CH 46

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Author POV:

Sehun was angry but jimin was angrier, he can't believe sehun is going against their plan after so much time past

A while ago, sehun suddenly called him and said that he have something important to tell him about and when Jimin came, he didn't expect sehun to say something like that and now they are arguing for no reason but it's reasonable for jimin

"Jin is your enemy! I don't understand why are you saying that you can't kill him" jimin shouted with full of anger

Sehun sighed for 15th time since jimin came, no matter whatever he say to him, jimin doesn't understand and keeps shouting

"How many times do I have to tell you, huh? I don't want to be a bad person" sehun said

Jimin laughed sarcastically "Look who's saying, the son of a mafia"

Sehun smirked "I am impressed, so you know I am just a son of a mafia not a mafia boss"

Jimin clenched his fist and took his steps closer to sehun "what made you change your mind suddenly?"

"It wasn't suddenly at all," sehun said in a calm tone as he cross his legs over another

"Yeah, you're indirectly saying that I shouldn't have trusted you at all" Jimin Said

Sehun shrugged "Suits you"

"You--" jimin took a deep breath to control himself from shouting straight at sehun's face

"I would suggest you to find someone else cause jungkook isn't going to be yours, never" sehun said like it is nothing

"It's easier said than done! Stop giving me those stupid suggestions!" Jimin shouted, sehun rolled his eyes

"Whatever, I know you're never gonna listen to me so there's no point of arguing with you, I'll prefer taking a nap" sehun said and stood up from his seat, towards his room

"That Bastard really" jimin mumbled "Looks like I'll have to do something on my own"


Sooyoung pov:

"Oh c'mon!" I said laughing hard, taehyung was Pouting like a little cute baby

I don't know why but I feel like he's nice and trustable Person. I am feeling comfortable around him even though we just met for the third time today and just in this 2 hours that he spend with me, he reassured me I can trust him

"Stop it already, you promised me that you won't laugh" he said still with a big pout, Omo! He is so cute like really?

I never knew demon plus angelic people like him exists, well he's like an angel but his mind is a little devilish so is the reason why i am starting to like him in such a short period of time

He's a nice person to talk to, to share you happiness with, to laugh with, spending time with, he's just perfect boyfriend material--

Shut up joy! Stop having those thoughts! To be honest, I don't understand which magic this guy has done on me. When I met at the mall I kept thinking about him for the rest of the day and even night

When I met him again at the cafe, I was a little shocked to see him it isn't that I didn't remember meeting him it's just that lied to him cause I didn't wanted him to think that i was thinking about him at all

I am glad I dropped my ID card or else I doubt if I would ever meet him again even though I throwed tantrums after I went home still I am glad that I was careless for the first time

"What are you thinking about for the past 2 mins?" Taehyung asked curiously, I shook my head as a 'nothing' and he didn't asked again

Well he's also sweet, doesn't make a fuss about little things and understand the other person

I am not sure if he's always like this cause when I first met him, he wasn't like this. I don't know what he really is like but the taehyung I have infront of me is the one I am developing feelings for

"You're again thinking something, I am curious!" Taehyung whined

I chuckled at his cuteness "It's nothing Babo" he rolled his eyes cutely

Yes, Oppa was right. This person is the best for me


Author POV:

After thinking for a long time, jungkook finally made a decision that he'll tell Jin everything after jiwon will leave from Korea

That day Is not far, nothing can go wrong in 5 days right? Just five days more and jungkook will make things clear with both jimin and jin

Sometime he wonder only if he and jimin wouldn't have divorced what kind of life would he have? A happy one or a sad one? Would he be receiving the love Jin is giving him?

He knows just how much Jin loves him and he is suspecting if Jin already know everything, he somehow wish he do cause it will be easier

If Jin knows everything already than it means that Jin trust him and he understands his past but if he doesn't, he don't know what kind of reaction he'll get from him

He's still not ready, he don't think that he'll be ever ready cause whenever he thinks of telling Jin, a wave of fear rush through him

Making his brain to rethink but not anymore, he'll tell Jin at all costs. Nothing can go wrong in 5, least that is what he thinks

He is still thinking whether to tell Jin about jiwon, afterall is not nothing to suddenly know that your husband have a daughter with your biggest rival

If he's gonna tell him about jiwon than he just do it before she lefts. He just needs to trust Jin at all costs and that is the solution of everything, trust

Should jk tell Jin everything before the five days or not?

What do you think will jimin do next and what made sehun change his mind?

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