CH 35

235 17 14

Jungkook POV:

I got off my car and walked in the cafe. I saw Jimin sitting there peacefully drinking his coffee

I cursed him under my breath and went to him with an angry expressions, I don't understand why he want to meet me now

He smiled when he not noticed me or I should say fake smile. I sat in front of him and

"What did you wanted to meet me?" I asked immediately, he shook his head with a displeased look

"First drink something, than we can talk--" Jimin tried to say but I interepted him

"Just fucking tell me the reason straight don't beat about the bush" I raised my voice a little without me wanting to

"Well, I don't want much things...but first tell me where did you keep jiwon?" Jimin asked making my blood boil, I looked left and right to make sure nobody's eyes are on us

I moved closer "After one year, what you want from her now?"

"Don't be stupid jungkook, you think I never talked with her or something? I talked with her through phone many times with the help of Ms.hong, you didn't knew that?" Jimin said

"She wouldn't even want to see you now, she's just a kid! He'll forget you if you'll never appear in his life" I said, I don't want him to meet her. No matter what

"Ah...I was thinking what to give her at her 4th birthday, it's coming soon..." Jimin said and I wanted nothing but to punch his face right here

"Stop this drama of yours...don't you dare to think I will forgive you and will leave Jin if you'll bring ---" I said and he raised his brows

"Then are you saying that Jin is more important than your daughter?" Jimin said

I clenched my fist "Just forget her, I'll never ever will let you near her"

"Then you give me no choice, you can't take a child away from his dad right?" Jimin said with a smirk

"Why are you back all of a sudden? It was you who left him, then why are you back now?" I asked more like shouted

"Because she's my daughter, I couldn't just marry Jin and left him forever of Jin could even kill him, he could do anything and I didn't wanted my daughter to get hurt because of that---"

"Stop right there, don't you dare to continue whatever you are saying. Jin...he would never hurt her and if you didn't wanted to marry him then you should have just declined, why did you had to go this far for?" I said getting a little emotional

"You shouldn't be saying this to me jungkook-ah...if I wouldn't have ran away that day, you wouldn't had gotten married to Jin, you wouldn't had gotten to love him. I just couldn't say no to him because I was afraid, he's a Mafia. He could do anything...I ran away cause I thought that atleast you'll understand me...I thought that once I'll be back, we could be together again" Jimin said with tears in his eyes and I am not sure if it's real or an act

"That's impossible, it was never possible! The day you left was the end of us, our Friendship, everything...I forgave you just for the sake of jiwon but I am not gonna do it again jimin..." I said with teary eyes

He dryly chuckled "Is that so? We'll see if It happens as you want it to..." He stopped and took out some kind of pictures from his bag and placed it on the table as he continued "If you won't listen to what I'll say then I'll tell jin everything...everything that happened in our past. I'll tell him myself and If I told him anything then I'll reveal every possible detail like, how good you were in bed, how good you looked below you used to tell me every day that you love me a lot, that I am your life--"

"Stop it!" I said just recalling those memories makes me go insane. My whole body was shaking with anger and fear, there's no way I can let Jin know anything.

He'll hate me if he do, I am the reason why Jimin left him and I am the reason why Jimin is back...I can't let him know it can't happen...

Tears were escaping my eyes and Jimin wiped it making me to push his hands away, I hate it when he touches me like the way he shouldn't.

"Why don't you understand? I am a married man Jimin--" I tried to make him understand but he

"We were--" I hate it!

"Stop it!!!" I said a little loudly "Stop bringing it up..." My voice was now low and shaky, I never imagined this day would come. I never thought that Jimin would be this Obsessed with me, if I had knew I would have never letted him take a part in my life again

"So...would you do it or not?" Jimin asked as I gulped

"I' anything you say if you won't tell Jin anything but it shouldn't include--" I couldn't complete my sentence as he spoke

"I know what you Tryna saying..." Jimin said

Do you guys have any guess about their past relationship? The next chapter will be a flashback Chap

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