Jin wants to catch jungkook but who am I kidding with? Yoongi is going to save his deongsaeng/younger brother

"Stop Hiding behind him and come here, give it back to me" Jin said

"I have nothing, I swear!" Jungkook said with his innocent voice, trying to look innocent

"Stop lying! You do have it--"

Jin's words got cut off as Yoongi glared at him "For the fuck Sake, stop chasing him like a baby! If Jungkook said he doesn't have it then why are you keep telling him to give it to you? Stop blaming the innocent boy"

Jin's mouth was Wide open, he can't believe Yoongi is currently taking jungkook as a victim while it's him who's one "Woah! You sekeya/bastard!"

Yoongi rolled his eyes and held jungkook wrist who showed him his popular puppy eyes, the eyes when he wants to prove himself innocent. When Yoongi was not looking he smirked Looking back Jin

Who looked very anger but also looked cute because of his whines

Stupid, he knows he's stupid but he can't help it! It's not his fault that he's born to be such a coward

He put a dark Chuckle "I am literally a coward"

He Flinched when two arms locked around his waist, hugging him from behind "Nope, you're not. You are just Hiding yourself from this cruel words, you just not trying to get brave"

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