CH 57

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Jhope stopped near them and looked at Sehun "I hope you won't break our trust..." Jhope said lightly before going in.

As Mr.oh noticed that sehun's attention was on jhope, he thought of taking advantage of the opportunity and save his life.

He tried to run away smoothly without him noticing but just as he took just a few steps ahead and was about to walk past Sehun, his wrist was caught by him.

Mr.oh looked Over his shoulder and heard his son's voice, "don't you think we have a lot to talk about, father?"

Mr.oh Chuckled and freed his wrist from his grip, "you think so? Do you think there's anything left to talk about?"

"Ofcourse. I need many answers from you..." Sehun said, Mr.oh raised his brows "Why did you do it, huh? Why did you ruined my life...Sooyoung's life and when you didn't had enough you even interepted in thier life"

"I did all of it for you! I thought that if Seokjin disappears that you will be the most powerful mafia, we would gain all of the power!" Mr.Oh shouted

"Did I ever asked you to do it all for this for me!? Don't you dare say that it was for me! It was for your on Greed, you never asked my opinion and always told me to do what you wanted! How many times I told you that I don't want to take after you but you always forced me on what you Desired!" Sehun shouted back

"Your fate had been decided the day you were born in my house! My blood is running in your veins and you can't deny that fact" mr.oh said

Sehun let out a dark chuckle as he looked mr.oh with a cold expression, "That's what I am trying to do...I am going to change my fate which you created mercilessly. I'll change my fate, I'll end all of it"

"I gave you soo much! Is this how a Raised you? Is this what a taught you?" Mr.oh said he was clearly trying to make Sehun stop

"I never Learnt anything from you and I am glad that I didn't and if you talk about how than just like his you shot your own daughter"

"I didn't had any intention to do that" Mr oh tried to sound like he was innocent while Sehun rolled his eyes

"Why did you even do it, huh? So you can become the strongest? So bad you can do it in your afterlife cause you are on your way to die" Sehun said

Mr Oh chuckled "Why? You think you can kill me when you couldn't even kill your uncle who tried to kill you?"

"He didn't tried to kill me, he tried to save me from you, from your devilish plans! Well, there's no point of talking about that"

"You'll regret it can't kill me" Mr oh said

"I can do that...did you thought that I'll forever see you doing this things? You know what? Even hell is not a enough place for jerks like you" Sehun said

"You ungrateful brat! Why? You want to kill me so you can have all of my money?" Mr.oh shouted

"Keep thinking that if it's makes you feel worse but I don't need those dirty money of yours. They are just piece of paper for me"

Mr.oh walked toward Sehun coldly, He Held Sehun's hand into his In which he was holding the gun. He pulled his hand up to his chest pointing it at himself and tried to act brave, "then just kill me"

Sehun reloaded the gun as he looked at Mr oh in eyes, "do you think you deserve such a peaceful death?"

Mr.oh was taken aback by his words, "You are not literally going to do it, are you?"

"The pain I saw Sooyoung suffering earlier, in change of that you Deserve the worst"

"Sehun don't be Foolish. You won't get anything by--"

Mr oh couldn't complete his words as he felt sharp pain in his heart. He weakly move his hand upto  the spot where he got shot and When he saw Blood all over his hand and body, he looked back at Sehun with red teary eyes, "how c-could you---"

Sehun shot again and Mr oh lost his balance making him fall on his knees. He held onto Sehun's pants who backed away, "only if you had been any good to this World, you wouldn't have ended up like this"

Blood began flowing from Mr.oh's mouth. Sehun's eyes got teary But he didn't Wanted to see the face of that person ever again.

Mr oh soon fell on the ground but was Still struggling and
Trying to breath broken breath which were most likely to be his last breaths.

He looked up at sehun and held his foot, "s-save... m...e, i-i'll b-be...good t...o you...Just...l-let--"

Sehun pulled his foot back and mr.oh fell back hardly, his eyes were shutting "I wish I could give you a worse death..."

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